
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Alleged Time Traveler Runs for U.S. President: Real Deal or CIA PSYOP?

By Dr Michael Salla

On December 19, Andrew Basiago, J.D., officially declared on the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast radio show that he is running as a candidate for the 2016 U.S. Presidential election

He announced that he would soon release 100 proposals, which would include telling the truth about classified projects run by the CIA that he claims to have directly participated in involving time travel and trips to Mars.

According to Basiago, these classified CIA programs pre-identified him as a future U.S. President. Is Basiago a heroic whistleblower disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, or part of a CIA sanctioned psychological operation to manipulate the disclosure process?

Basiago’s campaign will be based on the three pillars, “Truth; Reform; and Innovation in a New Agenda for a New America.” He has explained the goals of his Presidential Truth campaign bid as follows:

My plan, basically, is to sustain my Truth campaign about secret US achievements of time travel and Mars visitation; [to] continue to share my experiences in Project Pegasus [a classified time travel program] and on Mars in mainstream and alternative media. And then, as part of my recommendations of what I would bring about as President – a major one is what I would do with these two technical capabilities when I run for president in 2016.

Alfred Webre, a prominent futurist and legal scholar, pointed out a key element of Basiago’s past participation in classified CIA programs, and why he has declared himself as a U.S. Presidential candidate:

… career CIA officers associated with DARPA’s-secret time travel program confirmed that U.S. government secret time travel pre-identified him as a future U.S. President — as it did U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

The role of the CIA in pre-identifying Basiago as a future President leads to an important question. Was Basiago groomed by the CIA, since childhood, to eventually run for the U.S. Presidency on a CIA sanctioned “disclosure program?” Answering this question requires some examination of Basiago’s claims concerning teleportation, time travel, trips to Mars; and the CIA’s role in preparing him for an eventual Presidential run.

For the rest of this article and part 2

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