
Thursday, December 03, 2015

Neil Keenan Update: Revelations From the Asian Insider - They Never Believed That This Day Would Ever Come, But it Has

Revelations from the “Asian Insider”
Neil Keenan: Continuing on with and furthering their work… SALUT!

From the Keenan Team

Today we received the following information from an anonymous individual going by the name “Asian Insider”:

“After spending the past week discussing matters with Neil about the earth-shaking meeting that we attended, I have decided, with Neil’s permission, to construct an update regarding what can be classified as an imminent major change in the financial system.

For security purposes, we agreed that I would withhold my name in order to protect me and my family. You can post this if you like, or keep it to yourselves and wait until Neil completes the deal and returns to Jakarta. But I thought it would be kind to keep everyone abreast of the sweeping financial changes that are now shifting into place.

I hope you enjoy the news:

Late in the evening on November 25th, a meeting took place in an Asian country (not Indonesia) with: the Elders, who represent the largest depository of the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) assets (worth Quadrillions); the Spiritual Advisor to the Elders; Jo, who served as the translator; and Neil Keenan. Security was very tight – what seemed like an “army” of guards safeguarded the home where the meeting was being held.

Realizing that many such meetings in the past had resulted in nothing but empty promises, Neil was cautiously optimistic. Still he voiced his thinking that “maybe this time it’s different, maybe this is ‘it,’ the doors are opening and the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) at long last would start flowing to humanity,” — as it was all originally meant to be.

After catching up with one another, the meeting kicked off with the startling revelation that the Elders have been holding a cache of assets for Neil for over a year now, waiting for a “safe” time to transfer them to him.

With bands of mercenaries relentlessly patrolling the bunker areas in hopes of stealing the assets for their bosses (George Soros and the Rothschild family), the transfer of the cache to Neil poses mortal danger for every single person involved. So far four Elders have been murdered by these maniacal mercenaries.

It’s become common knowledge there about the mercenaries being severely cruel and merciless with anyone found in the vicinity of the bunkers. Their prime directive is to block Neil and his team from getting to the assets. The mercenaries follow no rules on how this gets accomplished.

After briefing Neil about the assets that are waiting for him, and that the “safe” time for their release is at hand, he was further surprised to learn that a year ago the Elders had also drawn up “letters” for him to sign.

Upon his signature, Neil Keenan would be known as Number 1 (N1) — or, as the position is more commonly known, M1.

It was by unanimous consent among all of the Elders that they elected Neil as N1. Had there been even one dissenting Elder, he would not have been elected.

Presently the documents are being finalized and sent to Neil for his signature. He will be given full Power of Attorney over their depository of GCA assets and officially become the Elders’ sole representative and spokesperson for all dealings and the release of the funds to implement the Humanitarian Projects.

Should he accept the responsibility of being N1, Neil will control the issuing of the assets to 132+ Nations. To this he held some objections because after all, governments are criminal corporations that would simply pocket the asset funds rather than implement any humanitarian projects.

But Neil came up with an acceptable solution. A Foundation will be established with the GCA and his “umbrella” organization through which the funds would flow for worldwide humanitarian projects.

No banks, governments, corporations nor individuals will have direct access to these funds without going through the Foundation.

The funds will be distributed first to Indonesia and then to each of the 132+ Nations for projects such as the release of free energy and suppressed technologies, the cleaning of our water and the restoration of our oceans and lands, rebuilding infrastructure, education programs, etc. etc.

However, this designation of N1 did not seem to enthuse Neil, and immediately he discussed the group that he would like to set up to oversee such matters. Neil stated that he would direct his professional team to ensure that the distribution of funds and resulting projects are successfully initiated and maintained for their intended purpose.

As the meeting came to a close, the Elders made one additional point clear — that Neil is free to venture forth with his own undertakings but with one provision: that he never loses sight of Indonesia. There was no contention on this provision because Neil wants the Spiritual Advisor by his side and the support of the Elders. And since it is well-known that Neil’s intent has always been to see that Indonesia becomes the “Jewel of Southeast Asia,” this strong alliance with the Elders guarantees the most positive outcome possible.

At this point, the meeting ended, and Neil and Jo returned to their hotel.”

So there it is — should Neil Keenan sign the documents, he will be N1 (= M1) for the worldwide distribution of the GCA assets.

Meanwhile on the other side of Asia, Nelu had met with a group of Elders who will assist in opening the Accounts and getting Neil and the team set up. I must say that this has surely been a double-barrel effort by both of them to get things rolling!

For nearly 100 years the Indonesian Elders have held these notes on behalf of the depositors. They have not been able to make use of any of the notes because the Western banking system has shut them down every step of the way.

It cannot go without saying that the Elders have not been given any remuneration for what they have safeguarded for so long. Some have been assassinated, and some have been imprisoned for their roles in spite of the fact that each and every move the Elders have made has been entirely legal.

Yet in Europe the Western banking system has illegally managed to get hold of notes and use them as “casino bonds,” freely gambling them on anything they chose – they never worry about losing what they don’t own.

But now it cannot be denied that the game is changed. Drastically. Not only does Neil have the old codes from the Book of Codes, he also has all of the New Codes. Once the accounts are opened and audited, the codes will reveal precisely who played with the depositors’ notes.

They can continue to ignore the consequences at their own peril. It is no secret that solid arrangements are being set up where all of these criminals will be held accountable for their atrocities and then “quarantined” to a place where they can never again control and decimate another planet.

They never foresaw such an outcome. They never believed that this day would ever come. But it has.

Last-Ditch Ploys of the FED — Last month a group representing the Federal Reserve arrived in Indonesia and approached several Elders. This group claimed they would cash in or monetize the assets that the Elders were holding but only on one condition: the Elders could do no business whatsoever with Neil Keenan.

Of course the Elders are well aware of the crimes that the Federal Reserve foisted upon humanity since its very inception in 1913. They’re well aware of what President Sukarno and President Kennedy tried to do 52 years ago.

In fact, the Elders are well aware of a lot more than what wealth will do for this planet. They know their legacy is ultimately a spiritual one, the only eternal value.

That even such a proposal would be presented to the Elders reflects that the FED is in such deep denial as to be inconceivable.

No normal human being wants perpetual war and planetary destruction. No normal human being wants more pain and disease. No normal human being wants any more of the darkness that the Cabal has created on this planet.

But it still remains an all-out, high-stakes game for the Cabal. Their massive desperation is evident everywhere, more than ever. Their desperation is no longer just internet “hopium” chatter.

Pathetically, this escalated “theater of terror” orchestrated by the Cabal is hardly a dignified swansong. A reminder for them: it does not have to be this way.

The truth is that in every single moment a new choice can be made. The change is upon us all now and instead of events that sweep the world with devastation, we will now see events that sweep the world with positive creation.

Once Neil gains access to the GCA and the funds start flowing, it means the utter dismantling of the Cabal. This is the catalyst we have been working for. The playing field will now tip in our favor, and their insane reign comes to an end. It can be no other way.

As one group of Elders has repeatedly told Neil: “We have been waiting for you for 30 years Mr. Keenan, and now you are here.”

The nations of the world elected President Sukarno as M1, the monetary controller of the GCA. Now the Elders have elected Neil Keenan as N1.

Neil has been responsible for the protection of the GCA for more than six years, and like the Elders, there has been no remuneration for their efforts. They have selflessly laid the groundwork for what is to come. Who can say what untold millions of lives, or even future generations, have been saved due to their groundwork. Without a doubt, Keenan stands as a one-man wrecking crew.

John Lennon taught us to Imagine. Ahead of us, we as a collective have meaningful, fulfilling jobs to do for the betterment of mankind and the planet.

I am sharing the big picture of what I’m seeing now because I feel compelled to have as many as possible imagine and embrace the concept that we will now be given the means to rebuild our world. We ALL need to be thinking about this and envisioning what we want because it is the only way to make it happen.

We will evolve. We will live up to our potential as a species. What is happening is On Time. Our Time. Believe it.”

Asian Insider at:

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