
Saturday, January 02, 2016

Will Document Dumps Reveal Secret Space Programs and Aliens in 2016?

By Dr. Michael Salla

In June 2015, details emerged of a “full disclosure” plan allegedly developed by an alliance of Secret Space Programs to reveal to the world the truth about these highly classified programs and the existence of extraterrestrial life.

According to Corey Goode, who claims to have worked in several secret space programs for 20 years and in early 2015 was appointed as a liaison for a visiting group of extraterrestrials, the “full disclosure” plan envisaged massive document dumps.

In his June 15 response to a question about what the full disclosure plan involved, Goode wrote:

A full disclosure event would consist of a major data dump on the Internet with many hundreds of thousands of document, audio and video files on multiple mirrored sites for everyone to have access to. There would be a collapse of the corporate media machine and a 24/7 television and radio education campaign would be initiated. Not all channels and stations would be co-opted so people are not overwhelmed and could “tune out” as they needed to due to the stress.

Goode then contrasted this with a “partial disclosure” event that was being planned by a group of human elites often described as the Illuminati/Cabal:

If a person or group go public and reveal the existence of ET visitation and some advanced technologies, but not technologies that would collapse a “New Financial System” or reveal the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated by the “Human Elite” and certain “Off World” or “Ancient Break Away Groups” then you have not been told the whole truth.

That would be a partial disclosure where the narrative has been controlled by a group preserving their power and avoiding the release of their crimes. The majority of the world would be shocked by this information alone and it would occupy their imaginations for some time. Very few of us at the current moment would realize that this was just another deception.

In a series of three Secret Space Program related meetings held in June 2015, Goode reported that the Cabal/Illuminati were willing to proceed with their own limited disclosure event, and gave late November 2015 as a possible “partial disclosure” date if agreement could be found with the Secret Space Program Alliance. Agreement was not found and so at the start of 2016 we find ourselves in the position that there are two disclosure plans that are ready to move forward when the right conditions have been reached.

In the most recent episode of Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock, Goode explained what conditions needed to be reached for the full disclosure plan to move forward:

For the rest of this article:

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