
Saturday, March 05, 2016

Corey Goode: Intel, Cabal and Our Co-Creative Group Consciousness

Group consciousness is making a group decision right now.

So, where's all the new intel?
Why does a reduction in intel cause such wild speculation among so many (Social/Genetic Programming or just fear of the unknown?)...

Intel comes in as it comes in. It is not a faucet that you can just turn on and fill a curiosity container with. As always, just because things aren't appearing in print immediately on this website doesn't mean that things are not occurring.

We are at a critical point in choosing our path as a joint consciousness... Everyone is going to have to be their own savior figure... Only us acting as a group can make the needed course corrections to get us back on path. We are still in the window.

Getting upset that savior beings aren't going to swoop down from the sky and do the work for us just proves their point. Many of these groups (and beings) don't think we are capable of figuring things out and rising to the occasion and to become part of the solution.

It is time for us to get off our knees and our rear ends and participate in the process.

That is the whole point of the original "message" that they delivered to us. We still have a window of opportunity to make sure full disclosure occurs, don't give up now just because the call has gone out to everyone to "put their own skin in the game" and stop waiting to be saved.

That is what many of these more advanced beings are waiting for us to do at this very moment. What WE do next determines our future... NOT just Elites and various Alliance Groups... Not ET's or ED's... It is going to be us as a community that is a major catalyst for full disclosure during the attempts of these groups to give us a partial disclosure.

Just because this is the plan that the PTW and various Earth Alliance groups are moving forward with doesn't mean that it is the plan they will get. No plan (No matter how well thought out) survives the battlefield.

For the rest of this article click Here

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