
Saturday, April 02, 2016

Awakened Stasis Giants Secretly Located and Imprisoned by Global Elite

Giants that have been in hibernation in “stasis chambers” for thousands of years are awakening, and are being sought out by elite military forces, according to several independent sources.

By Dr. Michael Salla

After being located, awakened giants are allegedly being captured and held hostage by powerful global elite groups that do not want the rest of humanity to learn the truth.

Secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, was among the first to publicly disclose the existence of “stasis chambers” that were holding perfectly preserved giants for thousands of years. In an August 4, 2015 interview on the popular show, Cosmic Disclosure, Goode discussed how he had accessed information on “smart-glass pads” during his covert service about these sleeping giants and the technology of the stasis chambers that were preserving them.

Goode said:

When I was in the program, the Secret Space Program, when I would have time to sit and look at the smart-glass pad, there was lots of information that I looked at. And one of them was that there were beings that they found underneath the surface of Earth, underneath…usually underneath mountains, burial mountains… Indian burial mounds that were not dead but weren’t quite alive. They called them “stasis beings”. And it turned out that had used a technology that had been there long prior, from this group they called the “ancient builder race”… So, it didn’t put the beings in stasis that a lot of us would think of, as in being frozen. But it just changed the way they experienced time.… they would probably go to sleep for maybe 20 minutes, and 30,000 years or so would pass by.…

Goode described the size of the beings found in the stasis chambers when they were first discovered in the 19th century, all over the planet:

And to look down in, they saw these very tall beings, or very large giant humans with reddish beards…. these tall, red-headed, red beard groups were in Europe and South and North America. And apparently, at one time, before the last Ice Age apparently, they had a very large area that they ruled.

Goode gave examples of stasis chambers that had been found around the world. Some were still operating with different modern human groups that had learned to use the technology, while others had been damaged and the beings in stasis had died as a result.

For the rest of this article: Click Here

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