
Sunday, May 01, 2016

Neil Keenan Update: Revolution


We don’t want to change the world
We’d like to improve it

Can you smell it coming? It is moving fast, and if for any reason you cannot smell it, then just dig a hole and put your head in it, because you will just get in the way above ground. That is something no one needs right now.

We don’t want to change the world. We want to fix it.

Just yesterday Neil called the shot that the NATO / US / Finns were secretively running around about the Russian border, while he also pointed out the possibility that Obama was looking to create WW3 once again. Today we have this:

Obama Calling For German Military Support To Fight Russia

Sure enough, Obama wishes to have his ass handed to him one way or another. Whether it be militarily or by revolution, it does not matter to us so long as he leaves The White House that was never intended for him to live in from the very beginning.

What if we all just said, “No”? Do you think they would get the message? Well, it’s fast coming to this! So many are saying, “This cannot happen!” However, in an instance, we could be tossed right into the middle of the fire. And why? Because Obama wants to remain President beyond his term so that he can finish off the extraction of the US for the NWO globalist agenda.

Remember, Obama is their puppet.

This is where you the people have to be diligent. You have to know the US remains strong, but it will be destroyed if we elect the wrong person. So we must place someone capable of fighting off all of the ominous challenges created by Obama’s appointees.

Who could that be? Hillary? Cruz? Forget about it; they would take the chosen NWO track and dig a hole for what we once knew as the United States of America… Surely the name change will do us some good to take us back to sovereignty, but first we must vote in the one person who will and can help us… someone with brass balls who already has overcome numerous death threats and party pressure.

For the rest of this important update with videos click Here

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