
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Sheldan Nidle Update: On The Verge of "Something Wonderful"

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Heaven is carrying out a special divine plan that you and I are a most wondrous part of. Let us work in our own way for this most glorious new reality!

Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

Selamat Jalwa! At present, the movement of critical funds has slowed in order to be carefully protected by new security protocols. The Chinese ancient families are worried since a number of incidents are occurring that threaten the continued flow of funds. The dark cabal is doing everything possible to interfere with this growing flow. The attack on SWIFT, coupled with a general increase in the number of vital “hacks” into the money supply, is temporarily compromising overall security. For these reasons, the process caused the ancient families to order a slowing of the movement of these funds. This hold was only for a brief 48-hour period and was quickly put back into place. It is believed that this precaution led to a positive set of new countermoves, which recaptured any funds somehow lost during this period of brief stoppage. These measures enabled any difficulties to be met with new strategies, which allow these funds to be transferred from point to point in a much more secure way. Any difficulties are thus being quickly met and conquered!

We are currently getting ready to hand out the prosperity funds to those lucky enough to heed the reports about these funds in the mid-1990s. This set of deliveries is to be received by those who have mostly given up on this ever happening. The Bush family syndicate unceremoniously stole most of these funds in the period between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. These funds were recovered over ten years ago and form the basis for some of the criminal charges to be levied against this broad syndicate. We are holding off on these very special arrests until a series of diverse charges are fully authenticated and acted upon. This crime syndicate has been expanded during the past half-decade. It seems that practically every US President over the past three decades has had their hand in this enormous cookie jar. The level of corruption and just plain stealing saturates every nook and cranny of the entity that we call “USA Inc.” This entity definitely needs to disappear as fast as we are able to finish rounding up all its suspects. The end for this regime is near!

Currently, this realm is slowly transforming. The dark cabal erroneously believes that its repairs to this reality can hold. Nothing is further from the truth! Tiny rips in the space-time continuum are appearing everywhere. Heaven understands that this reality can only transform as swiftly as it is able. The edges of this reality are like a huge net caught within the turbulence of a great hurricane. This net can only tear until it is no longer able to perform its duties. This is what is quickly happening to the energy constructs that comprise this reality’s life forces. The only possibility is to transform into a much less dense construct. This higher reality is forcing surface humanity to become less and less dense and this translates into higher and higher forms of consciousness. The dark’s feeble interference cannot continue much longer with this heavenly response to the conditions at hand. Nature abhors a vacuum. Anything done to try to prevent the natural flow of energies is doomed to failure. Deep down, the dark cabal now realizes this fact and is presently bracing for the inevitable.

We can see how close our earthly allies are to their final all-inclusive victory. As just stated, there is a natural and quite heavenly force at work here. Our operations fully support this force and we expect to see pervasive harbingers of this force at work. Heaven knows just how powerful what is happening truly is. Once your basic perceptions of this grand truth become the norm, it is impossible to return to a much lower energy concept of this reality. In effect, this reality has been taken along a one-way path to a newer, much less dense normality. These alterations are affecting every aspect for change. The dark’s vile plans are unworkable. All life forms can sense how this higher energy is transforming you and all in this reality. The old ways are gone and a new set of consciousness rules is taking over. This is altering how this reality actually works and is doing so mostly at a microscopic level. You as a conscious Being are becoming aware of these changes and your inner beliefs are quickly changing. In effect, you are now on the verge of what can be called “something wonderful.”

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!
Over the past few months our various associates have been finishing the final procedures to bring you your blessings. These operations were aided by the diligent legal maneuvers of several key volunteers who have discovered how to successfully thwart the legions of the dark cabal. Consequently, we can report that a series of key deliveries can be made to you shortly. We are blessed as well by the surreptitious actions of Heaven. The most sacred Beings have set the stage for a series of miraculous events that are to quickly alter how this present reality operates. Each reality is governed by a set of rules that, when so deemed by Heaven, can be altered. This is now in process. Heaven is divinely forging a new or “bridge” reality for us. While this is in effect, we can expect the power of the dark to wane and the Light’s power to grow. We thank Heaven for this blessed dispensation. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

This change in energies is related to an important set of blessed processes. Your density is again deceasing and new chakras are being added. These various procedures by Heaven are moving your consciousness upward and adding new chakras to your bodies. In committing their heinous act nearly 15,000 years ago, Atlantis's main scientists secretly moved you lower in consciousness and increased your body’s overall density. Heaven, as noted, is now reversing this vile experiment. During the following reign of the Anunnaki, you were given false beliefs that explained these changes to you as a natural act. This is far from the Truth! Our mission is to use our mercy and grace to protect you, and prepare you as well for a most crucial need for lessons from us regarding the truth. We have been working at this for the past 3,000 years! We thank Heaven for their aid in carrying out this most divine mission!

Gaia has spent the past 13 millennia living with two separate realities. With the final set of transformations that lead to your ascension, Gaia can return this globe to one reality. This new reality is to mirror Inner Earth and raise two firmaments in her new atmosphere. These acts are to restore her and her sister worlds to where they were when Atlantis first fell. This amazing, pristine world is to become the core for a truly wondrous solar system. This new solar system is to contain 12 main planets and a most magnificent central sun! You are to be the guardians of this most beautiful new star nation. Our mutual focus and daily prayers, as well as our joint meditations, are to help make all of this possible. Heaven is to give us all a sacred duty to assist the rest of this galaxy in its final transformation to the Light. This divine act is to be reflected in what is to be done in the countless galaxies around us! Hosanna!

Today, we continued our weekly reports to you. Many amazing events are quite near to a most incredible conclusion for all. Heaven is carrying out a special divine plan that you and I are a most wondrous part of. Let us work in our own way for this most glorious new reality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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