
Monday, June 06, 2016

Dr. Steven Greer: Campaign Update

Behind the scenes with Dr. Greer

By Dr. Steven Greer

A Quick Campaign Update

We'll be sharing more soon, but wanted to send another THANK YOU out to everyone who has been supporting
The Campaign That Ends Illegal UFO & Free Energy Secrecy!

We just crossed over $451,000 as of 06/06/2016 and have received over 2000 donations from friends like you ... which now means we are under $49,000 short of our minimum goal!

We say "minimum", because we are hoping to go over that goal amount in order to bring even MORE into the public and expand this campaign - but, we'll talk about that at a later date and fill you in. Our minimum goal covers the initial film and book release, so we know we are almost there ... and we couldn't have done it without YOU!

We began filming not long ago and have already started scheduling witness interviews for June and July. However, we are always looking for more witnesses to come forward. So, if you know of anyone that can help us get the word out ... especially within the Military and Government circles, please do so. The time could not be more critical.

You can share this video from Dr. Greer below or you might even decide to share his urgent update radio interview that he recently did on Dr. Carol Rosin's show. He discusses the importance of what's going on in the world of DIS-information and why we need to pay very close attention.

Please keep on sharing our posts, it helps us tremendously. And, from all of us on the Sirius Disclosure Team, we send another heartfelt
THANK YOU for your support!

Other items of interest:

Participate. Share. Follow ...

Watch this space!
We have a NEW and special series launching soon!

Have you watched the Sirius movie for FREE on our YouTube channel? Make sure to see it again if it's been a while. And, for those who wish to own the film for your own personal collection, we have the DVD on sale in our store!

IN NEVADA on November 12, 2016!

Dr. Greer will be at
"Art Music & UFOs - The Evolution of Human Consciousness"

A very special line up of speakers from around the globe will also be at this conference, so
click here for the best price and more information

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