
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dr. Steven Greer: Important Message About the UFO Disclosure Film "Unacknowledged"

From Dr. Steven Greer:

A Message From DR. Greer About the new Crowdfunding Goals for the UFO Disclosure Film "Unacknowledged"

Dear Donors,

Thank you for your generous support of the "Unacknowledged" film!

With your help we have now reached our minimum goal of $500,000 to produce the movie and companion book by the same title. I would like to personally thank each and every one of you who have given to the campaign for your contribution.

As some of you already know, we have just completed filming some of the most important and significant top secret witnesses in Disclosure history, whose testimony will be featured in the new documentary.

As we look to the future of the campaign and the eventual release of the film, we want everyone to understand that we need your continued support now more then ever to assist us with getting the word out further and to help us raise the next round of funding support relating to the global roll out of the film and other aspects of the initiative including:
  • Continuing the Campaign to end illegal UFO secrecy and
        bring free energy to the world.

  • Identify new top secret witnesses and obtain further hard

  • Building a robust educational, PR and marketing campaign
        for "Unacknowledged" so that as many people on Earth     know that we are not alone and it is time for the truth to be     told!

  • When Sirius first came out, our team lacked the funds to do a global campaign and marketing initiative that would rival similar Hollywood productions. Even with our limited resources, we managed to break records and put the film in as many households as we could with what we had to work with.

    For this new movie, we intend to quadruple our efforts with the marketing of the film to our global audience and we will need your help to crowdsource a massive Publicity and Advertising Campaign that could easily reach into the millions of dollars for a film of this size.

    We intend to make "Unacknowledged" a household word known around the world. This can only be done with an extensive educational and public relations budget, which we currently do not have.

    We thank you in advance for any further funds you can provide or guide into the campaign through your network, all of which will help us to achieve these goals.

    If all the people on our mailing list each gave only $10, we would have an additional $800,000 for these critical post-production, marketing and educational initiatives that we are eager to deploy.

    Again, thank you for all of your support and lets keep the momentum going!


    Steven M. Greer MD

    To support the campaign that ends illegal UFO and free energy secrecy please click here:

    Please use our hashtags when you post about us on social media: #‎unacknowledged #sirirusdisclosure‎

    Look for our second trailer in the weeks to come! In the meantime, please view and share our first trailer by clicking here:
    Unacknowledged Trailer #1

    Click HERE to help end illegal UFO and free energy secrecy!

    1 comment:

    1. I encourage such sacrifice to counter our rulers science and history control. So many discoveries have been silenced, as UFO & USO's and encounters. USA has made a law against such contacts in Apollo years, I dont think HE has all the picture and dont trust his contacts first hand knowledge neither, rockets will not work in non atmosphere, no way they use that insane Apollo lander. And yes their are demoniac advanced civilisations as our Reptile neighbors.
