
Friday, September 23, 2016

David Wilcock and Corey Goode - Cosmic Disclosure: Encounters with Ancient Sentinels

Cosmic Disclosure: Encounters with Ancient Sentinels

David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. We're here with Corey Goode. Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: What happens next in our big story here?

Corey: Well, next I finally get to repeat my trip to Venus, the one that I'd went on before, but we were unable to complete the trip because there was some sort of scheduling conflict with another group that was visiting Venus.

David: Well, you also seem to have kind of like a confrontation, right? There's these ships that are kind of orbiting around Venus, and I had the sense that they did not want you getting any closer, and it was almost like a military standoff or something.

Corey: Well, there was one that was blocking us, but the communication was going on between Kaaree and them, I presume.

She sat there silently and then told me that we would need to return.

David: So you mentioned in your update [Corey Goode Intel Update Part 2] that August 3 [2016] you were told to prepare for this, but this was just sort of to get you ready for it.

Corey: Right.

David: So how did you get prepared for this?

Corey: I was doing my best to meditate and get in the right frame of mind, because Gonzales had been turned away.

David: So did Kaaree give you any specific instruction as to how to prepare for this trip?

Corey: No, she just told me to prepare myself, that it was about to occur.

David: And you knew that Gonzales had been taken away, and what did the Sentinel tell Gonzales at the time about why he couldn't go in?

Corey: That he lacked humility.

David: Lacked humility?

Corey: [Nods.]

David: When did you actually get the opportunity to visit Venus? When did that happen?

Corey: About a week later. I was laying in bed, and bright flash, just like the first time I was transported down to the Anshar domain. And after the flash, after my eyes had cleared, I was standing next to Kaaree and two other Anshar in kind of like a foyer that went into the area where they housed their craft, into their hangar.

David: So this is still in the Inner Earth at this point.

Corey: Yes.

David: Okay.

Corey: So they guided me inside. We went inside one of the Anshar buses, the one that had the blue seats, and a blue, swirling light opened above us longways like this. We went straight up through it. And as we came up through it, we were now above the ocean and another blue, swirling light below us.

David: Interesting.

Corey: The craft didn't go longways. [Corey show the nose pointing upwards.] It was still sideways, flat, like I mean parallel to the ground. It shot straight up in the air and out into space through this one little area that they are cleared to punch in and out of the atmosphere through.

David: Huh.

Corey: So once we had left, it was uneventful. We didn't have any problems coming or going like we did the one time.

David: Nobody was shooting at you, in other words. Ha, ha, ha.

Corey: Right. But that was in the middle of whatever conflict was going on at the South Pole.

David: Right.

Corey: And this time, she took us to Venus. They took us to Venus. And this time the trip was like 10 minutes. It was much quicker than the last one.

David: Huh.

Corey: And we stopped at just about the same position we did before, and we paused there for a little bit, and she was sitting there like she was doing something in her mind. And then she said, “Okay, we're cleared. Are you ready?”

And I said, “Yeah, about as ready as I'm going to be.”

David: Were there any craft in the atmosphere at that time?

Corey: No. The only thing that was showing up on the Anshar technology, it looked like an asteroid and debris with it that was far out in Venus' atmosphere, caught in its gravitational field.

David: Interesting. Okay.

Corey: So once I indicated that I was ready, we headed towards Venus at a super high rate of speed, punching through the thick clouds. I barely could perceive yellowish color, we went through them so fast.

And then we stopped about 1,000 feet [305 meters] above the ground, and I was looking around, and I saw this terrain that looked like it had been eroded by lots of wind and rain, sort of like you would see in Earth. They looked like they used to be mountains going up that had eroded away, and they looked almost like people. It looked almost carved by an intelligent hand.

So I was noticing that, when all of a sudden the ceiling and the floor went transparent, just as it had done in our Antarctic reconnaissance flight.

David: Right.

Corey: And I looked down, and I could see the big, giant, H-shaped building sitting inside this crater.

David: Hmm.

Corey: And we were close enough to it where I could see there was a line that went across . . . Like here was the H, a line went all the way across it that divided it into basically two buildings.

David: Hm.

Corey: And we were sitting there, and I saw down at the bottom a flash that we could see through the technology. Once that occurred, we went down at a very high rate of speed.

David: Are you feeling acceleration?

Corey: No. I couldn't feel any inertia, but my mind was, I guess, playing tricks on me, and I felt that falling feeling you get in your stomach.

David: Hm.

Corey: But I wasn't feeling any inertia. And we stopped at the bottom, and the sheer size of these two buildings that were . . . They weren't connected. There's nothing I could compare them to.

David: So these buildings you're saying are colossal in size.

Corey: Yeah, bigger than anything . . . There's nothing I could compare them to, man-made-wise.

David: Would you say they were miles in height?

Corey: Miles.

David: Really?

Corey: It was HUGE!

David: Did they have a sculpted appearance? Did they look like they were made out of something . . .

Corey: Flat.

David: So it was a flat, kind of sharp-edged structure.

Corey: Right. Right.

David: How neat and finished did it look? Did it look broken down and degraded?

Corey: Yeah, it looked ancient.

David: Okay. Wow!

Corey: And weathered. We shot down to the bottom where we saw the flash, and when I was looking up, I could barely see the top of the building.

David: Wow!

Corey: It was huge. We flew inside this cavern down at the bottom, and we landed in the area where Gonzales had gone before. It was kind of like a grotto area that wasn't extremely large. The walls were glistening as if there was, I don't know, some sort of crystalline nature to 'em.

David: Hm.

Corey: And there were two things similar to obelisks on either side of . . . Okay, there was a door here, a huge door going into the larger part of the cavern. The Anshar craft was here, and then there was an obelisk thing on each side of the entrance to the door, but not exactly by the entrance.

And they had Hs on them, kind of like a totem pole manner going up. And it got smaller and smaller.

David: Okay, got it.

Corey: So once I looked around and I noticed that, and I was looking through the opening, and I could see one little piece of the structure that we were going to go to. And it looked like tinted glass.

David: Were the obelisks that you saw also glass-looking?

Corey: Stone.

David: Stone. Okay.

Corey: And they looked newer. They didn't look real old, but maybe it's because they were protected.

David: Was the H like carved inside the stone, like carved in? Or was it embossed and it came out?

Corey: It was carved in.

David: Okay.

Corey: And then – boom! - with no warning, this 14-foot-tall white being appears.

And it's wearing clothing that looks like shiny, white plastic.

David: Wow!

Corey: Yeah. And the most interesting thing was that they had black eyes, but they had this nose . . . The bridge of their nose went down, and then it looked like it kind of turned up. Like part of the nose was shooting down, and then this part right here [the tip of the nose] was going up.

It is very odd looking.

David: When you see black eyes, you mean did they have whites of their eyes, or was it totally black? The iris was black?

Corey: The iris.

David: Black.

Corey: Right.

David: So they have a very unusual nose.

Corey: Right. Chiseled bone structure, real straight lines in the cheeks, and white hair, or what would pass for hair.

For the rest of this gripping update click Here

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