
Friday, October 07, 2016

David Wilcock and Corey Goode - Cosmic Disclosure: Arrival of the Spheres With William Tompkins


David Wilcock

Corey Goode

William Tompkins

David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode. And in this episode, we have another round of incredible disclosures from William Tompkins, our 94-year-old aerospace engineer.

This man does not have Internet access. He does not have an email address. He was completely unaware of who Corey Goode was or what he had said at the time that these tapings were done.

But yet, what he is about to tell us in this episode is, again, going to be one of the most significant things we have ever done with this show, because the amount of correlation that you are about to see here is utterly mind-blowing.

So without further ado, let's check out what Tompkins has to say. It is going to rock you. Take a look.

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William Tompkins: As far as our situation now today, It's been accepted that we have a number of different vehicles, which are actually planets that are hollow, that move through the galaxy to monitor good guys and bad guys, wars and no wars, people taking advantage of other people on different stars' planets, and that, as of about a year and a half ago, one of these parked just outside of the solar system.

And it has been there for the past year and a half. And this vehicle is quite large, and it has over 2,000 different extraterrestrial civilization people on board as observers and as monitors.

And it's parked out there, monitoring what's been going on here since the Romans, since way before the Romans.

They have blocked the extraterrestrials who are here, are underground in the caverns, from leaving, and they're not allowing their buddies to come in.

I understand that there's two goals. One of them is to nullify the problem with the Sun.

The Sun is alive. Okay? Stars are alive. I think it's a hard time accepting this. And they have moods. And essentially, we have to go back to the . . . I'm not making this complicated, but we have to go back to the center of the galaxy.

What's going on there?

And there's not too many stars in our galaxy compared to a lot of really big ones, but all of the stars are affected in some way by the Sun.

If the Sun sneezes, all of our communication – radio, electronics, everything – is affected.

So there's this group of people, whatever you want to call them, who are attempting to primarily nullify the effects to a region, which is not just like the solar system or our star's system, but do this as a business so that the levels of catastrophes, things that cause dangers to the people and to the planet, are less.

So we can be easily affected. Our attitudes, our daily attitudes, can be changed. We can end up being a really good Republican, and for some reason we're going to change over and be the other guy.

The beings that are in that sphere, they're not agreeing with the Sun. That's just one thing they're not agreeing with.

They're very concerned about Reptilians implementing situations which are not tolerable in their way of life, and that this needs to be corrected.

They must have been doing their homework long enough to where they feel that little planet Earth has had it for a long enough time, and that that needs to be corrected.

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David Wilcock: All right. Well, that was very, very interesting stuff here – just so many correlations popping out all over the place. I don't even know where to begin.

Corey Goode: Packed full of information.

David: He starts out by talking about planet-sized objects, that it's now considered a common fact on the inside track there that there are various extraterrestrial species going around and, he said, monitoring other solar systems with these planet-sized objects.

What do you think exactly they're monitoring for?

Corey: Apparently, there are groups that go from star to star, or star cluster to a star cluster even throughout the galaxy, that are monitoring the progress of different worlds, and they also monitor to see if there's any intervention occurring from outside groups, which . . . it would kind of be breaking like the “Star Trek” nonintervention . . .

David: The Prime Directive.

Corey: The Prime Directive.

David: So he mentioned that these planet-sized objects are also looking to see if there's a war, if something unfair is taking place. So in certain cases, they might also take proactive steps to preserve that Prime Directive?

Corey: Yes, but in a way that would not interfere openly with the inhabitants of a certain planet that they're wanting to progress on its own.

David: So then he seems to be saying that he believes that that's happening here, that one of these spheres is taking proactive steps here.

Corey: There's been intelligence. And I think you reported on one, I think in the '80s. One of your whistleblowers told you that one of these types of objects, a tangible sphere that was very large, came in and was cruising around the different planets.

David: Yeah, they called it The Seeker, and it had portholes on it that were 800 miles wide when they opened up . . .

Corey: Wow!

David: . . . and all kinds of ships coming out. And it was dark. You couldn't really see too well inside when it opened, but it opened up like a circle.

Corey: Right. So my intel has not told me that there are these type of spherical craft outside of our solar system that are preventing people from coming and going.

The intelligence I had was that the spheres that came in were these energetic spheres. So this could be different intel, or it could be intel that's been passed down after going through several different sources, and then it's kind of like the telephone game.

David: Right.

Corey: It slightly changes as it goes. And if people have different agendas, they can curtail it a little bit.

David: Now, I want to address this, because I don't want people in the comment section to think that, “Oh, well, they debunked William Tompkins.”

There is a slight mishap in his wording that we need to talk about here, and that is that he mentions, first of all, a year and a half ago that one sphere showed up outside our solar system. But then he said that it's been here since Roman times.

Corey: I think that he probably meant that these have been coming and going since that period.

David: Okay. So do you think that for him to have said this, that he must have heard it from someone else, that this was intel that he had received?

Corey: Absolutely. Yeah.

David: Okay.

Corey: It was intel that had trickled down from the higher Secret Space Programs.

David: Could you just briefly, before we discuss the timelines here, briefly review for us how did the outer barrier get started? What was the inciting incident that led to that happening, and when?

Corey: So these energetic spheres had been entering the solar system for a number of years, through both the Sun and from outside the solar system. So they knew that these spheres were around and that these spheres were monitoring them.

David: The Cabal knew?

Corey: The Cabal knew. And the inhabitants . . . They thought that these spheres were full of aliens. And they were trying to hail them to communicate, and they were getting no communication back whatsoever.

So at first, they thought that it was the return of the Sumerian gods, and a lot of them got really excited. But soon, they discovered that this was not a group coming in to help them.

So eventually, they decided to use an experimental new weapon. The actual weapon was in Australia, and I found out that the targeting happened from somewhere in Africa, in Southern Africa.

David: Mm. Okay.

Corey: They locked onto one of the moon-sized spheres that was actually out past the Moon just a little ways, and they fired on it. And when they did, the energy was just redirected back at the location it was fired from and it destroyed a portion of that base and killed a lot of people.

David: And as I've reported, the ISS caught a video of this.

There's a red laser with a little red glow around what appears to be something, and, in fact, NASA had to come out and make a public statement in which they said, “Oh, this was just a test to try to create an artificial star using laser technology.”

For the rest of this exciting Cosmic Disclosure article click Here

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