
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sheldan Nidle Update: Let The Wondrous Bells Ring

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

You are almost free! The debtor cloud is to be removed forever! Glory be! You are in the process of becoming truly free. Money to enrich your lives is being readied to flow.

Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

Selamat Jalwa! What is to be expected often takes longer than first estimated. The dying American regime goes out, sabre-rattling at a most undaunted clip. This nonsense seems scary to the uninitiated. In reality, it is no more than a method designed to make Russia the appointed scapegoat. The US Military is engaged in nefarious operations in Syria and Iraq. Because these things backfired badly on the US, it, like an old magician, needed to use sleight-of-hand tricks to lead a campaign to isolate Russia and force its way into the sad situation in Syria. It is yet more bravado by this crumbling illegal regime. It has, in reality, lost its legitimacy with most of the world's nations. It is losing its positions within the UN and the IMF. All that is left when this all plays out is for the NESARA Republic to be formally declared! We have drawn up a timetable that is to be carried out swiftly and adroitly. There is to be a time of great silence and a quiet determination to succeed. Then, its mandate is to appear like a sudden storm and the madness of this old crazed regime is to end. All at once, a wondrous time is to manifest and be cheered by all humanity.

We have watched the de facto American government ever since the present cycles of payouts commenced early this past month. The degree of uneasiness increases every time these payout cycles move forward. The same is true of its largely discredited diplomacy. This constant sabre-rattling is proving again and again to be unsuccessful. Instead, it is coerced into doing things that, in former times, it was easy for it to achieve. These increasingly false ways have largely caused those in the know in the Middle East and Afghanistan to ignore whatever the US demands. This process is leaving the USA, Inc. isolated and ignored. The domestic scandals that swirl around this regime are yet another factor to cause their quick demise. We are closely monitoring these horrendous events and can clearly see the importance of this now-fledgling republic to the new reality. Many events are beginning to manifest and the final push to oust this corrupt governance is close to being revealed!

This process of change has proven to be more difficult to carry out than was imagined. This reality existed under the thumb of the Anunnaki for millennia. The Anunnaki terminated their rule with the declaration by the Anchara continuum. This event was supposed to be the signal for the dark to vacate this realm. Instead, it became the time when the minions thought that their rule was to end the decrees imposed by Heaven when the Anunnaki first came to power here some 13 millennia ago. This defiance, which has lasted about two decades, is nearing its end. Our time here has thus been to direct and protect those who had resources but were unable to finish their assigned tasks. Having gained their trust, we launched an operation that has put us at the very edge of contact. The new governments have agreed to end a decades-long cover-up that has delayed our formal announcements. We intend to use this coming time to clarify our mission to Gaia and explain why Heaven wishes to return you to full consciousness. These communications are to be the true forerunners of our contact with you!

Before contact, you are to meet your Agarthan cousins and learn much from them! They are very anxious to meet you. It is in Agartha that the crystal cities of your redemption are located. In addition, you are to receive a few lessons from your Ascended Masters. These lessons are to set the stage for what your mentors are to tell you. Meanwhile, enjoy these concluding times in this old, dark reality. It has created a world that all of you are most used to. Shortly, you are to enter a realm filled with new realities, as well as a growing prosperity and a chance to fulfill your most desired dreams. Then, you are to meet us and learn things that initially may seem odd to you. The Anunnaki spent a great deal of their time boxing you in to a realm that made you easy to control. In reality, this world is a place that was mistakenly created. It need not ever have been. Enjoy this time and know in fact what a truly wonderful and fantastic new reality is just around the corner! Hooray! Hooray!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!
You are almost free! The debtor cloud is to be removed forever! Glory be! You are in the process of becoming truly free. Money to enrich your lives is being readied to flow. The Light has fully vanquished the minions of the dark. What is occurring is a miracle from the Heavens. The rigid reality of the past is no more. Let the wondrous bells ring. The events of the last few days are witness to a way that you are reconnecting to who you truly are. We Masters are joyous in our thoughts. Long ago, we were sent on a mission to soothe and console humanity. We were also told of this day. In our estimation, it is a time that took too long to arrive. Generations of humanity have perished in pain and suffering. Hosanna for the endless mercy and grace of Heaven! Your wondrous visions are manifested. The plans of the dark to bring destruction upon your last drops of Light are gone! You are to be transformed into golden fully conscious wayshowers of the Light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

This joy is part of a process that is now underway. You have cause to celebrate. The dark lords that ran this planet had reason to depart when the dark Anchara continuum declared that a grand union of Light and dark began in the mid-1990s. This galactic peace only awaited the entry of surface humanity to become permanent. This took another two decades to achieve. The final triumph of the forces of the Light had to use guilt and overwhelming might to finally force the dark minions to their collective knees. Let us praise these noble warriors for their feats. These blessed Souls were ready to do what was necessary to complete their goals. This new reality with its freedom and prosperity is a dream come true. In this glorious mix, we cannot leave any of you out. Your collective vision and wondrous actions have also made everything possible.

This great project of the Light started in the 1970s with the near destruction of your Sun. It was a sign of just how desperate the dark had become. This act showed everyone that a sacred intervention was imminent. It began with the divine mission of the Sirians and entered a new phase with the advent of the Galactic Federation fleet in the early 1990s. We Masters were ecstatic. Our prayers were being answered in a big way. It meant as well that your conscious growth was about to accelerate and that the long dark night that had lasted for millennia was nearly over. All of us were to enter a time that was to culminate in your return to full consciousness. We gladly thanked and blessed Heaven for its wondrous deeds. Your growth led to collective visions and a changing set of perceptions about the altering state of your reality. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued our weekly report. We thank all who have brought this reality to its time of great success. We further thank Heaven for all that it has done to answer the long call of surface humanity. A moment of great prayer has been answered! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from PAO and the Galactic Federation


Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for October

Readying Ourselves for a New Reality

The time for full disclosure is drawing closer.

In this Webinar, Sheldan will show how current events are unfolding that will culminate in this long-anticipated moment.

Topics include...

• The latest Galactic perspective on world events
• Our current drive for disclosure
• The art of discernment
• On the brink of a new reality: Why we feel torn between dimensions
• Reconnecting to Gaia's 5D grids
• Life in a Galactic society: How it will transform us

Sunday, October 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, October 27, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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