
Thursday, November 24, 2016

20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – ExoNews TV Episodes 3 and 4

By Dr. Michael Salla

Two new ExoNews TV episodes have been released of Tony Rodrigues who claims he was used as slave labor for several secret space programs one of which was German-run program known as the Dark Fleet which was originally built in Antarctica.

In two earlier episodes (parts one & two) he discussed the first seven years of his alleged “20 and back” program where he says he was used as a drug courier in Peru, sex slave in Washington State, and finally taken to the Moon when he turned 16 to be trained for space operations.

In these additional episodes from an ExoNews TV interview conducted on August 29 at Mt Shasta, California, he discusses his memories of being on a secret corporate base on Mars, and anther base on the Asteroid Belt planetoid Ceres.

His account of the brief period he spent on Mars has similarities with the claims of Randy Cramer who says he spent 17 years stationed there as a super soldier in a military base that was kept totally separate to civilian bases run by a corporation. In part two of this five part series, Rodrigues described his brief month-long stay at the Mars military base, where he claims that he fought alongside the super soldiers as a “slave soldier” in a failed military program.

In part three, Rodrigues states that after his slave soldier program was ended, he spent a month or so completing aptitude testing on the Mars corporate colony base called Aries Prime, which Cramer was the first to publicly identify. Gray extraterrestrials identified his innate abilities which would determine the kind of future space missions he would perform.

In part four, Rodrigues says after the completion of his aptitude testing, he was sent to the planetoid Ceres through an advanced portal shuttle system from Mars, where from 1990 to 2001, he served as a crew member of a merchant space craft led by German officers that were part of the Dark Fleet.

After the release of the first two video installments of Rodrigues claims, there were doubts raised by a reliable source as to whether he was indeed a participant in a “20 and back” program.

Such doubt has been accentuated recently with claims by Dr. Steven Greer that psychotronic holographic technologies are used to create realistic scripts that are downloaded into unwitting victims, who then come forward with fabricated memories.

Greer’s description of the development of these technologies and their use in secret space program testimonies was the subject of a November 13 lecture, where he said these scripts are manufactured to be “seductive and interesting”. He asserted:
You’ve got to have multiple points of corroboration, and the bigger the tale the more the proof you got to have. Now what I would say is it that I believe that these men are sharing what they believe to be true. I also know how easy it would be to provide information that is scripted about that, and that is seductive and interesting.
His insistence that “multiple points of corroboration” are necessary for validating witness testimony is a valid one. However, controversy erupted from Greer’s lecture when he claimed that the testimonies of Corey Goode and William Tompkins were corrupted by scripted memories. I responded to Greer’s claim in a two part series addressing them first for Goode, and then for Tompkins whose testimony has many similarities to Goode’s.

My conclusion was that Greer’s accusations lacked direct evidence, were driven by bias against any claims of predatory extraterrestrials, and were purely conjectural. This was especially so in the case of Tompkins whose testimony has “multiple points of corroboration” with independent witnesses and documents.

Nevertheless, Greer raised a legitimate concern in his lecture about advanced psychotronic holographic technologies that could produce realistic scripts to contaminate whistleblower testimonies about secret space programs.

This certainly was a major concern that Goode had previously raised when he was told by his insider source, “Gonzales” (a pseudonym) that a disinformation campaign was underway to contaminate the field of secret space programs research with false whistleblower testimonies:
Gonzales suddenly got a very serious look on his face and stated that he had a few things to discuss with me. He, too, stated that there was an operation underway to water down the info we have disclosed, as well as to discredit me personally by flooding the internet with fake SSP insiders.
A new generation of Manchurian candidates, who genuinely believed their false memory scripts, could indeed make it very difficult in finding the truth about what is really happening in secret space programs.

Rodrigues memories as a slave for an involuntary “20 and back” space program raises the question, are his memories genuine or scripted?

Before attempting to answer this question, I wish to raise a third possibility first brought to my attention by my exopolitics colleague, Alfred Webre, J.D. He publicly postulated that Randy Cramer’s memories of service in a “20 and back” secret space program were not a result of his own direct experiences, but were the memories of a dead Mars supersoldier. Weber said:
Specific memories of a deceased member of the Mars Defense Force have been downloaded and implanted into Randy, although Randy is not yet conscious that this is the case…. This was done as a well-intentioned disclosure effort by officials within the Mars Defense Force to let the public know about the Exopolitical situation on Mars and Earth.
It’s important to note that Weber’s thesis here is not that Cramer’s memories were downloaded into him for disinformation purposes, but are part of a sanctioned disclosure program by a covert group of “White Hats”. I analyzed Webre’s claim regarding Cramer in my book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Life (pp. 335-36).

Weber’s thesis that memories of secret space program personnel can be extracted for subsequent downloading into another body is very plausible. His thesis suggests that rather than fabricated scripts, as Greer was suggesting, the memories of dead secret space program personnel could be downloaded into unwitting victims who are then led to believe they were part of a “twenty and back” program.

The advantage between real memories versus manufactured scripts, is that the memories would have genuine emotions attached to them, as opposed to computer generated scripts. This would make for a much more compelling witness, who would feel genuine emotions as they recalled another person’s memories, which they believe to be their own.

So coming back to the question of Tony Rodrigues’ memories, we have four possibilities: 1. they are genuinely his own experiences; 2. they are manufactured scripts that are part of a disinformation program; 3. they are another person’s memories downloaded into him into a sanctioned disclosure initiative; and 4. they are entirely fabricated by Rodrigues himself as part of an elaborate scam.

I was first contacted by Rodrigues on August 15, 2015, who shared his story. A red flag was quickly raised by due to an inconsistency in his narration of an encounter around 1997-2001, between the merchant spacecraft he claims he served on, and the Arnold Sommerfeld, the Solar Warden research vessel that Goode says he served on for six years (1987-1993).

I then spent then next year vetting his testimony along with two other researchers, Morgan Starr and Rob Potter. We collectively conducted numerous phone, email and in-person interviews, closely examining his testimony for consistency, and attempted to determine his sincerity. Importantly, we tried to find any ulterior agenda in him coming forward.

I personally met Rodrigues for the first time at the Mt Shasta Secret Space Program conference from August 26-28. I closely examined his body language, emotions, consistency in retelling his story, and motivation for coming forward. A colleague, Duke Brickhouse, J.D., also participated in the vetting process at the Mt Shasta conference.

Our collective conclusion was that Rodrigues was being truthful, sincere and consistent in describing events he recalls experiencing during a twenty and back secret space program. This ruled out, in our opinion, the possibility that Rodrigues was perpetrating an elaborate scam.

Among the things that impressed me in Rodrigues story was his description of the older generation of German spacecraft as retrofitted submarines. This was consistent with Tompkins’ description of the first US Navy space craft being retrofitted Nautilus class nuclear submarines which he shared in an unpublished interview. As far as I’m aware, Rodrigues was the first person to reveal this very significant piece of information.

Another impressive feature of Rodrigues story was that says that the white spots on Ceres are water geysers which he personally saw during his time flying over the planetoid. This is consistent with early scientific data on the white spots which remain an enigma for planetary scientists.

Finally, Rodrigues account of being used as a sex slave in Seattle, Washington State from 1985 to 1988 (see part one) is perhaps the most significant aspect of his testimony insofar as it is verifiable.

After the Mt Shasta conference, Rodrigues traveled to the Seattle area location where he claims he was forced into sex slavery and recalled many locations he had been forced to work at during his “20 and back” timeline. In this current timeline, Rodrigues says that he had never previously visited Washington State.

In phone reports to Brickhouse and myself, he confirmed that he knew his way around the area where he was previously exploited, and recalls the names of the people who had run the child sex operation. Additionally, he says that through Google Earth, he was able to locate the town and environment where he was forced to work for the Peruvian drug trade from 1981 to 1985.

If there is independent confirmation of Rodrigues time in Peru and Washington, or for his alleged space service on Mars and Ceres, that will help considerably in establishing “multiple points of corroboration” for his story, and the accuracy of his memories. As mentioned in earlier articles, there are multiple corroborating points for insiders such as William Tompkins and Corey Goode.

Until multiple points of corroboration are found for Rodrigues testimony, there remains the possibility that his memories may be contaminated by manufactured scripts, or implanted memories from another person. This requires caution and discernment in using Rodrigues testimony to understand aspects of secret space programs, such as the German-run Dark Fleet, about which little is known.

[ExoNews TV episodes with Tony Rodrigues: click Here]

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