
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Are Secret Space Program Disclosures Prelude to a False Flag Alien Invasion

By Dr. Michael Salla

Part 1

On November 13, Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, gave a public lecture where he warned about an impending false flag extraterrestrial event.

He said that the final stage of planning for a false flag event that dates back to the 1950’s is about to be rolled out, and that recent disclosures about aliens being involved in a galactic slave trade of humans is part of a deception campaign. The goal is to condition humanity into accepting a scenario of evil aliens intent on conquering humanity.

Greer stated that advanced electronic weapons using psychotronic holographic technologies were used in order to produce ‘scripted memories’ which could be downloaded into individuals. The implanted memories, according to Greer, could be so realistic that the targeted individuals would swear that the experiences were genuine.

Greer says that he was first told about these advanced psychotronic holographic technologies around 1994, by a senior scientist familiar with classified programs. More recently, a retired Lt. Colonel from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations warned that the psychotronic holographic technologies had laid the foundation for the alien false flag event that was imminent.

Greer did not name the Air Force intelligence officer, but said that his testimony was part of the upcoming documentary Unacknowedged, and that the Air Force officer’s testimony would be released in full soon after the documentary’s release.

Greer’s claim of the existence of psychotronic holographic technologies used for psychological warfare operations that began in the 1950’s is supported by documentary evidence. It is known that psychological warfare was used as an important means of deceiving the public about the reality of flying saucers and extraterrestrial life.

The 1953 CIA sponsored Robertson Panel release the Durant Report recommending debunking the flying saucer phenomenon by using the mass media in what was the beginning of a psychological warfare program against the general public.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links click Here

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