
Monday, November 07, 2016

Corey Goode Update: Are we Navigating to our Optimal Temporal Reality?

By Corey Goode


Imagine a future where we have full disclosure, and the complete removal of all control structures in our solar system. We rapidly come into contact with incredible new technologies that transform our lives in almost unimaginable ways – and meet a host of new friends in our greater galactic family.

In our last update I discussed our need as a group consciousness to choose this “Optimal Temporal Reality.” This probable future is the best case scenario for humanity by far. Right now, each one of us is deciding whether we will co-create this glorious future, or any of a number of other scenarios that could take much longer – and would be significantly less triumphant as well. According to Tear-Eir, we can still achieve this “Optimal Temporal Reality” if we continue to wake up to the corruption and lies we have been fed our entire lives.


Not long after publishing this update, I was picked up by a blue sphere.

I was lying in bed as usual when the orb’s pale blue light began to shine through my eyelids. I immediately got out of bed and indicated that I was ready for the blue orb to take me to the intended destination. I was not expecting this visit, but I had learned to be prepared with the recent cluster of meetings that have occurred. I was not surprised to find myself in the blue sphere once again. Raw-Tear-Eir was there to greet me in the usual manner and Gonzales was standing a short distance away.

I took the opportunity to look above me at the cosmic scene that had been changing each time I had observed it. I noticed that the other blue spheres, close enough for me to see, were now looking a bit more translucent. As I looked closer I also noticed a rippling, water-like effect on them. It looked almost as though someone had thrown a handful of rocks into a pond. There also seemed to be pulses of this rippling effect as though a strong solar wind was blowing them.


Once my sight had adjusted to the cosmic scene all around me, I noticed a number of metallic-looking spheres appearing out of the darkness quite a distance away. I could tell they were extremely large, but I didn’t have another object to use as a frame of reference. There were nine of these spheres that I could make out. The spheres looked to be about the size of my thumbnail from a fully outstretched arm. This led me to estimate they might be about the size of Earth’s Moon.


Tear-Eir suddenly glided to within ten feet of me, and began to communicate about the “300,000 ascension-ready” people that I had reported on earlier. He indicated that my delivery of that intel had caused a lot of anxiety in those who received it. These people put out a call for clarity, so Tear-Eir indicated he wanted me to deliver the information more clearly this time. The 300,000 figure was provided after I had expressed an interest in the number of people who are ready for energetic changes (ascension.) I had also asked what percentage of “service to others” (STO) those around me and I had currently achieved in our journey.

I was more than a little bit shocked and troubled by the answers I received. Not only was I not in the 300,000, my STO percentage was much lower than I would have guessed. I believe this is probably true of most of us on the planet right now. Tear-Eir then communicated that at the moment I had expressed interest in this subject, the number of people ready to ascend was less than 300,000. It was further communicated that this number is in a constant flux from moment to moment, as is our temporal reality.

I then expressed concern and confusion again about the low number that I had received. I asked, “What about the millions of children on this planet?” I thought surely the innocent children of the world had to fall under some sort of “age of accountability.” Raw-Tear-Eir then communicated that some of the number given indeed included children. However, many other children will also be moving on to higher densities as we go through the shift, even though they are not part of the 300,000 figure that was given. Millions of children and adults are ET souls or “Wanderers”, and their numbers were not included in the 300,000, for reasons we will now explain.


The Law of One series is the main “revealed teaching” that the Sphere Beings have endorsed as being accurate and useful for us at this time. It now appears that the Blue Avians are the same beings that contacted the ancient Egyptians as “Ra,” the bird-headed entity. They again spoke as Ra in the Law of One series from 1981 to 83. William Henry discovered ancient Egyptian depictions of Ra as a blue avian humanoid, as seen in Cosmic Disclosure, Season 5, Episode 3, “Blue Avians & Spheres in Ancient Art:” This connection was unknown to any of us when my contacts began, and was a matter of great surprise to everyone when William Henry approached us with this data.

Once I finally began reading the Law of One myself, the beings began speaking to me in very similar-sounding language – further revealing their identity as the source of this material. On a practical level, this means that studying the Law of One series can give us far greater insights into the philosophy and practices of the sphere beings.


As of 1981 in Session 12, the number of Wanderers was approximated as being close to 65 million. In Session 63, the number of Wanderers on earth was again said to be “in excess of 60 million.” By now, those numbers are significantly higher – possibly up to 300 million or more. With a population of seven billion, that would mean a little over one out of every 23 people on Earth is an ET soul. If you are a regular reader of these updates and feel they resonate deeply with you, there is a very good chance that you are a Wanderer as well.

In Law of One terms, these souls have come in from a level significantly more advanced than the basic requirements for graduation from third to fourth-density life. For this same reason, the vast majority of Wanderers will return to their “native density” as we go through the “quantum leap” referred to in the Law of One. Therefore, the number of 300,000 only referred to a select group within the greater majority of people on Earth who have never lived above third-density vibration at this point in their journey. The efforts of Wanderers are focused on helping inspire these third-density folks to become more conscious, loving and forgiving people.


The only real danger Wanderers face is by becoming “consciously unloving” to a significant-enough degree in one or more lifetimes that a multi-incarnational “karmic alleviation” is then required.

In certain rare cases, this might cause them to miss out on our soon-to-be upcoming graduation and have to repeat another 3D cycle. This is explained in various places in the Law of One, such as Session 16, Question 61, featured below. More commonly, these karmic adjustments will appear as personality issues or health problems. Working through these issues ideally brings us back to a loving place. Questions 27 through 30 in Session 12 of the Law of One clears up the issue quite nicely:....

For the rest of Corey's update with important links click Here

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