
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cosmic Disclosure: The Banished, From Inner Earth

Cosmic Disclosure:
The Banished, From Inner Earth With
Corey Goode and David Wilcock

David Wilcock: All right, welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode. And when we were talking through these updates last time, it was getting very, very interesting.

So without further ado, Corey, welcome back.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So the gist of this message appears to be that a small number of us – and we have a really good number watching this show, a lot more than what was able to create the 72% reduction in terrorism in the meditation effect – that we could actually shape the whole future of humanity.

So we might have a lot more power in this thing than we realize.

Corey: Absolutely.

David: So that message takes away this idea that we're just spectators.

Corey: No, we're co-creators. We have the power to co-create. So use that power.

David: What's the next thing that happened after you were given this message about collective consciousness?

Corey: Well, I had a series of meetings with Ka-Aree, and they were in, I guess, what you've called The Construct.

David: Okay.

Corey: And in one of those meetings, I described to her an encounter I had in Long Beach, California, while I was on vacation with my family.

We were all staying in a hotel room, and I woke up. And up in front of me was a woman, looking right down at me.

And when she saw me, saw my eyes open, she reached over and, with her hand cupped my . . . over one eye, and tapped me on the forehead with a finger. And I went back to sleep. I passed out.

David: And I remember, on a personal level as your friend, when this happened, you didn't tell me about this right away. And this REALLY, REALLY messed you up.

Corey: Yeah.

David: It almost ruined our friendship for a while because you were so traumatized by it. You didn't want to talk to anybody. This really messed you up.

Corey: Yeah, I mean, I was in there with my family, and I was caught off guard, and, also, I felt violated.

David: What did this woman look like exactly?

Corey: She was about my height or a little bit taller, from what I could tell, and she had blue eyes, blonde hair and looked very human.

David: Okay.

Corey: I woke up, and her head was above my head. And when I woke up, she seemed surprised, and then she reached over and touched my forehead, and then that's all I remember.

David: But you were aware of your family. You were able to see that your family was all asleep as this happened?

Corey: I knew they were in the room, yes.

David: Yeah.

Corey: So I shared this with Ka-Aree, and I had noticed in previous meetings that she had been kind of acting a little differently towards me, just like she was observing me.

And when I told her about this incident, she told me that it was one of the Banished that she had told me about previously.

She had told me that I was more than likely going to start encountering people that they call the Banished. And these are Inner Earth groups from all of the Inner Earth groups that over time had interacted with humanity in a way that was not according to their culture or beliefs, I guess.

So they were banished to the surface.

David: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by interacting with humanity in a way that was not in line with their beliefs. Whose beliefs?

Corey: With the beliefs of whatever group they were a part of. If it was an Anshar, and they were going out to the surface of the Earth or reaching out and manipulating, or trying to, I guess, interact with humans on a way that . . . in a way that they had signed treaties against, or in a way that they just didn't culturally accept.

It was breaking like a cultural law.

David: So would you say that these people were taking actions that most of the Anshar or other groups would see as being negatively oriented and not necessarily the most positive steps?

Corey: I don't know if they would put it that way. It would just be . . . against . . .

David: Or they're trying to push the envelope somehow.

Corey: Yeah, they're just doing . . .

David: Breaking the rules.

Corey: They're breaking the rules. They're breaking the rules. There are treaties between groups. There are all kinds of rules, and some of these people were breaking them.

David: So some of these Banished might actually be trying to speed things up, but in the process, they're breaking codes that might have been established by higher intelligence for a very good reason.

Corey: And after they were banished, these people began seeking positions of power in human culture. They started blending in with us as much as they could, living in small little enclaves here and there, having children with regular surface humans.

David: Really?

Corey: Yeah.

David: How long has this been going on for? Is this all throughout human history?

Corey: Yes, for millennia is how it was put to me.

David: Well, I thought you've told us before that a typical Inner Earth human is going to have some slightly different physiological features, like eyes that look a little larger, that kind of thing.

Corey: Yeah, but . . .

David: How could they blend in with people on Earth?

Corey: If you were not into ufology and you saw a very beautiful blonde walked up, and her eyes were 3% larger, you might think, “Wow! That's a beautiful anomaly. I'm going to go talk to her.”

You know, you're not necessarily going to say, “Wait a minute! She's not from here!”

Well, after I had explained what had occurred to Ka-Aree, and she was visibly concerned, I was sent back . . . one of the communication ended as usual.

And I met with her a few more times. And we were talking about personal things, or she was giving me direction here and there. She was still watching me. I could tell she was observing me.

And then, all of a sudden, probably about six weeks after I told her, I'm laying in bed, white flash. I'm now laying on the floor in this big domed Anshar room that I had first arrived in when I met her the first time in the temple complex. l

David: So this is not The Construct now.

Corey: No.

David: This is you actually being portalled there.

Corey: Right.

David: Okay.

Corey: All of a sudden I'm laying on a hard, cold floor. And I sit up, and Ka-Aree's walking in through the door that led back to the cleansing ceremony area where the pool of water was, the fountain.

And there were no guards this time. It was just her. And she led me back into the same area before, and I did that embarrassing cleansing ceremony.

This time only she was present and I was doing the ceremony myself.

David: So just to be clear, you have to strip down naked?

Corey: Yes, and cleanse yourself with the water from the pool.

David: And she's just standing there while you get naked and in her culture, it's no big deal.

Corey: Yeah. It's . . . Our getting embarrassed and stuff is just silly to them.

David: Right.

Corey: So after that, she headed out the door to what I'm calling the cleansing room, into that little hallway, and then she took a right to head back towards that domed room, and I followed her.

David: Were you in one of those robes like you had at the . . .

Corey: Yes.

David: Okay.

Corey: Yes, you have to put on one of those robes afterwards.

David: Okay.

Corey: And we went in and then took a hard right and walked . . . The domed room has a door on four sides. And on this side, was when we went into the cleansing room, we came out, took a hard right and walked in the doorway or hallway on the far side, one I hadn't been in before.

And we walked by doors that were covered by that hard light that I described before, kind of like a force field. And we walked to one door, and the force field turned off.

And I could see . . . it looked like a slab or a bed that had been formed. It was just even . . . There was . . . It didn't look like it had been manufactured and put there.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: The Banished, From Inner Earth
click Here

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