
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Important Neil Keenan Update: Urgent Warning (video)

Leading Psychic Healer warns of a planned Trump Assassination attempt and former Queen Beatrix is attempting thievery once again as she and her Bilderberg blood attempt to con Indonesian President Jokowi into working out a “debt payment” to the Dutch Royal Family…

URGENT: Warning of Planned Trump Assassination Attempt

Healer Daniel woke this morning at around 2:20am, shaking, as he had a dream where gun shots were being fired.

He states;

“I asked the Lord, What is this Lord,” then I saw the words ‘Assassination plot targeting President-elect, Donald Trump at the Oval office’”

Immediately I started praying as I had a strong impression that there was a plan to assassinate the President-elect Donald Trump when he visits Obama at the Oval office, or maybe at another location (if Mr. Trump decides against meeting in the Oval office) in the next 3 months.

In the vision, Trump was seated talking to Obama, and then all of a sudden someone entered the room with a semi-automatic rifle and started firing shots. Obama took cover behind a large box or desk in the Oval office, and came out unhurt. There was much panic; I could not see Trump.

Obama then declared martial law. This would mean he would run the country once again.

It was then when I had the prompting that Trump must not visit, accept an invitation or meet with Obama in the White House or elsewhere at all, but especially not alone until he takes over the White House at the appointed time.

Trump must not relax his security and must wear a bullet proof vest while attending meeting in public and if he has to go to the White House for any reason until such time that the Obama administration has ended and is out of that place.

I personally think that Obama is not a Christian, nor or a Patriotic American; but instead is carrying out a mandate to open the doors for Islam to spread in the USA and throughout the world.

Please try your best to get this message to as many people as possible. Pray for protection for Trump and his family.

Also, if you could please forward these messages to your contacts in the US, who may be able to get this, message to Mr. Trump ASAP.

I have sent this to all my contacts. This morning I spoke to some of them in the US who told me that there is quite a bit of unrest in many parts of the America and that there was a sense of fear among the people.

May I encourage the church to pray like you have never done to this point. Your prayers certainly saw Donald Trump through to being elected.

Now your petitions to our Lord God Almighty can keep him protected to enable him to carry out the Will and Purposes of God.

“See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:9

May God bless and keep you all,

Healer Daniel”

From Neil: I was not going to post this but I read it a few times and spoke to a few people who know Daniel including the family (who are in support of Donald) and decided to let this important development be released.

I have also heard the Cabal are going to attempt an assassination; and at this time and period of our world we need TRUMP more than ever. He will help us through it and do whatever it takes to make things right once again for we the people…

Neil was recently subject to a very suspicious caper in an airport, “The Case of the Vanishing Laptop”, as described in the following video.

Former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands is on the Trail Attempting Thievery Once Again

The Cabal never quit and keep attempting to impose their will on smaller nations. Former Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands is a good example: After she screwed up a perfectly good financial transaction in 2012, one that would have benefited not only the Dutch Royal Family but the people of The Netherlands as well.

The greedy old woman that is Beatrix, showed her ineptitude by bungling the aforementioned deal.

The old witch now is attempting to deceive President Jokowi and the Nation of Indonesia – with what Beatrix and her circus are calling a “Debt Repayment”.

In other words, Beatrix – a representative of the family that created the Bilderberg Group – the biggest group of thieves on the planet- who have just had their asses handed to them by way of the triumphs of both Nigel Farage and Donald J. Trump, are now trying it on again in a different way.

On this latest occasion, the establishment are making a last ditch attempt to steal someone else’s gold (according to Benjamin) by propping up this incompetent old woman, Beatrix, and pushing her into the fray.

However, when the people of the Netherlands become clear in the understanding that their (former) Queen literally screwed them – they just might become unruly.

On the other side of the coin and in an earlier endeavor, Queen Elizabeth II had Beatrix effectively boxed in at all times. You see, Liz Windsor had her intelligence underlings listening in to everything that was going on at all times.

When Beatrix called out to discuss the Certificate of Deposit, Queen Elizabeth II and her intelligence flunkies were listening in on everything as it was being planned.

Here we have the Globalists – all in favor of the New World Order and constantly screwing one another in order to be the fox that runs the hen house.

In the earlier deal noted above (the one that Beatrix ruined with her greed) everything had been initiated by Neil Keenan and Dragon Family Signatory, Akihiko Yamaguchi.

Neil Keenan held unlimited Power of Attorney which enabled the transaction to take place, along with of course Yamaguchi, to sign off on the Certificate of Deposit.

But this is not the way it was to play out.

Neil recollects how events transpired:

“This could have been a very easy transaction to complete but the greed of the monsters that actually ruled our planet (who are now on their way out and not fast enough) surfaced and it became a fight between families that are supposedly tied into one another by blood.

So much for relations. Then again they are a special ugly kind of dog or horse aren’t they?

When I initially contacted Queen Beatrix I made it clear that her mother (Queen Juliana) had been the Nominee over a CD (Certificate of Deposit) with a value of 2.13 Trillion USD (see the documentation below).

I explained to her that the CD was in the Bank of Toyko Mitsubishi, and an agreement had been reached between her Mother and the Dragon Family.

It emerged that Queen Beatrix had no knowledge of any such transaction, nor of her Mother being named Nominee – in not just this transaction but other transactions as well.

In this regard the CD had long ago matured and should have been capitalized on but Queen Juliana had passed away without leaving any notice to her daughter, (soon to be Queen) and this is where it was left until the Signatory of the Dragon Family (Yamaguchi) and myself brought it forward to the Bilderberg leader (not that I knew that at the time as this was before I was well versed in the Cabal).

Queen Juliana’s Mother and Father had created the hideously vulgar Bilderberg Group, whose plans were to basically take over this planet with a New World Order. This has now been outlined in many a document.

It was at this point in the proceedings that the machinations of evil intent took place.

Queen Beatrix, upon learning that such a CD had existed and had matured, rather than spending a few minutes learning that the real Depositors were the Dragon Family, jumped the gun and sent her son (now King) Willem Alexander to Tokyo to see if he could abscond with the CD without anyone receiving any payments other than herself.

As already noted, Queen Elizabeth II was well aware of this enterprise and had her intelligence organizations listening in on Beatrix and her staff. Elizabeth’s people were well aware of Willem-Alexander’s departure for Tokyo and so she had her son Prince Charles follow Willem Alexander.

Upon arrival, Willem-Alexander acquired the necessary information but was told that they could do nothing without the release of the depositors, therefore he could not make claim to the CD, although he attempted to.

Given that Willem-Alexander had no luck, and having ‘left the door open’, Charles decided to try his luck using his mothers name, (The Queen of England) only to be informed that the Windsors were not involved in said transaction in any way, shape or form.

Charles left also.

Both had attempted to deceive not only the Dragon Family and each other, but their nations as well.

The Dutch Royal Family was to earn 3% of said value (2.13 Trillion USD) and the Dutch nation, 2%.”

What a loss for the people of The Netherlands, who Neil was trying to help.

Not a bad chunk of change, especially considering that Queen Beatrix knew nothing about it until I brought her up to speed.

Which leads us to the present day…

Benjamin Fulford recently stated that former Queen Beatrix and her sons were going to visit with President Jokowi in an attempt to collect “the foreign debt owed to them”.

We wonder what foreign debt this could possibly be, when in fact the Dutch raped Indonesia as much as could be – including the many deaths in West Papua over gold.

If anything the West never placed any of their own assets into any bunkers in the East, other than what they owed for the leased gold-backing for their own currencies.

I have never seen nor heard anything of any debt owed to the Dutch – but just the opposite.”

What I do notice though is the West and their “Royal” families scrambling for whatever tidbits any third world nation wishes to give them.

These families attempt to continuously collect on the assets belonging to the depositors within the World Bank, BIS and IMF. They reach out relentlessly, trying to take whatever does not belong to them with the little time they have left – as they are being brought to their knees; their deceptions are being exposed to the people of the planet.

These families have no right to anything! If Queen Juliana was a Nominee and left no will nor testament detailing such, then no one will be as kind as Yamaguchi and the Dragon Family were, in offering her the piece her mother would have received for being the Nominee for the Certificate of Deposit.

What is really happening now is that the Dutch “Royalty” are attempting to deceive President Jokowi – and I doubt that the Indonesian gentleman President would stoop so low as to grant them their wishes, as he knows that even the Indonesian President does not own the Certificate of Deposit.

Nor do the Holders own the Certificate of Deposit.

Only the Depositors own the Certificate of Deposit.

Should any metals or paper assets leave Indonesia – or anywhere – they will find us waiting for them.

We have stopped them time and time again.

We will stop them right up until the end as well, and open up the accounts for Humanitarian Packages along with Simon.

Then things will get rolling with the Accounts and the new technologies, and the world as we knew it will shut down and the New World – that being our World, will close the doors on the Babylonian money vultures that have run the whole global financial circus for the past 100+ years.

As for Donald Trump looking to make a Gold Backed Dollar – he already knows that I can bring forth the AU not only for such a thing, but much more, larger than any number heard to date – but for the rebuilding of our entire infrastructure – and it does not even evolve from the Global Collateral Accounts.

That’s right – I can acquire whatever is needed by Donald Trump and nothing whatsoever for the Democrats. We have heard enough from the Libertards, relatives of the Fucktards, as Richard says.

As Neil has been saying ad nauseum – it is only a matter of time before all of the countries of the East finally break ties with the West and go their own way…

Now let’s get to living once and for all.

From: Neil Keenan & Group K

One final note: We will have 5 more healing computers available for purchase from Friday this week. We have had unlimited success with these machines and demand for them is growing ever stronger.


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