
Friday, November 11, 2016

James Gilliland Update: Beyond Belief

By James Gilliland - November 10, 2016

Riots of the Brain Dead and Uninformed

I was listening to the radio this morning about the riots in Seattle and Portland. It is almost beyond belief that people were saying I am rioting for Hilary. OMG the fluoride and the chemtrails are working. The New World Order, genocidal, warmonger, criminal, corrupt puppet lost. A woman with a long history of a trail of death and destruction going back to WACO,, Iraq, Lybia, The Bengazi Coverup of illegal arms sales to ISIS, yes ISIS, the corrupt pay to play money laundering Clinton Foundation, extensive drug use and pedophile operations has lost her bid to run America. WTF? Did you know Wiki Leaks got its information from the FBI and the CIA? Loyal White Hats that could not stand the thought of the Clintons running the country. I have never seen such an ignorant, uninformed brainwashed America. Many just wanted a female president unfortunately she bears little or no resemblance to a female. Has America lost all heart, all inner sensitivity, discernment, cant you feel what these people are all about? Obviously not!

What you don’t know is Trump is already acting as president under the New Republic and he is restoring our God given rights. Our constitution; which became toilet paper with the old regime the United States Corporation Inc. a now defunct corporation. He is working arduously on releasing the World Restoration Funds, Debt relief and the new debt free treasury notes backed by gold. He is putting his and his family’s life on the line. Bringing in the new currency; which was tried by Lincoln, John Kennedy, and Regan, look what happened to them. Luckily he has the Generals behind him the highest law of the land. They are going to insure the Republic is restored. Meanwhile the brain dead, ignorant and uninformed masses are attacking their savior. Sound familiar? Are we a nation of brain dead zombies being lead by the queen zombie herself? Are we suffering from the Stockholm Effect, worshipping and serving the very captors who have enslaved us through debt, manufactured lack creating an extreme uneven dispersal of wealth? It is sure looking that way.

Trumps campaign brought all the rats out from under the woodwork in main stream corporate sponsored media as well as the agencies hiding the Clinton criminal history. He exposed a long history of corruption, black mail, and murder for the lust of power and wealth. He was the wild card the banksters could not control. I still would like to see a council of Grandmothers running the country, people chosen because of their history of service and spiritual adeptness. Right now for the house cleaning process Trump is the guy. We need to support him and hold his feet to the fire making sure he continues to give the NWO a major black eye.

Hitlery was the choice of the banksters and NWO. The reason she was not charged for a long list of felonies, and treason was due to bribes and black mail. Yet just because she has a uterus and played the feminine victim card, actually having a long history of victimizing Bills victims etc. People fell for it. The master manipulator and politician played women like a fiddle. I am not saying trump is a saint. I myself have used bad humor in the past to be one of the boys yet have evolved somewhat beyond that. It is societal programming and yes it has to stop. The point I am making is he never belonged to a pedophile ring, raped underage women, viciously attacked and harassed Bills victims as revealed by the victims, Wiki Leaks, her emails and the emails of her associates. In conclusion DO THE RESEARCH. Don’t fall for the lies and manipulations. Get behind the restoration of the Republic, the restoration of honor and integrity throughout all the agencies.

Great things are unfolding. The days of tyranny are coming to a close. Humanity and the Earth are awakening and healing. The tyrants are being exposed; the double talk and programming are failing. This is a global event. Get behind it. If you want the woman’s voice to be heard support a woman of integrity, a strong heart and one who truly loves humanity. They have presented themselves such as Jill Stein and others yet they were virtually ignored by the media. The corporate media fully supported Hilary. So what does that tell you? Please America wake up, turn off your TVs, develop your own inner sensitivity, use some critical thinking. Don’t let yourself be swayed and manipulated by the lame stream media. I know this is going to piss off a lot of people, truth hurts especially when you realize you have been lied too and your trust has been completely betrayed. Lets get back to honesty, integrity, love and service, back in the heart and listen. You will hear that small voice saying it is time, let it go, wake up and remember.

Be well,

James Gilliland

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