
Tuesday, December 06, 2016

David Wilcock | Endgame: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal

By David Wilcock

The Cabal is closer to exposure and defeat than ever before. The truth is blasting through the internet as a civilian-led investigation takes hold.

Does the Cabal have a final "Hail Mary Pass" to create a mass distraction and take the heat off? Could their final move actually be Disclosure?

What if this pre-planned Disclosure turns out to be far more epic and surprising than anyone could have possibly imagined?

In order to set up this story, we first have to expose exactly how rapidly the Cabal is plummeting to the earth at this time.

Then we will see they have no choice but to make their final Endgame moves.



Disclosure is upon us. Never before have we seen so many tangible signs of progress towards an imminent breakthrough.

The latest intel from the deepest levels of the UFO cover-up is some of the most fascinating data we have ever received.

If it proves to be true, we are right on the brink of experiencing the most significant events in all of our recorded history on earth.

Some very cosmic, world-changing information could soon be dropped upon us from an “official” level in a “Partial Disclosure” scenario.

This could potentially include the revelation of astonishingly high-tech buildings and cities discovered under the ice in Antarctica.


Imagine if you woke up one day to see hyper-futuristic ruins being revealed in Antarctica.

You’re not seeing this on Ancient Aliens or on alternative news sites, but everywhere… on every major media platform there is.

Imagine journalists and military officials revealing these incredible findings—in videos shot on location.

An event of this magnitude could be far more distracting than any 9/11-style catastrophe.

The power elite may well be hoping that such a civilization-defining “game changer” could make any and all preceding news stories irrelevant and forgotten.


Corey Goode was made aware of the discovery of epic new Antarctic ruins approximately three months ago, and wasn’t even authorized to tell David what was going on.

We have only just now been cleared to release this critical, time-sensitive data to the public.

Since there is a large amount of information to share, this update is definitely a Long Read—but well worth it.

In order to set up this incredible new disclosure information in Part Two, it is first important to establish the “backstory” of current events through which such a disclosure event would be seen to occur.

The full, grotesque nature of the hidden group that has been concealing the truth from us for so long is finally being exposed.


The 2016 presidential election was arguably the most contentious, nasty political battle in American history.

This has been well-covered by almost everyone on either side of the political spectrum, so we will not go through all the fine details again here.

In the final moments, a mysterious group called “Prop or Not” appeared out of nowhere, and issued a McCarthy-esque list of “fake” news sites, allegedly under “Russian” control.

The mainstream media acted as if this “hit list” was as significant as the invention of the wheel.

They immediately adopted the fascist, Orwellian term “Fake News” into their faltering Realnews™ products.

Each link within the complete collection of blacklisted sites—over 100 in total—is already being blocked or de-monetized by Facebook, Google, Apple, Snapchat and others.


According to Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept, “[Prop or Not’s] list of Russian disinformation outlets includes WikiLeaks and the Drudge Report, as well as Clinton-critical left-wing websites such as Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Truthdig, and Naked Capitalism, as well as libertarian venues such as and the Ron Paul Institute.”

A journalist writing for New Yorker blasted Prop or Not, saying their definition of Fake News “includes criticism of the United States, Barack Obama, Clinton, the European Union, Angela Merkel, NATO, Ukraine, “Jewish people,” U.S. allies, the mainstream media, Democrats, and “the center-right or center-left, and moderates of all stripes.”

“These criteria, of course, could include not only Russian state-controlled media organizations, such as Russia Today, but nearly every news outlet in the world, including the Post itself.”

Activist Post, one of many so-called “Fake News” sites, said, “However, it is also an exhilarating time to be a part of such mammoth upheaval, where-

The entrenched apparatus of the State itself has declared information to be its enemy—and to acknowledge that it must do everything in its power to maintain its tenuous monopoly on the truth.


We are only now witnessing a more visible form of the same cover-up that has hidden UFO reality from us for over 80 years – consistently deeming all UFO sightings “Fake News.”

State-sponsored media has engaged in psychological operations or “psyops” to discredit witnesses and insiders from the very beginning.

For the rest of David Wilcock's article with important links Click Here

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