
Monday, December 26, 2016

Interview With Charles Hall - Motivations of Tall White ETS and Their Exopolitical Significance

Tall Whites Second Article By Dr. Michael Salla

In a December 11, 2016 report, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode described an announcement of the existence of Tall White extraterrestrials as an option being considered for a limited disclosure initiative orchestrated by the U.S. Air Force, Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.

Goode said:
Another potential plan that is in the “optional” category involves the possible disclosure of a single ET group known as the “Tall Whites.” This is the group that Charles Hall and others have met up with. The Cabal might try to introduce us to this group, explain they have been around for a really long time, and hope that they can get us to follow a mystical new religion offered by these beings. This would definitely not be in humanity’s best interest.
In order to acquaint readers to Charles Hall and his testimony concerning the Tall Whites, and why Goode’s conclusion about them is accurate, I have decided to re-post a series of articles and interviews about Hall’s testimony, which began in November 2004. What follows is the second article in the series. The first article is available here.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Dec 26, 2016

[Repost from Dec 3, 2004] What follows is based on an interview with Charles Hall on Dec 2, 2004, regarding the existence of the tall white extraterrestrials that he met while serving at Nellis Air Force base as a duty weather observer from 1965-67. His experiences are recorded in his three volume set of books, Millennial Hospitality. I had earlier read the first two volumes of his book series and recorded my impressions in a short article. I was put in touch with Charles Hall by Paola Harris who was the first major UFO researcher to thoroughly investigate the case.

In the interview, I asked a series of questions and recorded his replies by taking notes. My aim in conducting the interview was to get a better idea of the motivations of the ‘tall whites’ and their exopolitical significance on Earth. I begin this evaluation of my interview by first outlining my questions and Charles Hall’s replies. I finish with my evaluation of his testimony and books which I believe is vitally important as a possible disclosure initiative that will attract much public attention and carries great exopolitical significance.

Michael E. Salla, PhD
December 3, 2004

Q. Why did you call the book a work of fiction?
He had to protect himself and men who served with him. He changed names to protect the innocent, including himself and other serviceman. People he replaced experienced severe psychological pressure and trauma. Some wouldn’t want to be mentioned so he didn’t give their correct names. He affirmed that everything in the books is true. It is as close to a documentary of events he experienced as possible.

Q. How did you recall all conversations recorded in the book?
He didn’t keep a dairy, but kept a log book. He basically relied on memory in writing the book. He relived the emotions as he covered each experience, and this helped his recollection of events and conversations. Key episodes were basically etched into his mind. He had to summarize many conversations. Some conversations had to be reconstructed. Usually conversations with other airmen are summarized/reconstructed. Conversations with tall whites are close to verbatim since the Tall whites didn’t talk much. Tall White men especially didn’t speak much at all. Tall white women were more talkative than the men. If Tall Whites didn’t wear their communication equipment, then they wouldn’t communicate at all. Charles wanted to capture all the emotions he experienced and these are faithfully recorded in the book.

Q. When did you start writing the books?
He first tried telling people verbally about his experiences during 1965-68. When he got a word processor in 1985, he began the typing process using floppy disks. Writing was a slow process for technical reasons and also emotionally since he relived the experiences and this took much time. For example, it took six months before he could control his fears of the tall whites back in 1965.

Q. When did you finish the book?
Back in the 1980s he had trouble in finding a potential publisher for his planned autobiography and also had family responsibilities. In 2002 he became unemployed and began to edit, polish, and publish what he had written so far. The publisher he found, allowed him to publish it as a ‘print-on-demand’ book where he controlled copyright, etc. He is still not satisfied with what has been published so far, and wants to edit the first volume one more time. Basically the book was work in progress since 1985 up until 2002. Final editing was done from late 2002 to early 2003.

Q. Did you ever take photos?
He never took any photos. When out there by himself he was worried about keeping himself alive and taking photos wasn’t thought of. Initially he thought he was dreaming (that’s why he believes Area 51 is called dreamland). This was a reason why he never thought about taking photos. Later when he realized that the tall whites were real, he talked himself out of it when he went back to his base, so he didn’t think about photos. Also, he didn’t want to offend the tall whites and stayed on his best behavior. He didn’t think taking pictures was prudent and might offend them, and they could destroy the evidence anyway since they always had access to his belongings.

Q. Did any of the other servicemen ever take pictures of Tall Whites that you were aware of?
He was not aware of that happening, but recalled a paperback book published back in early 1990s there is a set of pictures of tall whites which he believes are authentic. These were published by a New Jersey housewife who traveled to Albuquerque New Mexico and said that she waited on a public highway when she saw a scout craft and she took six pictures of the tall whites standing 6′ 6″. He believes photos are authentic. The implication was that some serviceman had taken the photos and sent them to the author who gave a cover story for how she got the photos. He couldn’t recall the name of the book or the author.

Q. Have you ever been approached or briefed by agencies not to disclose the events on Nellis?
No. He said that weather information was never classified. As a weather observer he was never part of a classified project where security oaths were taken. The orders given to Charlie were classified, but nothing he did was ever to be classified. That was a decision taken by a committee including the tall whites and others in the Pentagon. The idea was that Charlie would be free to interact with the tall whites without being continually briefed. He said that the American generals would do anything to get technology transfers. Generals would permit tall whites to kill service men if they were offended, threatened or harmed. He described an incident in his book where a serviceman had to beg for his life when he yelled at a tall white child. The only reason the tall white didn’t kill him according to Charles was that a tall white male came over to the tall white female and told her that since the serviceman hadn’t hurt the child, the American generals wouldn’t understand why she would kill the serviceman. Charles said that the generals however thought military servicemen were expendable, and wouldn’t allow any killing by the tall whites to stop technology transfers.

Q. Were other servicemen killed by tall whites for offending them?
He explained an incident back in Sept 1965 near the mountain at Indian Springs where the tall whites had their main hangar. One of the cover stories for sightings of tall whites was that they were big horn sheep in the desert. One hunter wanted to shoot one of the ‘sheep’ and rented horses and went with his friend. The hunters eventually separated, and one hunter went near the hangar where the tall whites are based, and took a shot at one of the kids. The tall whites grabbed him and handed him to the human guards who were military personnel. The human guards shot him and gave a cover story for his accidental death. The guards found his friend and beat him up, and threw him into the brig for about six weeks.

Charles said that usually if one wasn’t hurting anyone and was just unarmed and hiking, etc., tall whites wouldn’t bother one. Basically, they would kill if threatened if any way. They believe in tit for tat. If you did nothing to scare or hurt them, the worst they would is to pleasantly scare you away.

Q. You say that the Generals were desperate for technology exchange with tall whites, why do you say that?
They would do anything to maintain good relations with tall whites to get technology. The tall white ‘Teacher’ had conversations with Charles that demonstrated this. American generals wouldn’t stop tall whites if they were intent on killing servicemen who had hurt any tall white child. Tall whites exchanged technologies such as radio and communications systems, but not faster than light speed technology. Technology exchange was done on the basis on only those technologies that would benefit Tall Whites, such as good radios and communications that they could use as well if necessary.

He gave the example that the tall whites would help with a nuclear powered craft but not propulsion systems for deep space travel. Anti-gravity technologies were not shared with the generals which were deep space capable. American generals were sometimes in the scout craft of the tall whites so the technology for the scout ships was shared to an extent since the scout ships were made on Earth using materials here with the assistance of the US military. Tall Whites sometimes participated in classified meetings and helped with technology development. Charles describes how much of the technology transfer occurs. Basically, the tall whites would participate in classified meetings by sitting in and helping with some well placed questions.

Q. In vol one, you describe an incident where mental images entered your mind about the Tall Whites in the frontier era, can you explain?
Charles described how he was reading the History of the West, and the history of Death Valley and Indian Springs, he remembered mental images of tall whites in the frontier era when the Tall Whites. These images just entered his mind when the tall whites were nearby, and left when the tall whites departed.

Q. In the book, you mention 1954 as the first time reports of the Tall Whites were made in the vicinity of Nellis. Is there any earlier date or evidence you would think would support the presence of the Tall Whites presence in the area?
He said that the legend of Range Four Harry (a description used for the tall whites by servicemen at the Nellis base) went back at least as far as 1954.

Q. Do you think these mental images you observed were real historical events or fabricated?
He felt that the mental images were based on real historical events. He noted that when the tall whites moved away, the images stopped. This suggested that the tall whites were feeding him these images to give him historical information that they wanted to pass on.

Q. Do you believe that Tall Whites have been in the Indian Springs area for a couple of hundred years?
Yes. He was told that Pamela (a tall white) was born in that valley during the James Madison era. They like the valley because it’s hot and that is an important requirement for them.

Q. What do you think the motivations of the Tall Whites are in terms of their presence on Earth?
They used the base as a place for their deep space craft. Same as the way US Navy would use a base in the Pacific. They used the base to refuel, repair and refit their deep space craft. He talked about the long distances in space and need for a base on a planet like Earth where they can get supplies, make repairs, etc. Since deep space craft arrived and left on schedule, this meant they were engaged in commerce.

Q. Basically you believe they just wish to use Earth as a base for their deep space travel, and don’t have any ulterior motive to colonize the Earth or dominate national governments?
Yes, that’s his belief. From the tall white’s point of view, they are very happy with what they have, and their long life span – ten times longer than we do. They took ten times longer to age and also to heal. They were amazed at how quickly Hall could heal, and he described how they watched him closely when he bruised himself and healed within a day.

Charles argues that the tall whites like to keep to themselves, and don’t have any interest in dominating the Earth or taking over governments. They just want to maintain friendly relations with the US government so they can continue to use the base. He affirms that they are not interested in dominating or colonizing the Earth.

Q. In vol three, you describe an incident where you were burned by microwave weapons, can you elaborate?
He explained how the pencil weapon can be used by the tall whites to cause great pain, death, or sleep. He describes an incident where a CIA guard tried to help a tall white female in getting up the stairs at the Congressional building, but the guard inadvertently hurt the tall white and she threatened CIA guard who had to beg for his life. He explains that the pencil weapon can be used to stimulate calcium atomic frequencies to cause great pain like being burned, but one was not actually burned. When the iodine setting is used by the stun gun it can cause one to bleed to death. He compared this to the black plague when people would bleed to death due to arteries being weakened and blood would leak out causing death. In an email, Charles clarified how the pencil weapon works: “The pencil weapon could be set to stimulate the atomic frequencies of Sodium, Calcium or Iodine. Stimulating the Sodium atoms caused immense pain because it caused the nerves to discharge. If the weapon is set high enough, it can cause instant death. Stimulating the Calcium atoms caused the reverse (i.e. sleep, calmness, relaxation etc ) because it causes the nerves to reset and relax. Stimulating the Iodine atoms, of course, as described in book three, causes death by internal bleeding because it causes chemical changes that allow the blood to pass through the walls of the arteries in and around the thyroid gland.”

He said that tall whites tempers can change very quickly from friendly to hostile. The pencil weapon was used against Charles in a misunderstanding that was described in his book where but the iodine setting was used which caused internal bleeding. He recalls seeing a friendly tall white female approach him when he was lying hurt and she did a kind of graceful dance around him. In an email he described that tall white as “a young female, probably equivalent to a human young woman of age 19. she stood approximately 5’10 – 5′ 11” tall. She had a male companion who I always guessed was her brother because the two of them looked like fraternal twins. She and I were completely unafraid of each other. On a number of evenings when I was making the morning balloon run, she would come up and stand beside or near me or slightly behind me. Frequently she would come within arm’s length and still not show the slightest fear of me. Likewise, when she came in that close, I also did not feel any particular fear of her either. Her brother, by comparison, was always noticeably afraid of me and always kept his distance from me ( usually he stayed back at least 50 – 60 feet ). He obviously liked me, but also, he obviously never trusted me. For example, he would never turn his back to me when he was anywhere in my area ( i.e. within a 100 feet ).

Q. If this could occur to you after all the trust that was developed with the Tall Whites, what does that suggest for most members of humanity?
The idea that Tall Whites can turn on one and use weapons even despite all the good things that have been done is generally correct. Tall Whites differ very much in temperament and personality as do humans. He explained an incident involving a tall white general who wouldn’t brook any discussion and could be cruel if he felt he was not being obeyed to the letter. Yet the tall white doctor was quite friendly and would approach very closely. So basically the tall whites are quite varied in terms of personality.

The tall white captain described in Charles book was a nice enough guy, but he only came around humans when it was necessary. He only wanted to know about humans to the extent it would help him do his job. A cultural difference was evident as in cases where Americans might befriend a Japanese, but wouldn’t want to socialize with Japanese. He stressed that tall whites vary tremendously in personality.

Q. When was the last time you directly communicated with a Tall White?
He referred to what was described in book three which is when he left for military service in Vietnam in 1967. Subsequent to then, he has had no communication with the tall whites.

Final Comments by Charles Hall.
There are many episodes he had that he didn’t include in the book. For example, in 1965 American generals were showing Tall White Generals through the military barracks that he slept in. When that first started happening, he thought he was dreaming. He remembers Generals talking to Tall Whites about taking Air force officers with the tall whites on scout craft. In an email, Charles elaborated on this: “The American Generals were discussing the possibility of the tall whites taking two young American Officers on board the Tall White’s Black Deep Space craft ( ie. to another nearby star ). I personally saw the American Generals themselves with their tall white counterparts boarding and deboarding the white scout craft.” He thought the discussion was too risky to include since it included what he felt was sensitive material that was probably classified.

He stressed how the tall whites would follow agreements to the letter. He gave the example of an agreement he had with the tall whites. They would basically never sneak up behind him and scare him, and he would be sure to never do the same to him to them. This agreement was closely followed in all the interactions Charles had with the tall whites and helped him survive. Basically, he believed the tall whites could be trusted once they had agreed to something.

Evaluation and Exopolitical Analysis of Charles Hall
I found Charles Hall to be very credible and compelling in his response to questions. He displays great integrity and is quite sincere in describing solely the facts concerning his experiences. He described his experiences with the Tall Whites in a very objective manner, and the emotional reality of the experiences were quite vivid and conveyed much information about his state of mind and the seriousness of the experiences he had. The emotions that Charles objectively described in great detail conveyed the extent to which what he was experiencing shook his world view, and the world views of those around him.

Charles knowledge of the tall white’s interaction with the US Air force generals is very enlightening in terms of the way agreements were followed to the letter. It appears that the tall whites are quite legalistic and this appears to be something that the US military finds to be helpful in working with them. This is very significant in the technology exchanges which Hall describes were vitally important for the US military. The tall whites were quite clear that only certain categories of technology would be shared. Categories that presumably would not give the US military deep space capabilities. According to Charles, this technology exchange involved the US collaborating in the construction of scout craft used by the Tall Whites. Providing the required material for the tall whites presumably would have helped US scientists understand the principles of space flight. Since this is what Charles observed in the mid 1960s, it may be presumed that larger constructions may have been more recently attempted that have more advanced propulsion systems than nuclear power. The exopolitical question here is what would the tall whites gain or have gained in return for allowing US authorities to collaborate in building larger space craft. If technology for smaller scout craft was given in exchange for basing rights, what Earth resources would be or have been traded for larger constructions using more advanced propulsion systems?

Charles Hall comes across as very thoughtful and very intelligent. He has a Master’s degree in nuclear physics and believes he has worked out some of the main principles of the tall white’s deep space propulsion system. He doesn’t pull any punches in describing the intimidating behavior of the Tall Whites, and their readiness to use deadly force to protect themselves and especially their children against potential threats – intended or otherwise. Even surprising or scaring tall white children could lead to tall white adults intimidating humans with their advanced weaponry as his book makes clear.

Significantly, in his book he describes how the tall whites would threaten to kill humans who scared or disobeyed them [for quotes click here]. In the interview, however, he focused on how the tall whites would only respond when they were threatened in some way. He stressed the principle of “tit for tat” that the tall whites followed which is well understood in human society and is a principle found in biblical documents (lex talionis). It appeared that in the interview, Charles was portraying the tall whites in a more reasonable light than described in his book. While it was clear that Charles was being as objective as possible, the discrepancy between his book narration and the interview in terms of the conditions when tall whites threatened to kill or intimidated military servicemen and humans in general, suggested he was painting a more sympathetic picture of their behavior than in the book. This is something I hope he can clarify later since it helps contextualize the motivations of the tall whites on Earth.

Charles describes the tall whites as having no ulterior designs on the Earth in terms of colonizing it or taking over governments. He stressed the analogy of the use of overseas bases by the US military such as in the case of US bases in Italy or the Pacific. The idea was that the use of such bases was purely done to facilitate the operations of the US military, while recognizing local sovereignty and customs. So just as the US government/military has no ulterior motive for control of Italy through its base there, so too the tall whites have no ulterior motivation to control the Earth.

This is quite a controversial argument since the control of bases throughout different periods of history is quite contentious, and was part of the dynamics that drove colonialism. Indeed, the existence of military bases in the Saudi Arabia were a major factor influencing regional perceptions of US motivations in the Middle East, and influenced events in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the tall whites need the Earth as a base for their deep space operations and commerce, then it would be naive to believe they have no interest in influencing human affairs, and political institutions. Human history shows that when foreign powers establish bases on one’s territories, it’s hard to get such powers to leave, and to prevent them from interfering from local political affairs. We may have already achieved that point due to agreements reached between the secret committees managing extraterrestrial affairs and the tall whites.

Charles believes that the tall whites have been on Earth since at least the early 1950’s, and possibly as long as a hundred years or more based on what some Tall Whites related to him, and mental images he received when reading about local history of Indian springs. This will be a critical question to explore since obviously the time of the first appearance of the Tall Whites on Earth will influence our assessment of their ultimate goals here. If they have been here for a century or more as Hall suggests and which he was influenced to believe from the tall whites, then it would be fair to assess that they have no ulterior design on controlling the Earth. Presumably, they could have easily taken over control of the Earth in the early 19th century. If however the tall whites appeared subsequent to the 1954 Eisenhower-ET agreements (see here) then it is very likely that the Tall Whites have ulterior motives which go significantly beyond merely resupplying and repairing their deep space craft on route to other interstellar locations. The use of time travel technologies might be used by the tall whites to buttress the idea that they have been on Earth for centuries, but this could be entirely fabricated.

I believe that the tall whites were associated with the 1954 Eisenhower-ET meetings and that they subsequently established their base in the Indian Springs area of Nevada in that time period. It was clear that Charles was subtly influenced by the tall whites to believe they have been present in different periods of US history. The ability of the tall whites to refer to earlier historical periods and their presence is possibly due to advanced technologies such as time travel which they can use to influence our perceptions of their historical presence. This will be naturally controversial but is vitally important as knowledge of the tall whites becomes more widespread, and their exopolitical significance is discussed.

In sum, my view is that Charles Hall testimony is vitally important information that has great exopolitical significance, and is likely to gain widespread public interest. Already, various media outlets are treating the Charles Hall story as a major disclosure event, and Hall’s obvious integrity, clarity and coherence is generating much public interest. Hall’s disclosure of his experiences at Nellis Air Force base at Indian Springs from 1965-67 will likely play a major role in public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, and will help shape public perceptions of extraterrestrials and their presence on Earth.

© Michael E. Salla, PhD
December 3, 2004

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