
Friday, January 06, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Lifting the Military Industrial Curtain With Heather Sartain

Cosmic Disclosure: Lifting the Military Industrial Curtain With Special Insider Heather Sartain

David Wilcock: Okay, welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and we are here with Corey Goode. And we have a special insider for you, someone who has bravely come forward and is bringing us a lot of interesting corroborating information. Her name is Heather Sartain.

So, Heather, welcome to the show.

Heather Sartain: Thank you.

David: All right. And Corey, welcome back, buddy.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So, Heather, let's just hit the ground running here. Since the viewer might not know anything about you, I'll just say that you came up to me at a conference and told me that your father worked for Lockheed Martin.

Heather: That's correct.

David: And that there was a lot of very interesting stuff that he said that fit very nicely with what I've already been talking about.

Heather: Yes, that's true.

David: Okay, so could you just briefly tell us a little about yourself now. I know that you're a college professor, but what is your specialty in your work as a college professor?

Heather: I teach part time at a local university, and I teach geology and astronomy and physics courses. My background is in physics and geology.

David: Okay. So Heather, I wanted to start out by explaining that you handed me some very interesting documentation here, the first one being your father's Texas driver's license.

Heather: Yes.

David: And so we see that his name was Edward. It's very clearly real. It says it expires on January 27, 2017. And when did he pass away?

Heather: In July of 2013.

David: July 2013. And the next thing that I have here is, it says, “Lockheed Martin Corporation Master Retirement Trust”. It's a check made out to your mother for $2,103.75.

And it says, “Lockheed Martin” right on here. And this is his retirement or pension or something?

Heather: Yeah, she receives half of his retirement after he's passed on.

David: Okay. So I just wanted to bring that up to confirm to you watching this that a lot of UFO researchers they really want to see the documentation. And you've been able to provide us with proof that your father did work at Lockheed Martin.

Heather: Yes.

David: You grew up with your father having been in the Air Force, you said, originally?

Heather: Yeah, he was in the Air Force first of all, and then later he worked for NASA through different contractors.

David: Okay.

Heather: And he retired from Lockheed. And he was an aerospace engineer, a senior aerospace engineer for 37 years, working on top secret projects for NASA, as well as Space Shuttle mission and all the way back to Skylab and Apollo missions.

So his career covers several decades.

David: So, Corey, I remember that when you were brought up to the LOC, and you had the NASA hat on, they told you, “Take off that ridiculous cover”.

Corey: Right.

David: Does NASA have any inside knowledge at all? Or are they just a civilian space agency?

Corey: There are individuals inside of NASA that have closer to the full scope of information, but most of them that have been briefed or know about a Secret Space Program, only know about the one the Military-Industrial Complex has created.

The last I heard, it was two space stations and a number of triangular craft that service them.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Lifting the Military Industrial Curtain With Heather Sartain click here

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