
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Neil Keenan Update | The Revolution Begins: Quantum Experts State The Healing Computer Stands in a Class of it’s Own (video)

By Neil Keenan

Quantum experts explain in detail their experience with the ‘Healing Computer’ technology.

Hello everyone! It has been more than one month since I have filed an update and most of you who do not know me may think that I have fallen off a cliff and cannot find my way back up.

Well it is quite the opposite and in this video you will find that I have been working diligently in stripping the globalists of anything and everything they own beginning with what you call the Collateral Accounts.

Secondly, we will close down their medical establishment and their ‘big pharma’. We will take them apart piece by piece until they cease to exist. This is the plan and we are extremely close to enacting it…

This post will cover the healing machines, not updates on other matters (that will come shortly). I am not going to be the one doing the talking but fantastic people just like you will be…

They will tell you what they have experienced and how they feel about this marvelous technology. I for one am always amazed at what this machine accomplishes.

At this time I wish to turn this over to my friends who flew all the way here to work with the machines, get to know the machines and then take them home to help you all get better…

I wish you all well and pray you all get the help you need in order to live in a healthy state of being.

Now here are the girls and they are wonderful…


“We are so grateful to Neil for supporting us and for having such trust and faith in us to bring this incredible technology to Southern California and Michigan.

Since we’ve been in Europe with Neil and Najib learning about the healing computer technology and how it works as well as getting daily treatments ourselves, we have seen first hand the power of how this supports the healing mechanisms in our body.

Angela had a serious back/spinal injury that left her with chronic back pain almost all the time, especially when she gets up in the morning and after her first treatment, her back pain was gone.

The machine has also run diagnostics to show various parasites, fungus, yeasts, and molds in the body. These are considered to be one of the foundations for all dis-eases and illnesses.

Within just one treatment the effects of these parasites was greatly reduced and they are expected to be fully gone within a few more treatments.

The most amazing thing about seeing the visual effects on the computer screen, of the energy of your body, is that it inspires the desire for lasting lifestyle changes.

It makes you WANT to take care of yourself when you can see the effects of not only your physical choices, but your emotional state, on your body.

After a lifetime of ‘wholistic’ health and medical training between all of us we agree that this is the most efficient and effective way to see for yourself your bodies own ability to heal itself.

You will be an EYE WITNESS to your ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in your own healing through the diagnostic and treatment programs.

Perhaps one of the most Interesting things we encountered was the visual effects of the power of our own mind over the healing of our bodies.

We were all able to go into a simple state of meditation for 3 minutes and dramatically enhance our bodies state of health even before we received a treatment.

The pictures proved it. This inspired even us to begin to change the way we think about reality. This is very profound. It is very exciting, and requires a massive paradigm shift in the way we approach health and reality as we have known it. It is a new era. It is the Quantum era of health. WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION!!!

Nancy, after being in an airplane 11 hours and being up for 48 hours, felt pretty good after her first treatment. Nancy’s main health challenge is epileptic seizures resulting from a brain injury when she was 22.

Being 69 now, after her 1st session with the machine, a chronic irritating click in her left knee was gone. She will give an update as to her brain injury after she has worked with the machine a bit more and getting an MRI to see if there are any changes.

She will be able to show before and after pictures and will, hopefully, be able to reduce her medication. There are programs that the computer can run to create the frequency of any physical object- like medicine- and transfer just the frequency of this medication into the body.

The body will thus experience the benefits of the medication without taking the actual physical medication, We have not experienced this first hand yet, but will be playing with it as a way to turn medication into a frequency form to reduce and possibly eliminate side effects.

Its so wonderful to consider the unlimited possibilities of this technology. Its such a relief to know that there is a simple and nurturing answer to our suffering (both physical and emotional).

Its incredible to experience this first hand.

There is nothing to lose there are only amazing things to be gained. If you feel at all drawn to this as a possible help to yourself, we are here for you. The more energy we all put into this, the more available this will be on a mass global scale.

We will keep you posted through Neil, when we are ready to launch our first clinics in the United States.”

Please send expressions of interest regarding treatments only to:

Video One: ‘Healing Computer’ technology update from February 15

Video Two: Two updates recorded in early February

From: Neil Keenan And Group K

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