
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Neil Keenan Update | What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been (video)

By Neil Keenan

What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been

Included in Neil's update:
Cabal Information.
Updates on the New Healing Technologies.
Herbal & Mineral Extract – Healing Elixir (new).
Free Energy.
Other Advanced Technologies.
Access to a satellite that can tell us what is going on both above and under ground – including in bunkers and tunnels.

Looking back approximately eight long years ago (Yes, can you believe > 8 years?) what began as the devious theft of 134.5 Billion in US Notes by Daniel Dal Bosco set off an unpredictable and often times a “Wild West” (and East!) chain of events that continue to this day for Neil Keenan and his loyal Group K (whose members have changed over time) – but ALL have played a major role in getting to this dynamic place of impending breakthroughs and ultimate success on several fronts.

Yes, for the past eight long years there have been so many abrupt and at times – seemingly mysterious changes occurring that even a US Highway map couldn’t properly show all of the twists and turns ultimately leading to the most marvelous of doors: The Global Collateral Accounts.

These Accounts, which many crooks & cabal members have done their best in surreptitiously blocking from us for such a long period of time; are now readily recognized by so many.

Fortunately, we can thank Neil Keenan for his relentless courage and Irish tenacity in bringing this revelation to the forefront to be revealed in the light of day to ‘We The People’ worldwide.

It was Neil who first committed himself to the task – and then endured under unpredictable and tremendous odds, on that long and winding road leading up to not only the lawsuit itself (the one that opened all the doors into that battle on behalf of humanity and the world which we dare witness and still fight for today) – but also to the penultimate point – whereby Neil was told he was going to be placed in charge of those very Accounts.

To review this saga of events consecutively, we would refer you to the History & Events Timeline on Groups K’s website (with forthcoming updates to be made, at the request of the White House.)

Despite being poisoned more than 7 times in order to keep him from this heroic quest, as well as having significant funds abruptly stolen from his accounts on two occasions, Neil moved forthrightly to another major vehicle by which to take the bastards down:

That being the life-enhancing and life-saving new technologies brought directly to the people while bypassing the corrupt “Big Pharma” and so-called “modern medicine” that leave many people dying / dead / bankrupt – just as the central banking system does with their crooked debt schemes.

If Neil could not easily move to take them down via the Accounts, then he would strongly move into another important life-saving arena with the new healing computers and new herbal elixirs that do work and that will kick the crap out of Big Pharma like only he can!

Not to mention the other advanced technologies that we are about to roll out into the public arena, including free energy.

For far too long we have learned that appearances are deceptive in terms of the medical world. It is not, nor has ever been what it is purported to be.

So this is where the other side of Neil’s brain kicked in to go after the Cabal – smack dab into the medical and pharmaceutical worlds – two big Cabal money makers that never had any business dictating our business and who took away our health and our sovereignty.

Western medicine is a major scam that took so much more away from us than it ever helped, so the coffers of the Cabal amassed exorbitant profit – while the people suffered on many fronts! (Just a band aid, please, no not another operation; it is only a scratch.)

And so we have been left with the tragic nightmare of a sick society imposed upon us from the outside.

However, now we are pushing back and we are near to busting out the paradigm and reclaiming our basic human rights and self-determination, after being treated inhumanely for so long – by ‘elites’ who believe their twisted bloodlines and religion gives them some divine right to rule over the rest of us.

The perpetrators of this are now the ones crawling around like cockroaches with the light of truth shining so strongly on them as they frantically look for a way out of the monstrous mess they have concocted for their suddenly “toxic” selves.

They are reeling and confused and have been telling on each other – it is now on them and justice will be done!

Updates on the New Healing Technologies

For the rest of Neil Keenan's update with video Click Here

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