
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Astral Projection and our place in the Universe with William Tompkins

David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure: Astral Projection and our place in the Universe with William Tompkins

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with Corey Goode. And in this episode, we have more of the very stunning new information coming to us from our World War II veteran insider William Tompkins

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ASTRAL PROJECTION _______________________________________________________________

William Tompkins: When I was just a boy, and I was, like, seven, eight and nine years old, I used to fly a lot. Now, I didn't have an airplane. I just flew.

We were living in Santa Monica. We were living in Hollywood, and I flew a lot, mostly at night, but a couple of times in class, in school, recess, I'd just go behind the building, and I'd take a flight.

And I'd sometimes . . . I'd put my arms up, but most times I'd just go out.

And so I could fly all over Hollywood, San Fernando Valley, go down to the beach at Santa Monica, fly up to Malibu, fly all the way down to San Pedro, look at the Navy ships and the dry docks in San Pedro, and fly over LAX and come back.

I had a hard time flying over LAX. There was a lot of stuff going on, so I kept myself away from the airports as much as I could.

A few times, after I'd had fun just flying around low key – and in particular, it's more fun at night with the lights – I'd just shoot out, out into the galaxy. And I flew way above 186,000 miles a second, way, way above that.

And it took everybody a long time to figure out that even the Germans could fly faster than that, and certainly the extraterrestrials could, okay? But what I am saying I do, is I fly out there.

And one time I flew into . . . it the admiral's command ship of a Reptilian space navy. I flew right into his office. I could see, hear and smell everything that they were saying.

To me, it came to me in English, just like when I flew one time over Russia. Admiral Sergey Gorshkov had been building a whole series of futuristic ships that don't even look like they're from the planet because they were built with stealth.

I flew over the base, Vladivostok base, and I actually flew around the base. I went down, looked into the edge of the construction facilities, came back up high, flew into Sergey Gorshkov's office, and I could see, hear and smell the coffee in his office.

And his language . . . which language? English. All of them were talking English. Okay?

I actually got into a research group in the Navy where I was an adviser to this psychic type of whatever that I'm doing here.

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David: So that's some pretty interesting stuff there. We're hearing that he has been able to do this ever since he was seven or eight years old.

And Corey, one of the things that jumped out at me, I was five years old when I had an out-of-body experience. I woke up floating over my body, and it was the event that got me to study ESP.

So I started to do psychic experiments by the time I was seven years old. I wanted to get another chance. I was only able to do it once when I was a kid.

Corey: Yeah, I thought it was commonplace. I thought everyone could do it. I was doing it . . .

David: This was something that happened to you often?

Corey: Mm-hmm.

David: From what age?

Corey: The age of four and five years old it was spontaneously happening, and then I was able to control it through my youth.

We'd be on long car drives. I'd be bored, and instead of asking, “Are we there yet?”, I would just project myself outside of the car, and I would float and fly above the signs as we passed, above the overpasses.

And I thought it was something everyone could do.

David: Is there something about extraterrestrial lineage in the soul that makes it more likely that people will be able to do this?

Corey: Well, let's say that, in a previous life, you were a more advanced extraterrestrial. You had advanced consciousness abilities, and you agreed to be incarnated here on Earth as a human.

We still have that same oversoul that has the same knowledge. So that knowledge has to slowly trickle into this conscious being that we agreed to become.

David: Is there any reason to believe that if a person goes through excessive trauma, that that trauma might propel them to be able to develop astral projection?

Corey: Yes. That's actually a technique that is used in the programs. They will cause people to astrally project by inflicting extreme trauma upon them.

David: How does that end up working? Why do you project out of your body then?

Corey: That is a . . . It's an escape or a protection mechanism that our psyche has. It's a disassociative ability that our psyche, and we have spiritually, to disassociate and divorce ourself from what is occurring.

And once they program a person through trauma to be able to project out of their body, then they start training them how to do it for operations.

David: And what would be an example of an astral projection?

Corey: Very similar to remote viewing. It's going to be going to gather intelligence at a remote location.

David: Well, it seems that this is a very ancient technique, isn't it? I mean, this is something that mystery schools have talked about for a long time.

Corey: Right, it's a heavily suppressed ability that all humans have.

David: One of the things that, maybe, our viewers are not aware of, there is one particular secret society called BOTA, or Builders of the Adytum, and the Adytum, believe it or not, is a room that has an altar with a sacred book inside with sacred knowledge.

And the room is completely walled off. It's usually a cylindrical room, all bricked in. You can't get in at all except in your astral body.

And so the key for the initiate is, can you astrally make it into that room and then read the book inside the Adytum, and only if you can accurately recount what the book says have you then become a true initiate.

Have you ever heard of anything like that?

Corey: Well, I mean, there were similar exercises that we were all put through.

David: Really?

Corey: Yeah. You would have to identify an object in another room, its color. It wasn't as . . . We weren't reading books, but you know, we were children.

And they would have us identify toys or paintings or different things in another room that was walled off, and that no one in the experiment, at that time, knew what was in there either. So you weren't getting psychic hits, or you weren't front loaded in anyway.

David: Some people might be inclined to dismiss Tompkins' testimony based on the idea that he's saying, for example, he went into the office of an admiral of the Reptilian navy, and that he's hearing things in English when they clearly are not speaking in English.

And the same thing with the Russian where they had these unconventional aircraft, stealth aircraft.

Corey: I have heard of that before, that your mind – your astrally projected astral body – is able to interpret other languages to the language that the mind uses.

David: So there's sort of a natural translation function going on.

Corey: Not all the time, but some people have that innate ability.

You can't just astrally project to a lot of these black bases. They're protected by people that have remote influencing abilities and are enhanced by technology.

I've heard them called “Those Who Scatter”. They'll scatter your thoughts.

Also, shadow beings that will protect facilities from astral projectors. Astral projectors will go try to get into a facility, and all of a sudden they'll get this real dark being that's now chasing them all over the place.

So they do have astral security.

David: All right. So in our next segment, we're going to have Tompkins blast us out into the cosmos, and specifically, we're going to hear what he has to say about settlements on the Moon.

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OUR MOON _______________________________________________________________

Tompkins: Well, first of all, it's not your Moon, and secondly, it's not a moon. It's a command center for a region of this part of the Milky Way galaxy. That's what it is.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Astral Projection and our place in the Universe with William Tompkins Click Here

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