
Saturday, April 29, 2017

David Wilcock: New Briefings on Antarctic UFO Crashes and SF Conference This Weekend!


By David Wilcock

New Briefings on Antarctic UFO Crashes
and SF Conference This Weekend!

David is speaking tomorrow and Monday at New Living Expo with an all-star lineup -- including Rev. Michael Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz, Giorgio Tsoukalous, William Henry, Dannion Brinkley, Foster Gamble and Corey Goode.

We have received major new intel updates from Pete Peterson on the Antarctic Atlantis. We had hoped to get it properly written up for you, with all the ancillary research data, before this trip but we just need a little more time!

There are many exciting developments going on behind the scenes. We have never been more busy, nor more inspired!


I wish I had time to properly write this up before heading out to San Francisco for the New Living Expo -- but I have hit the proverbial brick wall here in terms of timing. I will do the best I can to give you an initial overview.

Pete Peterson has finally been authorized to release far more intel than ever before. Something has changed on the inside to make this possible.

The current situation in the world may seem very hopeless and muddled, when in fact we appear to be right on the brink of incredible new developments.

I am going to do the classic meta-analysis complete with all the research links and insider data for you to read and enjoy soon enough. I just ran out of time before heading out tomorrow morning by car.

We also have one hell of a Santa Ana windstorm going on here in the Topanga mountains at the moment, adding great drama to this writing process.

Pete gave me a stunning depth of new information on excavations of UFO crashes in Antarctica that were already being thoroughly analyzed by teams of scientists when he got there 30 years ago.

The data was so dense it was almost too much. This is what happens when you have "eggheads" dedicating their entire lives to studying how a gigantic, miles-wide mothership skidded along the ground before coming to a stop.


In short, if we combine the latest intel from Corey Goode with what Pete Peterson was aware of from his work there 30 years ago, we appear to have four layers of awesome stuff in Antarctica that we will soon be hearing about in an official disclosure.

These layers are spread out in a total of about three and a half miles of vertical space, from bottom to top.

The first, oldest, bottom layer is from the Ancient Builder Race. It could be 1.8 billion years old, if not more. It is a vast, underground facility inside the continental landmass of what is now Antarctica, beneath the ice.

There are ancient underground bases like this all throughout planets and moons in our solar system, as well as several neighboring ones.

This was a vast civilization. That doesn't make their ruins on Earth any less impressive. Antarctica is the main "X marks the spot" treasure room for Earth.

On the surfaces of planets and moons they left behind crystalline pyramids, obelisks and domes made of a transparent aluminum alloy.

Most of the surviving remains like this are very thoroughly eroded, creating what one insider called a "Cosmic Junkyard."

The build-outs inside planets and moons have been preserved much more efficiently. They contain super-advanced technology that is transdimensional, and still works.

This is what allowed various beings to put themselves into stasis and fast-forward through tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years of time.


The second layer contains a huge mothership that crash-landed on tropical-looking trees on the surface of the Antarctic continent, as it would look under the ice.

Crushed remains of palm, pineapple and other such trees can still be found beneath this gigantic and highly impressive craft -- way ahead of what we have in our current, 'accepted' technology.

The science breakthroughs we will get from analyzing and reverse-engineering what is on this ship will give us an incredible leap forward in technology.

This ship is now buried beneath over three miles of glacial ice. When it crash-landed on the Antarctic continent, it was all tropical land at the time.

The mothership was estimated to be about 450,000 years old as of 30 years ago, when Pete was there studying it along with many other scientists.


According to Corey's data, it is now believed to be a little over 500,000 years old.

This dates it to the time immediately before the civilization that had lived on Mars, when it was still Earth-like, was destroyed.

NASA announced that Mars was like Earth, and had an ocean that was up to a mile and a half deep across half of its surface, just a few years ago.

Few people have talked about it even though the announcement spread far and wide at the time.

As several insiders have revealed, Mars was a moon of a Super-Earth during this time. The Super-Earth exploded in a great war, becoming the Asteroid Belt.

Remember... if this sounds crazy to you, I just wrote an entire book summarizing all my research into this far-reaching insider testimony.


This was all discussed in my new video The Antarctic Atlantis, which you should definitely check out if you haven't already seen it.

At the time of this writing, the video is at a little over 530,000 views and the channel has 91,000 subscribers. So close!

Please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so, as we will have far more access to YouTube staff once we cross the 100K line.

Within another month or two, we will significantly increase the amount of video content we will be putting out this way, including robust live shoots with multiple camera angles and visual support.

Your subscription guarantees you won't miss any new releases once they come out.

This has taken a great deal of time, effort and investment to prepare for, and we are finally just about ready to launch.

It took me a solid month of full-time work to get this video to the point where I was happy enough to release it:


I had gained a lot of winter weight during this time that I have since predominantly lost.

I majorly stepped up my work on body-building since seeing some of the avalanche of fat-shaming comments that came in from this video.

I wish I could say "I don't give a crap" about all the mountains of hate that people write. I have learned not to mind it as much, but I still have feelings.

Other than occasional pull-ups that would lead to neck injuries, I really wasn't doing any kind of weightlifting up until I was publicly humiliated for this video.

I estimate within a few more months the difference will be quite noticeable, based on how things are already changing. I like how it looks and how I feel.

I set a goal "to build upper-body strength" in a high-school program called Discovery nearly 30 years ago, and I am finally doing it.


As a humorous aside, some people have said "the government" must be paying me and giving me support to have made this video, due to its production value.


In a roundabout way, I am flattered. The truth is far less dramatic. I have worked my butt off for three years to learn how to program and render After Effects templates that are customizable.

That's a lot of time spent sitting in a chair. All day. Every day. Look at what happens when you do!

You pick the templates that you like and add your own images and text in. It can be hard work, but once you learn After Effects it is definitely doable.

Most of these templates cost somewhere between 28 to 50 bucks, and look amazing. You can get matching cinematic music for another 10 to 12 bucks.

A majority of them are so-so, but if you are really patient you can find diamonds in the rough.


The cost is very cheap once you acquire the skills to use these templates. The time it takes to become knowledgeable enough to make videos out of them is extremely costly.

There is no way to "halfway" learn After Effects. You either have to learn the whole damn thing, stem to stern, or you will be hopelessly lost. That takes years.

I had a much stronger CG expert who is a friend of mine help me with two of the templates: the scroll that says "THE ANTARCTIC ATLANTIS" at the beginning and the "solar flash" animation at the end, which we custom-built from scratch.

We would have done more, but only a few days after we started working together, he got a full-time job and had to take it.

Neither of those sequences would have looked right with the skills I have now. That's where team-building and affiliation becomes very useful.


Since George Lucas was authorized to release a wealth of true intel in the Star Wars series, gleaned from research that was already well underway in the Secret Space Program, I call this ancient Mars civilization The Empire.

All of this is discussed in my new book The Ascension Mysteries. The first half is a personal history of my childhood and teenage years, answering a widespread request to learn more about my bizarre and interesting past.

The vast majority of written reviews are five stars, remarkably enough.

A few people are horrified that I talk about myself in the first half, and act like everyone agrees with them. Narcissist! Ego! Migod!

If you have trouble with it, just skip ahead to chapter 13. The rest will be there if you change your mind later on. They are really akin to two different books.

Many reviews say the second half of the book is more than worth the purchase price alone.


I wrote this once before, but it seems that no one read it. Here it is:

I did not want to write about my personal life. At all. This was not fun. I had massive, sweating panic attacks from putting my personal information out there like this.

I had multiple dreams that ordered me to do this, saying it was of critical importance in helping others understand the Ascension process.

This is not narcissism or ego. At all.

This is baring my soul on the sacrificial altar and holding nothing back, knowing the malevolence of that very vocal one percent of readers.

I do my best to maintain perspective and understand that from 1998 to 2003, I personally contacted every single person who wrote hate about me online.

In all but one case, I was able to turn them into my friends by contacting them directly. That one case was so upsetting that I had to discontinue the practice.

Sadly, I could not even begin to attempt an operation like this today. The demand for personal contact is vastly greater than I could ever hope to meet.


The second half of The Ascension Mysteries explores all the insider data I encountered about UFOs, beginning in my sophomore year of college and continuing right straight through to the present.

It is essentially a cosmic history of our solar system, dense with scholarship and research links in the second half.

I am pleased with how it turned out. In case you missed the announcement, the UK / Australia / NZ / S Africa version is now available!


For the rest of David Wilcock: New Briefings on Antarctic UFO Crashes and SF Conference This Weekend!, with important links Click Here

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