
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sheldan Nidle Update: Be Joyous and Know That Your Time is Coming!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

We bless you for your great focus. We are in joy over the fact that Heaven assures us that you are not to be ignored. Remain patient, and know that your wondrous time is to blessedly unfold. The promised prosperity is indeed to occur..

Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

Selamat Jalwa! Your world continues to slowly unravel. We are finding daily how the dark and its whole host of minions are able to permit an unusual degree of “slowdowns”. This strange procedure is seemingly mitigating the reasons behind the new security prevalent in the entire delivery system. Our liaisons are now dedicated to a successful conclusion in this very complicated situation. We expect a number of unique procedures to be cleared. These can efficiently permit all upper levels of the payout system to be shortly resolved.

These various scenarios are things that pop up every day. We have determined to work out a smooth conclusion to these many acquired difficulties and to reorder the Light. We can then finally overcome the apparent tepidness of our colleagues. These tendencies are slowly dissolving and allowing the general payouts to go forward. In addition, the dark now fully realizes that its continued delays are arriving at their well-deserved conclusion. It is believed by all that some interesting counteracting effects are close to being manifested. We feel that these events are to be able to alter the current, uneasy nature of the process of general payouts. We believe as well that the present situation is coming to a crossroads

All of this is the reason the current holdup is nearing its end. We fully expect the final dispersal is approaching. The dark cabal seemingly does not realize just how desperate their current situation really is. They somehow feel that a rescue is going to happen. They are simply kidding themselves. The current situation is a ruse that is preparing to come down very hard upon them. We look forward to the inevitability of their tragic fate. We are preparing ourselves to receive them into legal custody and then to free the Light to set up the new NESARA Republic.

All of this is, of course, on the horizon. The dark in some way understands that their ruse has been discovered. It knows sincerely that their present illegal USA, Inc is close to being finished. They know, too, that the old reality can no longer hold! They know deep within just how close they are to all of these horrible outcomes starting to take effect. Insanely, they continue to strengthen the cases against them. Hence, we now expect this realm to be altered very quickly once the present set of complications can be put aside. Know that everything is truly coming together!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!
We come today to thank you all for holding your collective vision at a time when your payouts are yet again being either slowed down or seriously delayed by the complications instated by the directors of the present process. We bless you for your great focus. We are in joy over the fact that Heaven assures us that you are not to be ignored. Remain patient, and know that your wondrous time is to blessedly unfold. The promised prosperity is indeed to occur, as is the approaching time of your freedom from debt slavery. Be joyous and know that your time is coming!

This present time is being marked by subtle alterations that most of you have as yet to experience. Heaven is making sure that all that was promised does indeed happen. At present, we have noticed that the “prosperity” packages are nearing the time when they were authorized to be delivered. It helps to know that Heaven is readying for a series of surprises that are to end the current lifetime for the de facto American government. This fact alone brings us much cheer. Your time of joy is nearly ready for you as well.

We conclude our little epiphany with a simple yet succinct message. We ask you to hold your magnificent vision and, simultaneously, to retain your inner focus. These all are to be properly given to you as two great presents, divine dispensation and, with it, divine mercy. You, my children, are the ones on this surface world to be given a number of exemptions that are to greatly enhance the experience of your Ascension! This sacred process is to lead you to many magnificent bonuses! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued to report on what is happening around you. The dark and its many needless complications are about to go away. Their forever excuses and general interference are no longer required. Let it be known that a new and joyous reality is just about upon us! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Spreading Love Not Fear: How We Can Shift Our Fear to Love

Free Webinar Preview: Mitigating Minions

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Topics include...

• Dark Cabal's agenda to manipulate us with fear
• How our 3D system is built around fear
• The Galactics: benevolent beings of Love
• How the Galactics will mentor us to awaken our Love
• How our Love can overpower fear and move us toward 5D

To order Webinar 84 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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