
Sunday, May 28, 2017

One Who Knows: The Domino Plan!

By One Who Knows 5-27-17

"The Domino Plan!"

Clearly this plan is so complex that it MUST roll out in a STAGED SEQUENCE of events, which is the "Domino Plan." Of course it is not called that, but that does describe it well. EVERYTHING that happens, requires something before it to happen, and then leads to something after it happening. That is how Dominos fall, right in sequence. If you have ever seen a few Dominos set up to fall, it is easy to see that if one Domino is missing, the whole sequence could fail. All must be in place, BEFORE the first one falls!

The Set Up

The setting up is clearly the hardest part and the part that takes all the time. The falling is so easy after all the hard work was done setting them up. Of course the "setting up" part is different depending on what is being set up.

#1) Setting up the GCR

In setting up the GCR, there had to be a new Financial system, there had to be gold that was saved and horded for thousands of years, there had to be laws in place, special software, quantum satellites, taking over of the military by the NPTB, and thousands of hours of special training before the first exchanger steps through the door. That is a lot of set up over a long time, but once that is all done, all of the Currency holders will be "Processed" one after the other in very quick order, just like dominos falling, until they are all done. That is going right now. In this next video, imagine that these 500,000 dominos are actually 5 million currency holders moving thought the exchange process!

500,000 Dominoes - The Year in Domino - 3 Guinness World Records

#2) Setting up the Cabal Faces

In setting up the Cabal Faces, the NPTB had to take down their upper management and remove them from the planet. Neutralize all nuclear weapons, change out the Governments, take away all their financing, their money supply, take away their control over the money supply, take away their influence over any governments of the World, build cases against them, and finally bring in the Restored Republic which will now Prosecute the all under the new Laws of the land. That is a lot of set up.

Someone who doesn't understand the "Set Up" process and the time it takes, would look at the evil minions that are still on TV, and in the public eye and say "Why are they still free and walking around after all they have done?" No worries my friend, they are a Domino and they have already been "SET UP" to fall at the right time and in the right sequence! In this next video, imagine that the Republic has been announced and it is time for the Faces to fall! Each of these "People Dominos" represent a Cabal Face in the news, politics, Hollywood, Sports, the music industry, or in big Corporations .... Watch them fall one by one!

Largest human mattress dominoes - Guinness World Records


So when someone asks about the timing in any part of the plan, just know that everything is already set up and "Scheduled" to happen at the exact right time. For every "Domino" there is one before it that has to Happen/Fall, and one after it that will Happen/Fall next.

#1) The Cabal Faces

Regarding the Fall of the Cabal Faces, the "cases" against them have already been made. I am sure that the arrest warrants are already signed and standing ready for execution. Some sort of Disclosure will have to happen at the same time of just before they are taken down, so that people are not freaked out about it when it starts. Of course there will be "Replacements" standing by to take over their jobs and responsibilities and those are already :"Set Up" and in position when this goes down, so to speak.

#2) Exchangers

Regarding the Exchanges, they are already going as I type this. Frankly I am in the Last segments and I am expecting to be notified at any time. Then in true domino order, after I and the other intel providers go, the next domino will be it Going Live and the new rates being posted on the official government websites. This will be followed by the remaining exchangers getting appointments and exchanging.

#3) Main Events

Regarding the "Big" Dominos, the GCR, the Republic, NESARA/GESARA and Disclosure, etc, they are already set up as well. While I don’t know the exact order, I do think that the GCR will happen first, and like falling dominos, some of these main events may go at the same time, but that has not been revealed yet. But know, that all is planned and ready to happen in quick succession!

The Bottom Line

The Bottom line is that all is well and rolling out as I write this! Nothing to do but sit back and watch the fireworks as they happen in real time. You will either get a personal notification about the 800#s, or you will get it by email and/or off the website. Either way, you are going to exchange!!!


May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans

Signed: One Who Knows

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