
Friday, May 12, 2017

What Are Replicators?

Captain Janeway uses a replicator. Many Star Trek technologies have been borrowed
from known galactic appliances

By Steve Beckow - Part 1/3

What are Replicators?

The Arcturians through Sue Lie made a helpful comment recently. They said:
In fact, as Gaia moves more and more into Her fifth dimensional resonance, the use of money, gold or any form of material exchange will end, to be replaced by replicators, which can be used to create anything that you need.

By the time Gaia fully resonates to the fifth dimension, money will become obsolete, as ALL fifth dimensional societies have the ability to create all that they need off of their personal replicator.

In fact, replicators are now available to all of humanity, but they are hidden along with the MANY inventions that are available NOW, but are being concealed from the masses and are only available to the few. The replicator is among the many third-dimensional secrets that have not yet been released to give comfort and support to those in need and/or humanity as a collective.
For those new to the subject, what is a replicator?

I first heard of a replicator-like device in 1977 during a stay at an Indian guru’s ashram. It was said that the guru had given several yogis, who were doing important work meditating in a remote Himalayan cave, an Akshaya Patra, a wish-fulfilling bowl. They took from it all their nourishment needs. Could there in fact be such a thing?

In more recent times, the galactics and celestials have discussed the subject with us. The fullest discussion can be found in Sheldan Nidle’s messages.

Sheldan’s sources consider the replicator an important gift – one of two they’ll introduce to us right away.
Once we feel that this new reality is working and beginning to achieve its first goals, we are going to do two things. First, we need a mass landing to introduce you to your mentors. Second, we intend to introduce our replicators to you. The way is then set for a swift path to full consciousness!
Why the replicators second? What purpose do they serve? Apparently they serve a number of purposes, besides just making an Earl Grey, hot.

One is to have us experience their realm and feel at peace with it.
As you begin to integrate [our] new concepts [on matter and spirit] into your worldview, you become capable of entertaining ideas that had previously seemed fantastic. This is when our technology can begin to make sense to you.

We live in a very different realm from yours and would like you to experience some of what our reality is like. This will allow you to compare both worlds and to revel in just how easy it is to adapt to and welcome all we have to offer you.

Our technology can form the first support of a bridge between us, and the second support will be your growing consciousness. Consciousness is basic, as our tools are predicated on telepathy and telekinesis and on the mutual interplay this provides between our tools and us.
Our use of the replicator will introduce us to telepathy, which will help us later communicate with our star family.

He broadens our understanding of what a machine is and what a being is, what’s insentient and what’s sentient:
From our perspective there is no real separation between our technology and us. Whether the device is a ship, a transporter, or a replicator, all are living entities which merge their sentient potential with our own to create something. This something can be a trip through the universe, the invention of a special implement to make life easier, or dinner!

The point is to move beyond your present notion that there are living and non-living states. Your planet and your Sun are alive! And as you progress into the sciences of nanotechnology, nanobiology, and artificial intelligence, new definitions of sentiency are sure to come up. What we are doing is jump-starting these concepts and demonstrating their potential.

The use of a technology such as ours relies on your as-yet untapped mind-consciousness link, and our purpose is to bring forth this now latent ability in you, as it constitutes one of the stepping-stones on your road back to full consciousness. Then, as you blend your technologies with ours, something wonderful happens.
So far we’ve seen several purposes: Replicators allow us to compare both worlds and come to ease with the higher; they serve as a bridge between our civilizations and lifestyles; they broaden our knowledge of sentiency; they develop our latent mind abilities/telepathy; and they help blend our technologies.

But there’s more, all of this brought to us by the use of a seemingly-magical device and gift, the replicator:
The activity of practicing how to operate our devices has the effect of strengthening your life force field. Many devices ‘acquired’ and back-engineered by your secret government have a similar effect.

As you become proficient in their use, you will become aware that you possess a number of immense hidden talents, which we have been hinting at. These talents are remnants of your former fully conscious self, and once you set foot on this path there will be no avoiding the fact that you are much greater Beings than you presently believe.

We have refrained from openly revealing these technologies to you before now because to do so ethically would have required a peaceful and cooperative environment in order for them to be in any way beneficial to you. This is why we are waiting until your new regimes have moved your societies beyond war and aggression. Once global cooperation is set up, we can bring in a whole slosh of technologies which will define the parameters of a new spiritual science for you.

Creating this new science makes it possible for you to perceive your reality in a new light.
So there is much more to the use of replicators than meets the eye. They’re one among a number of entrĂ©es into galactic society.

Thanks to:

Part 2
Part 3

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