
Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Analyzing Joseph Skippers Photo Archive


David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure:
Analyzing Joseph Skippers Photo Archive

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to another episode of “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey, and we're going to do some show and tell for you.

We have pictures of anomalous formations, picked out by the Internet sleuth, Joseph P. Skipper. And whether it is actually real or not, it certainly opens our imagination and it lends itself to discussion about what may or may not really be there.

Here to discuss this with me is Corey Goode. So, Corey, welcome to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So the first image that we have here is of a rock, which, when we zoom in on it up close, they look sort of like a capybara or a prairie dog.

Whether what we're seeing here is authentically a rodent or not, is there any potential truth behind this based on your knowledge, Corey?

Corey: Well, I think I've reported before that in the smart glass pads, I had read that when the Germans were building these different bases on the moon and on Mars, in their larger craft, they were bringing a lot of food and supplies.

And within those food and supplies, they had different rodents like rats and spiders and cockroaches, things like that, that hitched a ride with them.

Now, after some time, of course, they are trying to get them out of the base that they're staying at, so they chase them out into the environment of Mars where they think they'll perish.

But some of the information stated that the rats that had been out in the environment for a while began to mutate, and they were larger, and they began to look a little bit differently.

And also there were remarks about different insects that had gotten larger, and they think it was because of the radiation.

David: Lack of atmosphere causing more radiation from the Sun.

Corey: Right.

David: If NASA has recently announced that there is, in fact, liquid water, standing pools of water on the surface of Mars today, then wouldn't it stand to reason that they would be able to survive?

Corey: Well, yes. I mean, they could be eating the bugs that escaped from the same bases.

David: Right.

Corey: So we may have created a little environment, or they may have taken over the environment of other indigenous life that was on Mars.

David: Okay. So, now what we're going to see is an image that was apparently sent to Joseph P. Skipper by someone from the European Space Agency, or ESA, and it particularly deals with the Hale Crater on Mars.

And what you're seeing in this image where it says “Evidence site”, is an area where, as we get closer and closer, we start to see some very strange grid work.

Now, at this point, we're really starting to see some bizarre stuff.

Corey, what do you think we're looking at here?

Corey: You know, I'm unsure. When I've been brought to different bases or different locations on Mars, we usually had a steep approach to prevent you from seeing certain things.

David: Uh.

Corey: And when you would see them, it was difficult to know exactly where they were when you saw them. So this could very well be some artifacts that were captured that I haven't seen before.

David: It's very odd because there do appear to be patterns of, in some cases, groups of straight lines. There does appear to be an architectural organization to this.

Another thing, Corey, that's very bizarre about this is that some of it looks sharp, whereas other sections, as we can see in this image, have a blur effect around them, almost as if someone had deliberately not wanted us to see certain parts of this image.

So what do you think is going on there?

Corey: Well, if you spent a lot of time looking at the Google Earth feature for Mars, you'll see some areas where they've stitched together different groups of photographs and will cause some things. But when you find areas where everything else around it is clear and there are spherical or elongated type of pixilation areas, that is usually an area for you to try to concentrate on and look around to see if you can find anything else smaller, because even on the Internet, if someone finds something interesting today on Google Earth for the Moon or Mars, usually within weeks, if you go back, it's been pixilated.

David: Really?

Corey: Yeah.

David: And people have documented this?

Corey: Yes, very recently. And interestingly enough, even with higher resolution cameras, when you're above Mars looking at what used to be structures, the ruins, much of them are covered in a thick mud – like they were covered by a thick mud, and then after most of the moisture was pulled off out of the atmosphere, the mud kind of solidified.

David: Sure.

Corey: And mostly what you see are areas of structures, or corners of structures, sticking up out of this mud, or pieces of structures strewn out on top of and under this dried out mud.

David: Are you aware of there being any bases in which series of long corridor-like halls would be built, where they're all parallel to each other?

Corey: Yes, I've seen that very often, but this could also be the remnants of what once was a settlement on the planet.

A lot of these settlements look like almost melted adobe, like they were built out of adobe bricks, or just a massive adobe structure, and all of the water that poured across it in some sort of a catastrophe, just seemed to melt it.

Some of them look somewhat melted, but they looked like they were made out of a type of adobe.

David: So, Corey, if there is something in this particular Hale Crater, whey do you think the crater might be a desirable location for a settlement to be built?

Corey: For a couple of reasons. They would build inside craters because craters would offer a small amount of protection from wind storms – wind is a big problem on Mars – and it also, depending on how the Sun is traveling through the sky, the craters will provide shielding from solar radiation.

David: Okay. So, could there also be something having to do with the scarcity of water, and that the crater might actually be a better location to harvest water?

Corey: There might be water underground. But one of the second reasons it's a good place is that under a lot of these craters, the impact, when the impact occurred, it has caused fissures underneath that can be exploited and dug out and widened to make underground bases that are more shielded from the environment.

David: All right, so this looks like a dendritic branching pattern of something that clearly seems to be above the surface of the terrain.

What do you believe we're looking at here?

Corey: Well, I think I've spoken in the past about these strange colonies of bushes that would grow that were very stickery, like briars . . .

David: Okay.

Corey: . . . and sharp pointy leaves that had purple and red in them that grew sort of in colonies. The roots or some of the vines would shoot into the ground and then come out, and then another plant would sprout and grow.

And they would radiate out from a center, original plant. That looks very similar to the growth pattern that these bushes would do. So this could be an aerial photo of it at a lower definition.

David: Is this similar to what you witnessed that they actually look like? In other words, did you see things that looked like this but were clearly three-dimensional, rounded shapes as you would fly over them?

Corey: They were round in the sense that when you looked at them, they radiated out into a circular pattern.

David: Oh.

Corey: But when you're closer to them, you see all of the . . . just different patterns of how the plants are growing through the ground and sprouting up.

David: Corey, it seems like we're seeing a much more densely packed area of these sorts of things. It's very, kind of fluffy, but it actually looks more like a forest.

Do you think it's possible that this is a more dense area of that type of foliage? Did you ever see it come together in a thick area like this?

Corey: In certain areas, it gets thicker, but they're usually more sparse. This is kind of . . . These are kind of like desert-looking plants.

David: Okay.

Corey: They're tunneling deep for water, or they'll be close to one of these pools that have built up in a crater, like a crater-type lake. And the standing water in it is full of sediment.

It would be like going to a lake in Oklahoma, if you've ever seen one of those, and the water looks almost red because of all the red sediment that is suspended in the water.

David: All right. We now have an image that is strange because we're looking at the bush type of phenomenon again, but it clearly seems that there's been some tampering with the image.

Corey, what we're seeing here looks like somebody played around with the brightness and contrast filters in Photoshop in some way. And if you did that, you could make shadows that clearly were three dimensional objects not look like shadows anymore.

This clearly appears to be a tampered-with image. What do you think is going on here?

Corey: I agree. It looks like we're looking at something similar as the last image, some sort of radiating out pattern of biological growth that they somehow played with the image to make it look like just weird shadows and hills.

David: And this is something that NASA is going to do routinely if there's things there they don't want us to see.

Corey: Yes, and we've had whistleblowers come out and talk about NASA smudging images of the Moon, . . .

David: Right.

Corey: . . . so why wouldn't they do it on Mars?

David: Okay. Now, we have one of those images that, maybe it's just a rock, maybe it's something else.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Analyzing Joseph Skippers Photo Archive Click Here

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