
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Wormholes and Breakaway Civilizations With Mark Mccandlish


David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure:
Wormholes and Breakaway Civilizations
With Mark Mccandlish

David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. Well, Corey, welcome back.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: So what we're about to see here is Mark McCandlish describing a very fascinating UFO sighting that was certainly unambiguous way back during the era of the Vietnam War. Let's take a look.

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Mark McCandlish: I was at an air show at El Toro Marine Corps Station. This was back around 1991 or '92. And they had a static display there.

And they had this beautifully restored B-24 Liberator.

The aluminum of the plane had been polished to a mirror finish. And they had all the stencils were just perfect.

And I'm standing there behind this rope, and I'm looking at this plane. And I've just got a big grin on my face, just admiring what a wonderful restoration they've done on this plane.

And standing next to me is this fellow. He's probably about five foot five, an older gentleman, probably in his 70s or 80s. And he's got the same grin on his face too.

And so I look over and I said, “Boy, she's a beaut, ain't she?”

And he says, “Yeah!” He said, “I started my flying career in one of these.”

I said, “Really? You were in the Second World War?”

And he said, “Yeah, I was in the Pacific theater.”

And I said, “Well, so how long were you in?”

And he says, “Oh, 25 or 30 years.” And he said, “I ended up my career as a navigator in a B-52 in Vietnam.”

And I said, “Well, boy, that was some pretty serious fighting, especially, you know, B-52s and all the political flak that the military took.”

And so we started talking about different planes and weapons systems, the different things that he had flown or been a part of over the years.

And I said, “Well, you know, I understand that there's some new, pretty advanced stuff that's flying around now.

“I've heard stories from people who were in the Persian Gulf War who saw things zipping around in the sky that were unexplainable, making right angle turns at incredible velocity, stopping on a dime, and shooting away like they'd come out of a gun.”

And he kind of nodded and said, “Yeah, I've seen some of that stuff.”

And I said, “Really? Well, tell me about this.”

So he looks around nervously, you know, because he felt that maybe somebody might be tailing him – at least that was the way he acted.

And he says, “Well,” he says, “in the mid-'60s,” he says, “we'd flown a mission over North Vietnam, and our plane had picked up some flak from a surface-to-air missile. And so they sent us over to Guam to repair the aircraft, and we got about a week of R and R.”

And he said, “We were on our way back to our base in Thailand, and we were out over the Pacific. It's about 1 o'clock in the morning, full Moon, not a cloud in the sky anywhere.”

And he says, “I'm in my navigator suite just cruising along, not really paying much attention.”

I think they were at like 56,000 feet, some incredible altitude.

And all of a sudden, the pilot says, “What the hell is that?”

And so everybody scrambles up to the cockpit, and he points out to the left, and on the left side of the vehicle is this huge disk – immense. He said, “Conservatively, conservatively, between a quarter and a half of a mile in diameter.”

And I said, “Well, how did you . . . How could you determine . . . How could you tell it was that big?”

And he says, “Well, it had a cupola, a dome, on the top.” And he said it looked like a single casting of white Lexan. And it was translucent. And it was glowing. It was illuminated from the inside.

And he says, “On the outside of this dome, you could see the silhouette of each of the floors inside.”

And he says, “We counted 27 stories – 27 stories!”

And I said, “Okay. Well, what was the aspect ratio between the thickness of the disk and the overall diameter?”

He says, “About 10 to one.” So he says, “That's how we figured out that it was somewhere between a quarter and a half a mile in diameter.”

So he describes this thing. And he said, “It didn't look like your typical, you know, science fiction flying saucer where the outside is mirror smooth and polished.”

He said, “This thing was rough.”

It had panels that were different, you know, textures. And there were conduits that would come out of one place and snake around and go somewhere else, and plumbing and tubing and pipes and things, little antennas and stuff sticking out of it all over the place.

But he said, “Around the edge,” he said, “was this slot. And in this slot were these big . . . they looked like turbine blades.”

And he says, “Each one of these turbine blades was the size of a bypass door on a hangar for like an aircraft from the Air Force, really big.”

And he says, “And these turbine blades, whatever they were,” he says, “they were sliding along in this track around the circumference of this vehicle, just very slowly. And this thing paralleled our course.”

He said, “They were with us for at least a half an hour.”

And he says, “Maybe it was owing to the fact that the B-52 was designed to fight a nuclear war, and so the electronics of our plane was completely shielded against EMP,” electromagnetic pulse.

So he says, “Whatever was keeping this thing in the air, and we thought it was probably magnetic something,” he says, “we flew all around it. We flew over it. We flew under it.”

He says, “We got a really good look at this thing.”

And he says, “And it was the strangest thing we'd ever seen.”

But he said, “After a while,” he said, “this thing moved off a little ways.”

And he said, “The way we could see the features was, number one, from the illumination of the dome, and also the fact that it was sort of backlighted by the full Moon.”

And then the reflection of the Moon light coming off the Pacific Ocean would illuminate the underside of it.

He said, “The thing moved off a ways.” And he said, “These big turbine blades at the edge began going faster and faster and faster and faster until these blades, the size of a hangar bypass door, moving so fast you can't even see them. It's just a blur.”

And then all of a sudden, this thing, phew!, takes off on an oblique angle from their flight path.

And he says, “And as it did, this shimmering tunnel of light opens up, and this thing goes into it.”

For the rest of David Wilcock and Corey Goode - Cosmic Disclosure: Wormholes and Breakaway Civilizations With Mark Mccandlish
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