
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sheldan Nidle Update: Spiritual Events are About to Manifest...

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

We are well aware of what you have been through. Rejoice therefore that soon all of this is to be completed and you can truly celebrate. Until then, be patient and know in your hearts that the wait was indeed worth it.

Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

Dratzo! Just know deep in your hearts that you are divinely destined to ultimately receive the necessary funds that are to provide you with all the resources to succeed. In this success you are to show this reality your amazing potential. Always keep in your viewing screen the fundamental resolve needed to overcome all obstacles and to jointly manifest your magnificent dreams! We, like Heaven, are fully committed to this. Know as well that certain elements are coming together that are to isolate the dark’s minions from you and permit the new NESARA Republic to come into being.

The monetary resources you require are again moving forward at a truly divine speed. Momentum is building that is to permit those concerned with its delivery to now hasten the pace of this extremely important resource. Our pleading is being heeded and we expect some amazingly marvelous events to happen in the very near future. In addition, those who have so heinously delayed these actions are to be put out of their ever-growing misery. So remain confident that the best is yet to come.

The progress that is now being made is emblematic of the new attitude being shown by our allies. They fully realize just how important it is to assure all that the current progress is indeed unconditional. It is known that, in the past, the dark was able to manipulate this delivery process. We are confident that this is no longer to be the case. New security measures are in place to ensure that a constant, steady motion is to be the norm. With this procedure, this incredibly complex situation is to be completed on the original divine schedule. Hence, be prepared for the time when you will receive your promised prosperity and new governance.

It has been a very long trail that we have been forced by circumstances to complete. We are well aware of what you have been through. Rejoice therefore that soon all of this is to be completed and you can truly celebrate. Until then, be patient and know in your hearts that the wait was indeed worth it. Many grand events are near. Hence, you are soon to see the many key arrests you have been waiting for. Much that was expected has just taken a little longer than was at first explained to you. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!
Spiritual Events are about to manifest. We have noticed how Heaven has decided to bring the many facets of our new reality to the proper forefront. A major key to this is how the multitudes of new currency are being set forth. Those in charge, as we noted previously, are streamlining this process. Again, we expect many former issues to be made spiritually correct. These procedures are to permit Heaven and its allies to not only finish the RV but also to enable the swift openings required to bring in the spiritual programs for the NESARA Republic and the new financial system as well. God Bless us All!!

Thus, we blessedly expect all to go well as divinely planned! Heaven dearly intends for you to receive their grand blessings. This special process has undergone numerous modifications and, despite unforeseen events, success is anticipated to happen as planned. We therefore ask you to continue to hold your magnificent visions. Many truly marvelous things, such as the isolation of the dark’s minions, are underway. You are to experience all of this in a way planned exquisitely by Heaven! These highlight a few of the events that are to bring you this new reality. There is much for you to be thankful for.

We Masters wish to sincerely thank you for what you are so graciously doing. It is not easy for you to hold such high visions without obtaining immediate results. It is a sign of the rising consciousness within you. Your greatest reward is, of course, to actually witness the arrests, and most of all, to receive those monies long promised you. In these magnificent moments are to come the birth pangs of a long-destined future! It is in this Light of your divine grace that all is to unfold! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we are truly hovering on the edge of those times long prophesied by Heaven. Realize all that you have been destined to complete. Then, use your great inner strength to plow through all that still remains. Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation and PAO


Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for June


As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.

In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.

Topics include...

• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area    now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark    Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge    us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in    our Galactic futures?

Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register ~~ Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


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