
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Crop Circles - The Language Of Creation (video)

Image: from video

By: Arbre Solaire

CROP CIRCLES ⚛ The Language Of Creation

Published on 7 Jul 2017
I created this video to share insights on this phenomenon. Interpretations are based on my level of consciousness and thus can appear " wrong " to someone else. That's the magic of it ♫

French version :

Time has come to (re)consider this matter seriously and draw the attention of the scientific community on it.

As a people we cannot rely on NASA ( Never A Straight Answer ) anylonger for insights about Life beyond Earth : Disclosure must come from individuals like you and I.

Speak your truth. Don't be afraid. We are not alone and now is the time to let the world know about it !

People who feel attracted to the phenomenon can monitor new crop circles on this precious website :

Special thanks to the photographers like Steve Alexander's and all other artists who made this video possible ♥

Ps : the Crop Circle appearing at 5:40 mins is man-made, used for illustration purposes. That was a test to see if you were watchful about proportions ( just kidding ! :) )

YouTube link:

Crop Circles — Messages in the Fields

YouTube link:

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