
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dr. Steven Greer: A UFO ET Contact Expedition with Dr. Greer in TX Hill Country - September 2017

The "Magical, Mystical " Enchanted Rock - Fredericksburg, TX

By Dr. Steven Greer

Join our week long UFO ET contact expedition

6 Nights under the Stars with Dr. Greer in Texas Hill Country Sunday, September 17 - 23, 2017

This week long intensive is limited to about 25 registrants and provides for an intensive training program with Dr. Greer. It is also a true expedition, where each night we will go out under the stars for 4-5 hours to make Contact using the very effective CE-5 Contact Protocols.

During this intensive training program you will learn:

  • How to make Contact with ET civilizations using the CE-5 protocols and      how to really become an Ambassador to the Universe.
  • Advanced training in mantra meditation
  • Advanced techniques of Remote Viewing, Precognition and the Science of      Consciousness
  • The Effects of the Sanskrit Puja as we make sacred the place for Contact      using this ancient Vedic Ceremony
  • An update on world-wide Disclosure Project developments by Dr. Greer
  • An in depth review of New Energy technologies, including free energy      from the zero point field, anti-gravity and how the world can be      transformed with these new sciences
  • A deep understanding of the next great cycle on Earth: One of Universal      Peace, Free Energy, ---Abundance and Enlightenment through higher      states of Consciousness
  • How to set up your own Contact Team in your local area to continue to      make Contact with ET visitors to Earth!
  • 1st hand accounts from the making of the "Unacknowledged" book and      film from Dr. Greer.

    This event will be held at a small lovely B & B about 1 ½ hours from San Antonio, TX and about 1 ¾ hrs from Austin. We will be very near to the famous Enchanted Rock revered by the Comanche and the Tonkawa Native Americans. We have not been in TX hill country before but by all accounts the night sky is definitely something very special in Texas.

    Please read about: guidelines and rules, description and schedule, materials to study, recommended equipment before you sign up.
    If you want to participate please sign up by clicking here.

    Tuition for people coming for the first time is $2550 US/ person. For those who have been at a previous week long expedition or full time students 25 years of age or younger tuition is $1300 US. There are 20 places for people coming for the 1st time. There are 5 places for those who have attended before or for students. If you are interested in one of those 5 places please write to:

    We will be staying at a lovely B & B which we will have to ourselves. It is probably the nicest place we have ever stayed in the US. All rooms have King beds and all have private baths. You must stay at the hotel to be part of this event. The group cohesion that develops is important to the expedition. Whenever we have had a retreat with everyone staying together people have just loved it.

    The hotel will provide: Private room and bath, large "breakfast" for the midday meal and dinner. They will accommodate vegetarians and omnivores.
    Cost is:
    $140 per person + tax / day double occupancy = $840 + tax for the 6 nights with meals.
    $190 per person + tax / day - single occupancy = $1140 + tax for the 6 nights with meals.

    All the rooms are lovely and all have private bath. The 11 rooms in the main part of the facility are larger and more luxurious. Rooms will be assigned on a first come /first serve basis by the B & B staff. Once you have signed up for the expedition you will be sent details about the B & B - its website and how to contact them to make a reservation.

    The first meeting will be at dinner at 6 pm on Sunday September 17 and the last meeting will be the nighttime field work on Friday night September 22, 2017. Folks will check out on Saturday September 23rd unless they have made their own arrangements with the hotel to stay longer.

    This is only the second expedition for 2017 and we are not sure we will be having any others this year.

    We realize not everyone can attend one of these week long events. We encourage you to get our iPhone or iPhone or Android app - ETContactTool which has a full training program. People have had amazing experiences studying the app and going out on their own or finding other interested people with our free networking app -

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