
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: The Grand Experiment

David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure: The Grand Experiment

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode, and in this episode, we're going to get into the Grand Experiment.

This is something that is of particular interest to me, and I'm sure to many of you watching this program, because this Experiment affects people who are human but may not fit in and may in fact have ET souls.

So here for more information is Corey Goode. Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So we've talked about the idea that there was a Super Earth in our Solar System that exploded 500,000 years ago, and that it deactivated some sort of protective grid around our own Solar System and neighboring systems as well.

And you said that shortly after this, a bunch of groups of ETs came in. And could you tell us a little bit about them just to recap? Who are they, and what do they want?

Corey: Yes, they've been referred to as this Genetic Farmer race. And they've been on some sort of a mandate throughout the galaxy to spread advanced life, and to monitor and assist the development of that life, as well as the spiritual development of that life.

David: Could you define “advanced life?”

Corey: Advanced life would be, I guess, like a human being.

David: Okay. So at what point did you become aware of this existing?

Corey: I first became aware of this program when I was around the age of 13, and I was in these MILAB . . . what we're calling the MILAB programs.

David: Okay.

Corey: Once I had been put through the process of receiving the full dose of the serum that they were giving me for intuitive empaths, I was also about at the end of the training, and they wanted to have me out in the field.

So around age 13, they took me to . . . which we've done an episode about . . . they took me to this Super Federation base outside of Jupiter.

And I've described before how when we would fly into this temporal anomaly, that you ended up in a giant, like, a bubble in space, that you couldn't see stars. It was just pitch black.

And the space station was sitting right there in the middle, and you would see craft going to and from, from different races. And they were coming to have a meeting.

David: So why would ETs doing this be interested in a 13-year-old kid?

Corey: They had no interest in me whatsoever. I was there as one of three IE supports. They usually would have three intuitive empaths with them to help triangulate any type of deception, danger, anything like that.

David: Okay.

Corey: And as I've described before, they brought us into the main meeting hall, and we sat in sort of a horseshoe fashion in a delegate seat. And at that point, they were giving us smart-glass pads to keep ourselves busy.

And I was starting to read information in those about the group that I was there to support and the different genetic programs that they were involved in.

And that's when I found out that there were 22 different programs.

David: Were you there to support an ET group? Is that what you were involved in?

Corey: No, I was there to support the Earth delegation, but I was there to monitor everyone other than the Earth delegation.

David: So even though this Earth delegation is not elected, on some level, they represent us for this council?

Corey: Right. They rotate in. The seat rotates to different people on Earth.

David: And what would be our role in these negotiations? What are we fighting for? What do we want? Why are we there?

Corey: We don't have a role. It's just an observation. We're just there to observe. And that was granted fairly recently, from what I'm told.

David: Did they ever intend for this information to be known to the general public, or do they want it to stay strictly classified?

Corey: Classified.

David: The beings that you saw in this Super Federation, how extraterrestrial would they look to us?

Corey: Well, there were 60 plus different groups. So some of them looked very similar to us in size . . . not in size but in configuration – you know, humanoid.

But a lot of them were very human-looking. They just had slightly different skin colors. I mean, they looked slightly different, but they looked fairly human.

There were some that were obviously a part of this Pre-Adamite group, the more ancient one. They were taller, and they had the elongated skulls.

There was even the ones that I had talked about in the previous episode we did, with green skin and black hair.

David: Do we know how local they are in terms of positions in our galaxy? Do they come from all over the galaxy, or is it more of a local area?

Corey: No, they come from all over the galaxy. Our local star cluster was once protected by a barrier, as we've discussed, by the Ancient Builder Race.

David: Right.

Corey: And once that was brought down from the inside by some of the inhabitants, these groups finally had access to all of this new, rich genetic stock. It was a very exciting time for them. They had not had access.

The only genetic programming that had gone on inside this bubble, if you wish, were groups that had become advanced themselves genetically and were traveling around within that local star cluster doing genetic experiments. And that had been going on for a billion years.

David: Just to review something that I believe you said before, are the people that evolve on planets in our local star cluster going to look more like us in general?

Corey: For the most part, they look very similar. Yes.

David: Okay.

Corey: There are different types that aren't as mammalian-looking.

David: It seems to me that we're pretty clear now that the Secret Space Program was being run by the Cabal, that there were some very negative aspects to it.

The term “Genetic Farmer”, to me, sounds kind of derogatory. And I'm wondering if perhaps what they're doing might be actually more benevolent for human life on Earth than how the Cabal-run Secret Space Program might have been seeing it at that time.

Corey: When you are the petri dish, or the rat in the cage, your perspective is a little bit different than if you're the one wearing the white coat.

David: But wouldn't you say that the basic idea of what they're up to . . . People hear the term “Genetic Farmer”, they might think that this is some kind of slave mill in which human genetics are being used for food or something like that.

Whereas what you've described before sounds more like an ascension plan, that they're trying to help us.

Corey: Right. It is a spiritual and genetic plan, or program of evolution, that is working in concert with the cosmic changes occurring in different regions.

These cosmic . . . In different parts of the galaxy, these energetic influxes have occurred at different times and in slightly different ways. And they're working with the local populations in concert with those cosmic changes to enhance their DNA and to enhance their consciousness.

David: I was recently going through the Hindu sacred texts using a search engine, and I found approximately . . . and it's not exactly clear if they're all individual or not, but I found approximately 188 references to the Solar Flash.

Everybody talks about this Solar Flash, and you have groups that are Reptilian groups called the Rakshasas. You have clearly groups like Krishna that have blue skin but are human-looking.

There's a variety of groups that were on Earth at that time. And in these books, the Vedas, they talk about the Solar Flash as if everybody knows that this is going to happen. The Sun is going to give off this big flash at the end of the age, and that there is some kind of transformation of life on Earth.

So do you think that there is some relationship between the Genetic Farmers and what's going on in the Hindu ancient texts?

Corey: Yes, because this flash they're talking about is just a byproduct of these cosmic changes that are occurring, these energetic changes. So yeah, it's a direct tie-in.

David: It's interesting, because it's like reading other people's mail. Everybody takes it for granted. They all know this is going to happen. There's no question that it happens.

Corey: It's happened before.

David: Yeah, so it's something they consider just to be a basic fact, like we would say that the color red is on a stop sign. Same thing.

So if they are trying to promote our Ascension, what is the difference for us when this Solar Flash would occur as opposed to if we were just out in the boondocks and nobody had ever done any of these experiments on us? What's the difference?

Corey: Well, I'd like to think that there's some sort of structure to the cosmos. I think that most likely you would still be advancing but at a much, much slower rate. This is like putting turbo speed on the Ascension process.

David: It's almost like the analogy of the jack-in-the-box, where we're spring-loaded and POW! Something happens when the Solar Flash takes place.

Corey: Right.

David: What was the history of intelligent life on Earth, if any, prior to the catastrophe of half a million years ago where the Super Earth blew up? Was there any human life or intelligent life on Earth before that?

Corey: Well, interestingly enough, this Reptilian or Saurian group that has been in conflict with humanity for so long, claims that they originally were stewards of the Earth, and that they had their own experiment going on here, that some of these races that now have a mammalian experiment going on had sterilized their experiment, and that in doing so, they had lost three races.

David: Hm. Three different intelligent species?

Corey: They said there were three lost races because of this cleansing that took place. So that's one of the claims made by the Reptilians that I have not had verified.

David: The insider, Bruce, who gave me a lot of the information for “Ascension Mysteries”, said that the prevailing opinion within his insider click now is that the asteroid, or whatever it was that destroyed the dinosaurs, was deliberately steered in, and that the Moon was placed in its current position at that time to jump-start more of a mammalian cycle for the Earth by giving us seasons that we wouldn't have had without it.

Corey: Yeah, interestingly enough, my recent contacts with some of these airmen that escort Sigmund, they told me that I had gotten the dates wrong.

They said, according to their information, this Super Earth blew up 500 million years ago, and that it was 60 or so million years ago that the Moon came into orbit and that a lot of stuff . . . and that also they were telling me that it was really strange, but they were trying to push the dates out much further.

David: Well, my own research would suggest that they might have been disinforming you for some reason . . .

Corey: Yeah, yeah.

David: . . . because I've had multiple individuals say the same dates. And the 500,000-year-old date is precisely in the Law of One.

Corey: Right. And this is after Sigmund was missing, and they were asking me about his whereabouts. And so, yeah, there's a lot of stuff that's been kind of weird since then.

David: Do we know anything about what these three Reptilian races would have looked like or where did they go?

Corey: Nothing. Possibly, because the Raptor group, it is postulated that they are remnants of the dinosaur race that escaped under Earth, underground, and they escaped the cataclysm. So I don't know if they could have been one race that survived and three more are missing, but it's interesting to think about.

David: Hm. So I know we covered the Raptors before, but not everybody is going to have seen all episodes. So could you tell us a little bit more about them? This is a very strange thing, obviously.

Corey: And I found out since then that they have all different sizes and types.

David: Oh, really?

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: The Grand Experiment Click Here

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