
Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Three Fingered Technology with Pete Peterson

David Wilcock
Cosmic Disclosure:
Three Fingered Technology with Pete Peterson

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to another episode of “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with our special guest, Pete Peterson. Pete, thanks for being here. Pete Peterson: Thank you. Thank you.

David: We had been talking about crashes in Antarctica, and you had mentioned that, at the deepest level, there's one that landed on what's like a continental surface with tropical type of plants. And then you said that you had a lot more experience with a second crash.

Now one of the things that I find really fascinating in what you've been telling us, is that there was a set of controls for beings that had three long fingers. So there's a lot of really interesting connections being made here.

And we were also talking about the mathematics of base three and the idea that, perhaps, we were given five fingers to confuse us away from this ideal math.

What would be the practical application of this base three mathematics that you say your friend has discovered?

If we start using that, what are some of the technological breakthroughs that we might have, or scientific breakthroughs that we might have?

Pete: What would be the proximate result, in the very beginning, probably half the mathematicians in the world would violently protest against it. And the other half would see it immediately.

It can easily be seen because he's broken it down into a series of charts, of charting numbers, and with different colors for the different digits and the different, say, points.

And then we'd try to say, 'Well, here are all the things that this makes possible'.

We can't even begin to imagine maybe 1% of the things that it'll make possible. It's so totally changes our representational viewpoint of the universe. Mathematics is a language.

David: Okay.

Pete: It's a way that we can talk about numerical things. And it's THE language of science. It's how we talk about almost all the things we do in science, even biological things and so forth.

Every form of engineering we have will change. Things that we couldn't ever do will become instantaneously doable by children.

David: Are there any other examples, that you know of, of beings with three fingers? You mentioned that this craft had sockets for three fingers.

Pete: Almost all the ancient beings have three fingers.

David: Really?

Pete: The ones that we have samples of.

David: Really?

Pete: I don't know, except very recently, of any alien craft that we recovered that didn't have three-finger control.

David: That didn't have?

Pete: Didn't have.

David: Really?

Pete: We don't have joysticks. The movement of the hand, wrist and hand, and fingers . . . and like I said, almost all the aliens have very, very similar apparatus. It's just that most of them have three fingers because it's much more . . . it's more than enough, or it's exactly enough.

And it's easier to deal with. It's easier to compute in your head for three fingers.

David: Some of the people watching this are going to say that intelligent life could not develop with three fingers because conventional anthropology believes that once we got the opposable thumb and could grasp and hold, that's once we were able to do toolmaking and develop intelligence.

Pete: They're absolutely correct, except you have two opposable fingers instead of just one – twice as much you can accomplish.

David: Really? So each of the fingers on the sides acts like a thumb.

Pete: Like a thumb.

David: Hm.

Pete: And in many of them, they go in like a thumb. I mean, they go in from the side. They're not three fingers like that. [Pete holds up three middle fingers.]

David: Right.

Pete: It's three fingers like that. [Pete holds up his thumb and index finger on one hand and positions the thumb of his other hand next to the index finger.]

David: Hm. Interesting. Could you tell us a little bit more about what was found in that second level, that second layer in Antarctica?

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Three Fingered Technology with Pete Peterson Click Here

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