
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Timeline Splits and Diversionary Tactics

Corey Goode and David Wilcock

David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure:
Timeline Splits and Diversionary Tactics

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and in this episode, we are here with Corey Goode, bringing you some very interesting up-to-the-minute updates. So without further ado, Corey, welcome to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So let's talk about this first, because the first subject is one that is on a lot of people's mind if they're aware of what's going on, and that is that there have been a very densely concentrated number of incredibly snide, vicious personal attacks against me, but much more so against you, and even against this network.

I will just say, for the record, that I consider these attacks to be very over-the-top and ludicrous. And I don't typically respond to this kind of stuff because it's just so absolutely outrageous.

But what are your thoughts or feelings about what's going on right now? I mean, it's obviously made to look like it's just normal people having typical complaints, but what do you think is going on here?

Corey: Well, I've spoken to you; I've spoken to other people that have been in this business a long time. No one's ever seen anything near the magnitude of this type of attack.

And this is exactly what I said was coming at least six months ago, when I was told that anyone associated with the Navy Secret Space Program narrative had to be discredited and destroyed, because they want this Air Force narrative to come out and be disclosed.

David: The thing that surprises me the most about this, Corey, is the feeling of almost total invulnerability that the people perpetrating this appear to have. It's as if they don't have the slightest concern about being sued, or committing libel, or slander, or defamation. They just absolutely do not care.

What are your thoughts on that?

Corey: Well, as I stated, this is a part of a major operation. It's not just a few people that have some issues. These are people that have been activated, and they have to squash or quash anything that gives credence to the Navy program.

They only want the Air Force program to be in the forefront right now, because they plan to disclose it fairly imminently.

David: Would they be attacking you if you were losing?

Corey: Absolutely not. When you put yourself out as a victim, you are then in defense mode. You're not in attack mode, which is what they're used to being in – having the upper hand and being on the attack. Right now, they look extremely desperate with the tactics they're using.

David: You recently did a joint article with Dr. Michael Salla, and you've also made some Facebook posts regarding the idea that there could be some sort of official Nordic disclosure involving, I guess, something having to do with us being introduced to them.

Corey: Yes. And this could be tied to a recent meeting I had with Ka'Aree. I've never seen her display anxiety with body language or energy, and I was picking up anxiety.

And she let me know that the Anshar were concerned about the timeline, that things were not going well.

David: Hm.

Corey: And that because of that, not only them, the Anshar, but three other non-human beings along with the Anshar have decided to go against the Muhammad Accords, which is a really big deal.

They're unable to get all the signatories of the Accords together to ratify it or to end it.

So because things have become so desperate, they are now stating that they're going to start reaching out to humanity.

And in the beginning, they're going to start reaching out to humanity en masse through dreams and visions to prep us for face-to-face contact.

And then they're going to start appearing, very much like they have with me, with individuals and small groups of people but not on a national or world scale to where they're going to be on television, that kind of a thing.

It's going to be a slow acclimation process.

David: I want to be clear on this, and I want to get you to put this on the record. What type of person would be chosen for this kind of contact? And what kind of conduct would these beings be expecting from you if you were going to receive this type of contact?

Corey: They're choosing people that they've been in contact with for a long time, usually, and a lot of these people spend a lot of time in a meditative state and are more in the frequency to where they can be communicated with

David: Uh-huh.

Corey: So usually, it's going to be the more positive people, the quieter people, that have been focusing on their inner journey and have been preparing themselves for contact.

David: So just so that we're clear, what you're saying is then that these people would start by having, perhaps, a lot more vivid dreams than they'd been having before?

Corey: Yes, vivid dreams.

David: What might those dreams be like?

Corey: Communication dreams. Beings appearing to them in dreams and preparing them for face-to-face contact.

And when that face-to-face contact does occur, people could very well be receiving passes to ride along on motherships.

David: Okay, there's a couple more things I really want to get clear about here. It would appear that a more ego-driven spirituality would take something like what you're describing, and then somebody is going to want to portray themselves as a savior figure for humanity.

Corey: Well, there are going to be those, probably, who do that. But when you're one person among thousands that this is occurring to, you're not going to rise to the top to be any type of savior.

And they're not going to be choosing those types of people anyway that have savior complexes, they're just not.

David: What do you think will be the conditions in the world, or what have you been told will be the conditions in the world, that we will be seeing concurrently with when the in-person behavior starts to happen?

Corey: Well, a lot of people will be reporting these dreams – contact dreams. That's going to be the major thing that people notice.

Now, one of these four groups is most likely the Nordic group that I received briefings on for quite a while. Gonzales, Sigmund and Ka'Aree have all spoken about this Nordic group possibly stepping forward.

This Nordic group has been in communication with all the world leaders, religious leaders, for a long time.

Recently, there was a meeting of all the world religious leaders, I believe in June, to where they all basically asked if we can just all get along. Isn't that right?

David: It was about, “Let's be friends”, that was the main theme, yeah.

Corey: Right. Be friends.

Well, a lot of information is coming in – a lot of it through the Air Force – that this Nordic group has been working very closely with the Vatican in a way to come out with their existence in a way that's not going to shock the people.

Now, they fully expect that everyone is going to have a lot of questions, you know, about these non-terrestrials.

And we're going to find out that they've been involved in our past for millennia, that they've appeared as angels. They have introduced different belief systems to try to manicure our consciousness, to get us to grow more consciously.

So it is very much expected that when we find out all this information, this group is going to give us, basically, their belief system, their religion.

And it's going to be based a lot on Oneness and what a lot of people would consider esoteric ideas, but it's expected that the masses, the massive part of the population, will adopt it very quickly.

David: So let's just say, Corey, that there's reason to believe that the Alliance may be very much more a factor in the Vatican now than ever before.

How does that reflect on this alleged disclosure plan you're talking about?

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Timeline Splits and Diversionary Tactics with David Wilcock and Corey Goode plus important images
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