
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Was Hurricane Irma Steered by Maser Satellites in Weather War against USA?

By Dr. Michael Salla

Was Hurricane Irma Steered by Maser Satellites
in Weather War against USA?

Into the early morning hours of September 11, Hurricane Irma lashed the Tampa Bay region of Florida for nearly four hours with its destructive force. Not only has Irma caused millions of civilians to flee Southern Florida, but has also led to the mandatory evacuation of military personnel from Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base, home of US Special Operations Command.

In a series of four previous articles, I showed how Special Operations Command was linked to flying triangle-shaped craft possessing antigravity technology photographed near MacDill as Irma approached. The flying triangles were allowed to be photographed near MacDill in a policy decision influenced by the approach of Irma, either as a policy response, hurricane mitigation effort, and/or to ascertain who was steering the hurricane.

What will be explored in this article is the possibility that Irma’s path had been deliberately steered to take out MacDill and Special Operations Command in a new 911 false flag attack using space based Maser satellites.

Later in this article, I will present a Q and A with secret space program insider, Corey Goode, who will be sharing his information about Irma and the flying triangles. First, I present a brief history lesson on Weather Modification.

The Evolution of Weather Modification Technology

Weather modification technologies date back to the 1940’s, when it was discovered that chemicals could be seeded in the atmosphere to influence the weather. A 1978 US Senate Committee report detailed how the US Congress has been involved in reviewing weather modification technologies as far back as 1947, and how since 1953, six acts of Congress had been passed dealing with the subject matter.

It was in the early 1970’s that it was first found out that high frequency radio waves provided the next major technological evolution in weather modification according to Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning in their 1995 book, Angels Don’t Play This Haarp. They traced the technological developments that led to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and its multifaceted uses in weather manipulation and mind control.

While ostensiblly designed as a communications system, powerful radar arrays like Alaska’s HAARP Research Station near Gakona, could be used to bombard the Earth’s ionosphere with extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves that would heat it up tremendously.

HAARP could be used for weather modification purposes in so far as artificially induced high pressure systems could be created to steer moisture laden air from one area to another. Dane Wigginton from GeoEngineering Watch describes how this has occurred to create drought in the Western United States:
When the ionosphere is bombarded with the massively powerful RF / microwave transmissions from installations like HAARP, high pressure heat domes can be created and maintained. In the case of the current record shattering high pressure heat dome over the US West, the clockwise spin of upper level air currents around the high pressure zone allow the weather makers to steer cooler air from the Pacific into the center of the country while completely bypassing the West.
HAARP’s ability to create high pressure systems can be used to steer hurricanes in whatever direction the controllers of HAARP desire. Wigington claims multiple HAARP facilities have been used in the generation and/or path taken by recent hurricanes like Harvey and Irma.

In the 1970’s, another step in the evolution of weather modification technologies occurred with the US Air Force/National Reconnaissance Office deploying military satellites with dual purpose surveillance and electronic weapons functions. These were later incorporated into Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) as a futuristic space based defense system against intercontinental ballistic missile attacks using electronic weapons such as masers (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).

It was found that masers could be loaded into satellites, which could then generate powerful microwave radiation with great accuracy. Maser satellites were allegedly tested in the creation of many crop circles that first began appearing in the English countryside in the late 1970’s, with large numbers appearing by the late 1980’s.

According to a number of scientists investigating crop circles, there was extensive evidence that microwaves were used to generate some of the elaborate patterns. For example, Professor Richard Taylor, head of the Materials Science Institute from the University of Oregon, identified satellite based microwave technologies as the most likely explanation for crop circles.

The conclusion of Professor Taylor and others is that many crop circles have been created as a means of testing and refining space based maser satellites, which can direct microwaves anywhere on Earth with pinpoint accuracy. Here is how another crop circle researcher summarizes his analysis of crop circle evidence and knowledge of patents on Maser technologies:
At many crop circle locations, especially the more elaborate ones, it appears that microwaves have been used to create the designs. The evidence of stalks, burnt from the inside out exists. Small animals have been discovered at these places that look exactly how an animal would look like if you shoved one of them in a microwave oven and blasted them until dead. Burned from the inside out. This fact to me, along with my knowledge of what is currently on the patent books, seems to indicate the use of military microwave weapons being directed from orbiting satellites. The evil outgrowth of Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars Program. Masers! … Crop circles are, in my educated opinion, test firings of military weapons.
This is where crop circle researchers make the critical link to a key ingredient for weather modification:
Perhaps they are testing newly launched satellites to see if they work properly. Perhaps they are aligning the beam or beams. One thing is for certain, microwaves produce some mean heat! Stick a bowl of water in a microwave oven. Hit the start button. Three minutes later, you’ve transformed a cool bowl of water into a hot bowl of bubbling, boiling excitement.
For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links/images Click Here

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