
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Alchemy and the law of one

Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Cosmic Disclosure:
Alchemy and the law of one

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode. And in this episode, we're going to get into the mysteries of alchemy and The Law of One.

So, Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: The alchemical tradition is a very interesting thing. The word “alchemy” is apparently derived from “Al Kemet”, or the “science of Egypt”. And a lot of people have speculated that this idea of lead transmuting into gold, although there may be a practice that does that, that it is somehow analogous to the transformation of the soul, the idea of the Ascension, the lightbody, that the physical body is like the lead and that the lightbody is like the gold.

Did you encounter any information when you were in the Secret Space Program regarding this idea of the alchemical transmutation?

Corey: I didn't see information directly about alchemy, or if I did, it wasn't what I paid attention to. But the more I'm learning about alchemy, the more I'm finding out how it does have to do with the Ascension process.

David: So did you ever encounter information suggesting that metals could possibly transmute, as the alchemist claimed to have accomplished?

Corey: Yes, actually. When they were building the Alien Reproduction Vehicles, building their models based on that craft that was given to us, I believe by the Nazis, they found out that the middle column inside the flying saucer had mercury in it, or some sort of gallium metal, that was spun in different directions in different tubes within tubes, and a high electrical field was applied to it.

This was a part of the process of electrogravitics.

When we were trying to repeat that process, we were using just regular mercury. When the high electrical fields were applied to the mercury, it actually turned into gold. It looked like kind of a coral. The told turned into like a coral.

David: And this was chemically tested – confirmed to be gold, not just gold-like?

Corey: Yes. And they've reproduced this at a university, but they took small amounts of mercury, applied heavy, heavy electromagnetic fields to it, and it turned to gold.

David: Really? Well another interesting angle here is when we get into the science of vortex points on Earth – ley lines, things like this – I have more than one insider who told me that alchemical transmutation, to get this to work properly in a natural location on Earth, you have to be at one of these special node points. There's something about the physics there that makes this more apt to happen.

Corey: Well, those node points are entrances and exits to, basically, portals. These node points that . . . We've talked about how the Earth has a grid around it, and each of these node points has a certain aspect that has to do with maybe the stone, the crystalline stone, . . .

David: Right.

Corey: . . . and it causes an electrical connection between the cosmic web and the node. And at different points as the Earth is spinning, and depending on where it is with the Sun, that electrical connection takes a path of least resistance.

And whichever node happens to be in that path of least resistance, that is where a portal would open.

David: Hmm. So it is conceivable then that ancient people could have determined that, with the knowledge of the grid and the knowledge that certain planetary alignments would activate these portals, that at certain times you could get this to work.

Corey: Sounds like it. There's obviously a lot of high electromagnetics involved with portals, so maybe they have multiple purposes for those locations.

David: Right. Did you ever hear anybody describe this idea of the alchemical process? Was there anybody in your Secret Space Program that was really big on secret societies and this idea that the body is like the lead that needs to be consumed, transformed?

Corey: Yes. A lot of the engineers and scientists that I worked with were heavily into that.

David: Really?

Corey: They would talk about all of these different things, but it was not in my interest. I focused more on other things. And, obviously, the things that I remember are the things that I was looking into the most.

These secret societies know the mystery teachings. And I believe that in these mystery teachings is a more detailed chronology of what has really occurred on this planet over the last couple cycles.

David: Do you think that some of the texts that have been sequestered into the Vatican library, allegedly from Egyptian Library of Alexandria, might have information about this in them?

Corey: Yes, definitely. The Library of Alexandria was listed in the glass pads as basically a false flag. All of the information was taken out and taken to the Vatican.

And within many different manuscripts from different parts of the world, you have information that points you towards a solar flash or a solar event of some sort.

David: So despite how much has survived that I've talked about in Wisdom Teachings, about the solar flash and so many religions and ancient spiritual teachings, there could be much more about it that we lost that's hiding in the Vatican library.

Corey: I'm sure that in more than just that one location, there are greater details about what occurs during the process.

David: All right. Well, now what I want to do is take us through some Law of One quotes on what they call “harvest”.

And the word “harvest' is how The Law of One usually describes this process.

As I've said, in other episodes, “Wisdom Teachings”, etc., don't get hung up on that, because it appears that “harvest” is referring to a Bible quote in the Book of Matthew, where it says that “the wicked ones will be plucked one by one from the just at the end of the age.” So they use . . .

Corey: And thrown into the fire.

David: Yeah, this harvest metaphor. So what I want to do is read you some of this stuff that The Law of One says, because we've had a lot of people asking for clarification. The Law of One is very puzzling.

And first of all, Corey, just to set this up in case people haven't seen the other episodes, what have the beings that you're talking to said about The Law of One and their relationship to it?

Corey: They said that they were responsible for delivering that information.

David: And this is the Blue Avians?

Corey: The Blue Avians, yes. When I asked them about it, . . . Yes, they said that they brought that to us as a guide for a consciousness expansion.

David: And you also said, I believe, that once you started reading it, their verbiage changed.

Corey: Yes. They were always very, I guess, cryptic with me to begin with. But they basically use what language you have, what words you have already that you use on a regular basis, words from your lexicon.

David: Right.

Corey: They're going to use those in communication with you. And when I was able to finally read The Law of One, that gave them a whole new vocabulary to use with me. It broadened the communications quite a bit, and I was able to understand more of what they were saying.

David: So just to be absolutely clear, they started to sound like The Law of One after you read The Law of One?

Corey: They started speaking, yes, in that same manner.

David: Interesting. And does that continue to happen now?

Corey: Yes. And they spoke in a similar manner before – the cadence, the way the information was delivered – but they were using all of the language from my current perspective.

David: Now, what has their opinion been of the quality of what was done in the original Law of One work? Do they say that it's accurate? Did they say that there were any mistakes in it?

Corey: No, they said that it was accurate, that it did come through the distortions of the people recording it, delivering six higher-density information through a lower-density filter. There's always going to be that type of thing, that they did not plan for people to use it as scripture like a Bible, like some have done, that they do not want any new religions to develop, that we need to focus on inwardly instead of developing all these religions.

David: So one of the things that I'm sure you're familiar with by now off all the people writing in, you don't just read The Law of One to figure out what's going to happen. There's a lot of cryptic statements that need to be deciphered.

So as a service to the audience, I want to go through what they actually say and have us discuss it with the knowledge that you now have, which has given a lot more clarity in some ways to some of the things that were in The Law of One.

So let's take a look now. At this point, Don Elkins had just gotten this new contact. He wants to know about planetary changes. He wants to know about catastrophes. He's expecting there to be some kind of event. Look at what happens.

THE EARTH CHANGES ________________________________________________________________

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Alchemy and the law of one Click Here

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