
Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Sheldan Nidle Update: Prepare for a Marvelous Miracle! Hallelujah!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

A wondrous new reality is to be created and in this you will discover how Heaven is divinely altering this realm for the better.

Selamat Balik! Many puzzling developments are currently manifesting. However, events are transpiring that are expected to end the present prosperity fund impasse. It is extremely necessary that the current distributions be carried out quickly according to Heaven's wishes. A modified system has been put into effect to complete this as expediently as possible. A complementary strategy is now in place to enable the efficient delivery of your prosperity packages. The amounts of these funding packages have likewise increased exponentially.

The ongoing process to remove the large obstructionist banks from the current dysfunctional banking system has proved to be more difficult than we originally expected. This is owing to a number of large loopholes still remaining. It is our overall intention to use a transitional procedure to resolve this unsettling situation. We feel that the coming success of this solution can lead to the final delivery of your prosperity packages.

We remain confident that you shall finally begin to receive the significant amounts of currency that you have long been promised. In this Light, always remember that we are determined to forge the new NESARA/GESARA governments. It is this new governance that is destined to create a wondrous, sovereign and prosperous new realm, to finally end the UFO cover-up and to bring peace to this currently distraught orb.

This is destined to be the time when those who have long run this globe are to disappear. You can then rejoice, and in good measure complete your many infrastructure projects. The present period is indeed a prime example of a time that truly "tries Men's Souls". Look instead to the immediate future and know in your heart what is now ready to unfold. What can be truly said is that these are the best of times, as well as the worst of times. Remember, the best is yet to come.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!
We are watching everything carefully to see that all parties are following current protocols. We have as well paid a great deal of attention to all the shenanigans that have marked this program in the recent past. All of the existing pitfalls are to quickly change. A number of procedures are now in place to prevent what has so clearly become common practice. Heaven has assured us that this is indeed the case.

The blessings of Heaven are surely upon thee. Those who have for so long influenced and controlled your world are shortly to disappear. They have continued to prevent the prosperity and global harmony required and their rebellious ranting is now destined to be silenced! You are at last to be shown the divine mercy that Heaven is truly capable of.

The dark ones do not fully take into account what has been recently going on around them. They somehow still believe that what Heaven has promised can be deftly dissolved. This is definitely not the case. Prepare, my Children, for a marvelous miracle! What you have wished for is being readied to manifest! A wondrous new reality is to be created and in this you will discover how Heaven is divinely altering this realm for the better. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we reported on what is now occurring across this globe. The dark ones are to be arrested and incarcerated. They are to be completely separated from you. At the same time, new governance is to bloom and a new reality filled with wealth and sovereignty is to forever alter this realm. Never forget, dear Hearts, that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!) It is time for all to come to fruition!


Timely Webinar ready for downloading ~ ~

Transition - Moving From a 3-D Money-Based System to 5-D Full Consciousness

The crucial questions everyone is asking are:

Why are the Galactics so focused on money and prosperity?

Why are they not simply fast-forwarding their arrival?

Why must we first transition through abundance and prosperity     programs?

In this Webinar Sheldan explains why a money transition phase is necessary as a first step before announcements and the landings can occur.

Webinar 89 Preview: Transition Through Prosperity

Topics include...

Power Corrupts - How the power-hungry cabal has exploited humanity.
Debt Slavery - How a money-based system has kept us in servitude.
Why the Galactic Federation requires us to transition through prosperity     programs and abundance.
Why the Cabals are making it so difficult for us to financially move     forward.
Why our current banking system needs to change to allow prosperity     funds finally to be delivered: a look ahead to when this can be     accomplished.
What happens during delivery of prosperity funds and after.
After the transition phase: when and how we will be able to travel to     Inner Earth and enter our light chambers.
What will happen to our money and possessions once we become fully     conscious beings of light.

To order Webinar 89 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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