
Monday, October 09, 2017

Trump to use Space Weapons Against North Korea to Begin Secret Space Program Disclosure

By Dr. Michael Salla

Trump to Use Space Weapons against North Korea to begin Secret Space Program Disclosure

On October 5, President Donald Trump cryptically spoke to reporters about the “calm before the storm” after a White House dinner with his top military leaders and their spouses. Trump’s previous and subsequent comments suggest that the US military is prepared to launch an overwhelming first strike against North Korea.

According to secret space program insider, Corey Goode, this will involve highly classified space based weapons systems that have never before been publicly revealed.

Here is how the Associated Press described the scene for Trump’s October 5 comment:
Reporters were led hastily to the grand State Dining Room, where they walked into a scene of the president, his highest-ranking military aides and their wives posing for a group photo…. Trump gestured to the reporters in the room.

“You guys know what this represents?” Trump asked. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm. Could be the calm, the calm before the storm.”

“What storm Mr. President?” one reporter shouted. ISIS? North Korea? Iran?

“You’ll find out,” the president said.
As to the country Trump was alluding to, he gave a tweet on October 7, which gave a clear answer:

Trump is clearly alluding to a massive military operation being planned against North Korea. Such an operation would require weapon systems that could very quickly destroy much of North Korea’s military infrastructure in order to prevent it from retaliating against South Korea, Japan, or even the US itself.

Almost four million people in Seoul and Tokyo alone would be killed by a North Korean retaliatory nuclear strike according to a study conducted by scholars at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

The kind of weapons systems required to take out North Korea’s military infrastructure would have to be orders of magnitude more powerful than those used in the air war against Iraq in 2003, and against Serbia in 1999. These air wars took weeks to wipe out the bulk of Iraq and Serbia’s air defense, command and control, and vital military infrastructure.

The US would have to achieve the same strategic goals in a matter of minutes, rather than weeks. This firmly leads to Trump authorizing the use of highly classified space based weapons systems against North Korea. At the official level, space based weapons are non-existent and are merely being planned for the future.

At the classified level, space weapons have been secretly deployed by both the US and China. According to the National Institute for Public Policy, China “has the capability of attacking, destroying or disrupting the 500 US satellites circling the earth at heights of between 1,200 miles and 22,000 miles”.

There has been speculation that the US and China having developed space based weapons such as Rods of God, which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results. The effects of such a weapon was depicted in the movie G.I Joe 2.

To understand what is being planned, I asked Corey Goode a number of questions. The following are his responses based on the intelligence he has gained from multiple military and secret space program sources.

Key: MS – Michael Salla, CG – Corey Goode.....

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links/images and video Click Here

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