
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Vegas Terror and Disclosure: Is Something Very Big About to Happen?

By David Wilcock

Vegas Terror and Disclosure:
Is Something Very Big About to Happen?

The Vegas mass shooting may well be the most horribly botched "inside job" in modern history. Millions of newly-awakened people are getting their first chance to see a JFK, 9/11-style cover-up unfolding in real time.

A meta-analysis of the independent "citizen journalism" on this critical subject reveals that many key elements are missing, despite the unprecedented, massive number of contributors to the narrative.

A variety of insider reports suggest we are finally closing in on a civilization-defining moment of truth-telling and disclosure that could dramatically improve life on earth as we know it.

Our goal in sharing this with you is to shed light on this tragedy, expose the perpetrators and spread the information far and wide.

You are encouraged to make videos, write articles, borrow ideas (with credit), and contribute to the narrative in whatever way you can.

The best way we can honor the victims of this shocking tragedy is to make a strong push for the full truth to be exposed.

This is not 1963, nor 2001. The mainstream media has become a joke. If "they" won't give us an honest version of the story, we need to write it ourselves.


Let's say there was more than one shooter. Let's say a monstrous cover-up is being perpetrated by the American corporate media.

Would that really surprise you? At this point in our history?

Before we discuss our view of this shocking catastrophe, let's be clear that our suggestions will not be sudden, arbitrary "conspiracy theories."

This tragic event, once properly understood and explained, can be seen as a direct continuation of what we have already exposed within our existing body of work for many years now.

All of the puzzle pieces have been meticulously laid out in numerous articles, books, YouTube videos, public lectures and episodes of Wisdom Teachings, my weekly TV show on Gaia.

Perhaps the single most important reference source is our free book Financial Tyranny, now with well over 2.4 million unique views at the time of this writing.

I am only one of millions of people investigating this subject to varying degrees, reaching conclusions not yet considered "accepted" by the mainstream.

If there is a way we can use this tragedy to help free ourselves, so more people haven't simply died in vain, that is a cause worth fighting for.

You may have a hard time reading this as it goes on. Some of the information could be very triggering, though I will not show any gory photos.

I encourage you to stick with it, as if you were watching a spy thriller. This data might be a key ingredient in helping to make our world a better place.


The JFK assassination in 1963 was almost certainly not the work of a "lone gunman."

9/11 was almost certainly not just "Arabs with Box Cutters."

Thanks to the Internet, there are very few people left who subsist themselves only on a diet of "approved" corporate news stories, which can be ridiculous to an extreme.

Four days ago, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who wrote for the NY Times from 1990 to 2005 revealed that the elite corporate media has "no credibility left."

This interview was rightfully flagged as being of extreme importance by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Here is just a taste of what the ex-NYT journalist Chris Hedges reveals -- which includes corporate penetration of universities and scientific research itself:
10/6: The Elites Have No Credibility Left

On Monday, WSWS... interviewed Chris Hedges, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author, lecturer and former New York Times correspondent….

DN: Chris, you worked for the New York Times. When was that, exactly?

CH: From 1990 to 2005….

Since the Times, like all elite institutions, is a hermetically sealed echo chamber, they do not realize how irrelevant they are becoming, or how ridiculous they look.

Thomas Friedman and David Brooks might as well write for the Onion.

I worked overseas. I wasn’t in the newsroom very much, but the paper is a very anxiety-ridden place.

The rules aren’t written on the walls, but everyone knows, even if they do not articulate it, the paper’s unofficial motto:

Do not significantly alienate those upon whom we depend for money and access!....

CH: The commercial broadcast networks, and that includes CNN and MSNBC, are not in the business of journalism. They hardly do any.

Their celebrity correspondents are courtiers to the elite. They speculate about and amplify court gossip, which is all the accusations about Russia, and they repeat what they are told to repeat.

They sacrifice journalism and truth for ratings and profit….

They have no credibility left. The scam has been found out. The global oligarchs are hated and reviled. The elite has no counterargument to our critique.

So they can’t afford to have us around.

As the power elite becomes more frightened, they’re going to use harsher forms of control, including the blunt instrument of censorship and violence.


For the rest of Vegas Terror and Disclosure: Is Something Very Big About to Happen?. Click Here

Also Included.....
Part Two: The Secret Space Program and the Cabal
Part Three: Signs of a Cover-Up
Part Four: Insiders Suggest Imminent Exposure of Cabal

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