
Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Repressed Disclosures and Coordinated Communications

Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Cosmic Disclosure:
Viewer Questions 12
Repressed Disclosures and Coordinated Communications

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode, and in this episode, we are taking your questions and hearing what Corey has to say for the answers. Corey, Welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: Let's hit the ground running here:

|“Perhaps this will be more of a reminder, but if there are negatively-oriented factions of entities on this planet who are slowing or delaying our Ascension Process, what can we do to combat this or break through these barriers?”

Corey: Well, usually, what they're doing to hold back the Ascension Process is holding things back for you on a personal level.

Usually we scream out, you know, we're being persecuted or attacked. Or if we look deep, we usually find out that we're doing it to ourselves.

So I would say the answer to that question is, focus on yourself. Focus on working on all of those things inside that you've tried to hide from.

And as you begin to work more on yourself, then you're definitely changing the world one person at a time, but people watch what you are doing with your own self-work, and it is a good example for them as well.

David: Next question:

|“It appears as if there are some delaying tactics going on, possibly from either side of the disclosure discussion, regarding Antarctica and our true history. Is it known what is going on behind the scenes and why we seem to be taking a leap forward in information, but then everything goes silent once again?”

Corey: Well, you have to understand that they're not just going to drop the Antarctica information or the information about the Antarctic civilization under the ice.

They're not just going to drop the information about ruins found under the oceans very deep.

It's going to . . . They're going to have to have . . . There's going to be a catalyst for them to drop it, and mostly likely, that'll be some sort of movement against The-Powers-That-Be in the government.

That'll be a time for them to use a grand distraction method.

David: “A weapon of mass distraction.”

Corey: A weapon of mass distraction, yes.

David: So do you think that the Antarctic information is going to roll forward, but that it's more like their final get-out-of-jail-free card?

Corey: That's the plan, yes. They're going to release that information when they have to. And releasing the information during a time of chaos for them they hope will be a springboard for a more orderly future for the planet through their rule.

David: Next question:

|“What do you recommend as an appropriate way to hand off the message of the Blue Avians' Law of One Sphere Being Alliance to the next generation? I have two children, ages seven and nine, who are very inquisitive. I raised them to be open-minded about humanity and spirituality, and of course, they are very much impacted by what I talk about and watch on TV,” which I guess is us.

Corey: I would say just sticking to the basics with that young of a generation of teaching them to be service-to-others. Teaching them that being service-to-others doesn't mean that you let others run all over you. And to keep focusing on . . . I guess they don't have a whole lot of inner work to do at that period, but if you can focus on being service-to-others, they're not going to have all of the issues to deal with that we do.

David: “Do you have any intel on the people who allegedly live under Mt. Shasta in Telos, which they call the city?”

Corey: I was recently at Mt. Shasta. And no, I did not receive any communication from them. I do not know if one of the groups I saw represented in my first visit to Inner Earth is this group. I just don't know.

I have . . . I know that there is an Inner Earth group in that area, but I have no direct information of them.

David: Okay. Next question:

|“My question is this: The 20-and-Back Program, why do they go through such great measures to use and abuse folks for 20 years, and then age and time-regress them, in Corey's case, doing it multiple times? It doesn't make sense to me. It seems very elaborate. Why wouldn't they just use the subjects and then terminate them and then recruit new ones?”

Corey: The technology for the 20-and-Back was given to us by – I believe it was the Nordics. And this is something that has been used on other planets.

It all has to do with cosmic law and how the benevolent beings know how to skirt it in certain ways – the law.

If they were constantly taking us off planet, using us for a 20-year tour, or however long, and then just killing us off, that is going to cause a major karmic backlash to the Secret Space Program, which doesn't need that when it's trying to fight all of these different negative groups.

So the last thing you want to do when you're in a war is shoot yourself in the foot, karmically.

David: Well, and it would be a lot more work to train new people all the time, wouldn't it?

Corey: True. Yes. And most of the 20-and-Back . . . Almost all of the 20-and-Back subjects are military. They've been military trained, conditioned. They're brought into the 20-and-Back, and then they're re-inserted right back into their service where they were taken.

And many times, they're used through one, two, or even three 20-and-Backs. But it's been found that a lot of subjects do not make it all the way through the third 20-and-back. They start having a lot of neurological issues.

David: When you say “do not make it”, what does that mean?

Corey: They do not complete the 20 years.

David: They die, or they . . .?

Corey: No, they're either sent back early or they're put into a different position like training . . . training other subjects.

David: But not in the Space Program? They'd be brought back . . .

Corey: They're no longer . . . Right, they're no longer active out in the Space Program.

David: Interesting.

Corey: They're brought back to do training and debriefing for training. That kind of thing.

David: So three tours seems to be the limit of how much you can push this.

Corey: It is. The human physiology just does not hold up.

You know, people think, “Well, you're being taken back in time. You're being age-regressed. Your body is regressing back from any damage that would have happened.”

But your body retains a memory of different traumas to it, and the trauma, the neurological traumas that you have from the technologies that you're exposed to, they begin to pop up again later on in life.

David: Theoretically, if you took a tattoo when you were in the Space Program, and then the age regression process, the way it works, would the tattoo still be visible when you were age-regressed?

Corey: No, you're not allowed to get tattoos.

David: Ah.

Corey: But let's say if I had a scar from a very traumatic incident, it was fixed, and even the scar was covered up while I was on the 20-and-Back. After you're regressed, when you're “back in the world”, as they say, then this . . . you can start getting a ghost scar in the same area.

David: Interesting. That makes sense. Okay, next question. This is kind of interesting:

|“If we have a supergate outside our solar system, and the Cabal are trying to get use of it for their own access, wouldn't that access be cut off by the outer barrier that the Spheres have now created?”

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Viewer Questions 12 Repressed Disclosures and Coordinated Communications Click Here

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