
Friday, November 17, 2017

Update on Sheldan Nidle's Recovery and Mini Galactic Federation Update

Update on Sheldan's Recovery and Mini
Galactic Federation Update

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . .


hospital! Yippee!

Sheldan came home on Thursday, November 9. Now that he is home and eating Colleenie's food, he is recuperating and sleeping well (which he did not do at the hospital) at lightening speed. We still have a journey ahead of us and we are learning so much about ourselves, our relationship and our mission.

Last night I asked Shel if the Galactics had a short message for me to post. Instantly he started dictating a mini-update. Whoa, I can't write that fast ~ lol! Next time I will record it. Sheldan is full of so much knowledge, I should start recording him more often for the tidbits of history that I find fascinating. He sure knows how to connect the dots. At this time, we are anticipating Sheldan's weekly updates to resume by Christmas (hopefully sooner). Webinars? We are not sure but we are intending for January. What a great way to start the new year!

In the meantime, we are offering a new WEBINAR BUNDLE. This Bundle includes 3 webinars dedicated to our Ascension ~ especially interesting is "Battling Dimensional Fatigue". Everyday we receive letters from our community asking about the latest ascension symptoms. The ever-increasing energies continue to affect our bodies ~~ physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

By purchasing this bundle, you support PAO during this challenging time. From the fullness of our hearts, we thank you.

Selamat Ja!


The Best Of PAO's Webinars Number 3

In this bundle you will discover everything you need to know about ascension.

For a limited time, PAO will be offering three of our best ever Webinar archives.

To purchase 3 single Webinar archives would normally cost you $41.85.

For $24.95 you will receive a bundle of 3 Webinars - a 40% SAVINGS.

This bundle includes:

Webinar 86: Stepping into Ascension
Webinar 53: Ascension
Webinar 35: Battling Dimesional Fatigue

To order your Best Of Webinar Bundle number 3: Click Here


MINI UPDATE from the
Galactic Federation of Light

Selamat Balik...Welcome

Update November 16

Selamat Balik. Welcome to a brief update from Sheldan Nidle and the Galactic Federation.

We are on the brink of a prolonged dark era that has held us back for far too long. That obstacle is about to be transformed. Hang tight, as many Truths are being readied for disclosure. Much is happening behind the scenes that will smooth the way for an easy NESARA/GESARA transition. Countless wealth and Heaven's supply are anticipated to be released.

Your quiet, non-violent revolution unfolds before your very eyes. The spiral of Heaven's Light is rotating toward its final destination - your ascension to the 5th dimension.

The Ascended Ones are preparing to manifest and assist with your effortless transition to a more loving, peaceful and cooperative society.

As evidenced in your media, arrests are now taking place. You are living in constantly changing times. Like a willow tree, you are being asked to bend with the winds of change.

Use your affirmations. We are proud of the spiritual energies that you collectively are infusing into your reality. Look deep into your hearts and know that great changes are ever looming on your horizon.

In this Light, always remember that the never-ending and countless supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!)

Visit PAO ~ click here


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