
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Pentagon Hid German Secret Space Program Link to Alien Contact Cases

By Dr. Michael Salla

Pentagon Hid German Secret Space
Program Link to Alien Contact Cases

It was found in part 2 of this series that George Adamski was very likely ordered by the Pentagon to withhold important elements of his alleged 1952 extraterrestrial contact that suggested the existence of a German Secret Space Program in Antarctica. Understanding why Adamski would have been ordered to do this, requires understanding events that occurred over five years earlier in Antarctica.

In the Southern Hemisphere summer of 1946/1947 Admiral Richard Byrd led a large Naval task force to Antarctica during Operation Highjump with secret orders to flush out any Nazis that had established secret bases in the frozen continent. This was not the first time Byrd had been given secret orders to flush out Nazis hidden in Antarctica.

Seven years earlier, in mid-1939 Byrd had been commanded by President Franklin Roosevelt to lead a Naval expedition to Antarctica to determine whether Nazi bases in Antarctica violated the Monroe Doctrine. The New York Times reported on July 7, 1939:
President Roosevelt moved today to prevent possible extension of Germany’s claims to Antarctic areas into the Western Hemisphere by directing Real Admiral Richard E. Byrd to leave in October to territory within the sphere of influence of the Monroe Doctrine … it [is] apparent that this government was prepared to take the position, if necessary, that any attempts by foreign powers to establish bases west of the 180th meridian in the Antarctic would be considered an unfriendly act …
Byrd’s 1939/1940 expedition did not succeed in finding the German Antarctic bases, which were well hidden under the ice sheets.

Years later, during the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials, Admiral Donitz repeated his earlier wartime claims of having have used Germany’s submarine fleet to build “an invulnerable fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice.”

After the premature ending of Operation Highjump in February 1947, Byrd gave an interview in Chile on March 5 while traveling back to the U.S. where he spoke of an enemy that could fly from the South Pole region to attack the US:
Admiral Richard E Byrd warned today of the necessity for the United States to adopt protective measures against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile aircraft proceeding from the polar regions. The admiral said: ‘I do not want to scare anybody but the bitter reality is that in the event of a new war, the United States will be attacked by aircraft flying in from over one or both poles.’ ,
he overall context of Byrd’s interview suggested that the Germans had successfully weaponized their flying saucer craft and other advanced aerial vehicles to the extent that nothing possessed by the US Navy could match these in performance, weapons and rangef.

Indeed, only a few months after Byrd’s interview, the Kenneth Arnold UFO incident occurred in June 1947, where he witnessed fleets of flying wing shaped craft over the Cascade mountains of Oregon and Washington State.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links, videos, and images
Click Here

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