
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Clones and Programmable Life Forms

Emery Smith and David Wilcock

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Clones and Programmable Life Forms

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with Emery Smith. Emery, welcome back to the show. Emery Smith: Thanks for having me, David: Great to be here.

David: When you first encountered a partial body, by that point, you said you had seen some arms and hands. Had you seen other limbs besides arms or hands?

Emery: No.

Yes, Yes, I saw pieces of like, a face, pieces . . .

David: Oh, really?

Emery: . . . of skin, maybe small fingers. It looked like some sort of appendages, some like, phalanges, maybe toes, feet, parts of, like, legs, very small parts though, cross-section parts, that were cut in a way that you would have to have a very special instrument to, you know, transect these particles of these tissues.

David: Hm.

Emery: The tissue particles I got were always cut in very specific ways. So when we got these tissues, we'd just, you know, of course, start right into, you know, we always had a job what we were going to do with this piece of tissue.

And then later came full bodies and torsos, maybe with or without a head, or a full arm, or other things, even genitalia – all sorts of different things. Yeah.

David: Now, did you have any particularly different surgical equipment? Like did you use a normal scalpel, or was there something unusual about that?

Emery: Yeah, there was normal surgical equipment that we'd normally use, but there was also other devices they had that were more advanced than the stuff that we had at that time.

There were more high-powered lasers and electrocautery devices that we'd normally use in surgery, but on a different level, using different types, I think, of frequencies.

There was one, also, it was like a sonic knife. And later on, that knife did come out to the civilian usage. But I was not familiar with that in modern civilian usage. And when I say “civilian”, also I mean “military” - just normal military hospitals were not using harmonic scalpels at that point.

And my first use of a harmonic scalpel was actually in that program.

David: All right. I want to ask you a question that we might think is dumb, but some people will take very seriously.

Emery: Sure.

David: You're handling exobiology.

Emery: Right.

David: And there's a lot of people out there that think that there are shapeshifting biological beings that can instantly morph from one form to another.

Some people have said that they think the world's elite are shapeshifting Reptilians.

Emery: That's right.

David: Did you encounter any shapeshifting biological matter?

Emery: I think I did. These transdimensional beings, when they get to that level, they are actually a level of consciousness that's beyond . . . like billions of years from now. They get to that light body form, and you can be whatever you want and go to any dimension to help out and do whatever.

But I believe that one of them died here in a 3D shape that . . . how we found him was kind of like a translucent blob, like a jellyfish, but longer. And I think, since it had light with it, I think it might have been one of these very higher-dimensional beings that was, maybe, in the mode of shifting.

Or maybe they had some way of capturing this type of energetic form. Like, you know, somehow encapsulating it, and then bringing it in.

It did give off light, but it didn't give off any type of frequency that we could pick up.

David: So it was approximately like an oval, like a human-type of shape, but just in a very general sense?

Emery: Yeah,it kind of looked like a cookie cutter – like you make those cookie-cutter doughboys at Christmas – but very bulbous, and round, and very liquidy.

David: How tall was it?

Emery: The one I was on was about 6' tall.

David: Okay.

Emery: Yeah.

David: But did it have any differentiated features that you could identify with the autopsy?

Emery: That was the problem. Those pieces of equipment they gave me to utilize to take the specimens did not work, because the tissue was fluid.

David: Oh.

Emery: So we were just using syringes, basic syringes, and needles, and special suction devices. And we were sucking just very small amounts of different parts of the body.

And I don't know where this being . . . that was my own conclusion, by the way. I don't know where this being came from, or how it even got there.

Later on, I learned more about extraterrestrials, and that's how I put two and two together.

And, of course,you know, transdimensional travel with extraterrestrials, and how they do it, and so forth.

David: So I would assume this had some sort of thicker membrane to hold the fluid in.

Emery: Yeah, it did. I was about a centimeter thick. And it reminded me of a very think Jell-O. And when you cut it, it had a glow to it – when you cut it.

David: Inside?

Emery: Yeah, kind of like a cyalume light stick glow.

David: Wow!

Emery: Yeah. And then it would just go away. And then that's when they said, “No more cutting. Start using needles and suction,” - very, very sharp suction devices we have that are very, very small, like 30-gauge suction devices, like 30-gauge-needle-type suction devices. And we were taking VERY small amounts of different parts of the body.

David: What would you say the viscosity of the liquid was inside? Was it like water, or was it more like a thick syrup, or . . .

Emery: Yeah, it was like a clear maple syrup.

David: Okay.

Emery: Yes. And there was parts inside that you could see that were giving off light – pink and purple and yellow.

But it looked like they had shapes, because this is a translucent being, but it's like you're looking into a clear Jell-O. So it's distorted – what that was.

But they would not let us take any samples of the colored liquid.

David: Wow!

Emery: Maybe someone else did, because it was so compartmentalized.

A lot of beings . . . A lot of different technicians had different things they did. And I wasn't that advanced at that time. So I did very simple things.

David: I think probably one of the hardest things for people watching this is going to be, “Come on, man!”

Emery: Yeah.

David: “You didn't try to ask anybody a question about what these things are, or where they came from?”

Emery: No, no. I signed a very big briefing document, and I knew what I was kind of getting into. I thought I was going to be actually doing just cadaver work on soldiers, but it wasn't.

When I got in there, it started escalating. And then I knew how serious it was.

And I have also heard of stories, whether they were true or not, of people talking after hours and things. And, you know, they'd go missing really quickly.

David: Wow!

Emery: So it was a very high turnover rate for technicians there, for clinical specialists, that were doing this type of work.

So I was really good at keeping secrets and keeping my mouth shut. And it got me really far. It was frustrating to a point, but I was so intrigued, and it was so, you know . . . I was just so enthralled with it.

I actually kind of got obsessed with going to work and wanting to know more and more and more, because I was coming up with my own conclusions.

And then I just started studying it on my own, which, there was really nothing out there at that time for that kind of extreme . . .

David: Did they monitor your usage of like a library card or Internet or . . .

Emery: Everything that I had was completely under full surveillance, 24/7. That was part of the deal, too.

And anyone that was with me would always be . . . not . . . they wouldn't TELL them, but anyone, my friends or anything. So it was hard to have friends and relationships.

Even up to this day, it's very hard for me to have anyone close to me, because I'm afraid for them to . . . you know, something would happen to them, because I've basically lost everyone so far.

David: That's right. And very soon after you lost all your stuff is when the brakes went out on my car.

Emery: That's right.

David: So.

Emery: I remember that.

David: All right. One of the things that I think we should cover here is the awesome size of the facility that you were working in, because we kind of got into that with the colored lines before.

Emery: Oh, right.

David: But if you personally are saying that you . . . Well, again, tell us how many different unique species did you appear to have seen?

Emery: Well, I'll say “specimens”, because I count my specimens as a species. Whether it was a real extraterrestrial, or it was something grown in a lab, or if it was just a disinformation piece of tissue they would throw out every now and then to technicians, which is very common in case something happens, so you won't be credible.

David: Right.

Emery: And so I would say a little bit over 3,000. And don't forget, you could do up to 10 to 20 examinations in one day if you were just doing very small harvesting biopsies of small tissue, just for DNA alone.

David: Oh, wow.

Emery: And then you might have one that would last you a week of analyzing, and collecting specimens, and giving reports to specific individuals.

And sometimes there would be more than one person that would come in and observe you, and say, “No, do this,” or “Do that,” instead of using the speaker phone head system for some reason. I don't know.

David: What would be the first thing that you would see when you pick up your folder?

Emery: It basically had basic stuff on it, like time, date, your room, you know, a “Red 12”, what they want you to exactly transect: “Just pull out the nerve,” “Just pull out the muscle,” “Just take this amount of tissue,” “Just draw up this amount of cc's of this liquid from this part of the body”.

It was very definitive of exactly what you were going to do.

And time was . . . They were really big on time and performance. So you would go in there, and you would not know what your second one would be on that pad. So you wouldn't know until you completed your first one.

David: So you might only have, let's say, 60 minutes to work on one cadaver?

Emery: They don't give you time.

David: Oh.

Emery: You do what you do. But the faster that you do these things, and the more proficient that you are at it, they like you. You know, of course, I'm moving more samples than anyone else.

So . . . And I was used to harvesting human tissue, anyway, with harvest transplants and stuff. So it was very easy for me to fall into this category and do these procedures.

David: Did they tell you what surgical instruments to use? Did they have that much of a protocol, or did you have some freedom?

Emery: Well, I pretty much have access to anything. There was a few times I went on the intercom and said, you know, “Hey, I need this.” “I need a number 11 blade,” or “I need a rongeur of this size.” It depends what it was.

But most everything is in that room that you could get from the wall. And if not, they would put it through, and you would get it, like, immediately, within a couple of minutes.

David: In the late 1990s, this alleged alien autopsy film came out – the Santilli autopsy film. I assume you've seen that.

Emery: I've heard about it. I didn't follow much up on it. I remember at the time, I did review it. Yeah.

David: Now one of the weird things about that film is that the . . . and there's debate to this day, and mythology, as to whether it's real or whether it was a very skillful fraud, but one of the weird things is that they peel this black thing off the eye, . . .

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Clones and Programmable Life Forms Click Here

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