
Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Technologies of the Secret Base

Cosmic Disclosure:
David Wilcock and Emery Smith-
Technologies of the Secret Base

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with our special guest, Emery Smith. And Emery has some absolutely stunning information, and he has taken great risks to bring us what he's going to share today.

Emery, welcome back.

Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave. Thanks for having me. I really appreciate being here.

David: It's good.

Emery: Yeah. It's fun.

David: I'm really glad you finally decided to do this. I think it's long overdue.

Emery: I know, you've been trying to get me to do this for 10 years, but certain recent events have persuaded me maybe it's for my better safety that we do this, and also to educate the public, and people deserve to know.

I've believed that my whole life, but I know there's also a time for everything.

David: Yes. Now, it seems with a lot of the insiders I've spoken to, that once we dig into their life before the military, that there was something going on before they ever even went in.

And I'm curious: have you had unusual experiences prior to military service that you think may be relevant to share with us today?

Emery: Absolutely. It's personal, but I can tell you right off hand that my grandfather was in the Army, and my father was in the Navy, but when I was born, he was already out of the Navy. And I always wanted to be in the military.

I think I had my first extraterrestrial visit in 1979.

David: Hm.

Emery: And it was at our five acre farm in Fort Myers, Florida. And that was the first contact I ever had, and it was a very pleasant contact. I'll never forget it.

I was not contacted after until 19 . . . between . . . around 1999, '98, where it was like a complete landing and . . . That one was a little bit startling because I was camping out and wasn't ready for it, because it startled me at night because I had just laid down, and I heard some footsteps walking up.

So that turned out . . . That was like the two experiences. The other one's after the military, by the way, but it was just a little bit shocking. But the first one was when I was very young.

But after that, I was obsessed with, of course, laying under the stars. I probably slept more outside of my house than I did inside the house, gazing up at the stars.

David: Could you tell us a little more about the contact in Fort Myers, Florida? Was there a craft that you saw that landed and then what happened? Describe the craft. Describe exactly what happened.

Emery: Exactly what happened was, I had laid down to go to sleep in my sleeping bag, and when I looked up, . . .

David: You were outdoors?

Emery: I was outdoors. Yeah.

David: Okay.

Emery: We had a big farm out there.

David: Okay.

Emery: . . . in the middle of the field. In the middle . . . You know, there's nothing around.

And, you know, a flaming disk comes very . . . a 45° angle. It just comes right out of the sky but moving VERY slow, but red hot.

ou could see the orange glow.

David: How large was it?

Emery: Well, from where I was at, and it was probably at least 2,000, maybe 1,000 meters away, and I saw it go into the woods. And I heard it. And I said, “Oh, it was probably just a meteor.” And wow, it was like the most brilliant meteorite I'd ever seen. But I also noticed that it had a very odd shape.

So I just didn't think anything of it. And it actually landed closer than I thought: in the neighbors, just a couple acres over, 5 or 10 acres over, in their swamp.

And one of the extraterrestrials came out and walked over. And I was next to a barbed-wire fence – you know, the one you keep cows in with, four lines, sometimes five if they're big.

David: Right.

Emery: I used to put up fences. You know, these little hooks that you put that barbed-wire fence . . . you know, but that nail to hold the barbed-wire fence against the pole, right, that little hook?

David: Uh-hm.

Emery: So some of them were kinda loosened, you know. And I laid out a tarp all the time. And then I put my sleeping bag on the tarp.

So I laid down, and I'm in the bag, and I always . . . you know, being who I am, tactical Emery, I always have my gun with me. I did have my gun with me in my sleeping bag. And I was in a mummy sleeping bag, and it was very cold.

And I heard a, “Ugu, ugh”, like someone jumping the fence – just as if I would climb the fence. And as the fence gets pushed down, it goes to the metal in the hooks . . .

David: Right.

Emery: It's like, “Ur, ur, ur,” and then “bump, bump” on the ground. And I'm like, “Okay. All right. Skunk ape, bear . . .”

David: Ha, ha, ha.

Emery: “. . . panther?” Ha, ha.

David: Ha, ha, ha.

Emery: And I'm just like, “Oh, right now?” Immediately, I'm listening to the footsteps. And I'm very attuned to that kind of stuff.

David: Sure.

Emery: I felt a little like uneasy. So I know, maybe it was just me, or maybe it was this being. So I immediately just grabbed my zipper, and I already had my gun in my hand, and I unzipped, and with my gun and flashlight just stood up, and there was a three-foot being right there looking at me.

David: What did it look like?

Emery: It was blue-gray, and it had big blue eyes. And it had a little thing on it's head like you see in the movies, like we see in cartoon characters.

David: Like an antenna?

Emery: Yeah, a little like an antenna.

David: When you say it had blue eyes . . . So we're not talking about a Grey?

Emery: No. No. It was very scrawny, and it was blue. And it . . .

David: Like what color blue? Like your shirt?

Emery: Yes. It was this kind of blue. And with the light on it, and me, I'm still stuck in my sleeping bag, and it looked at me, and I think the light really hurt its eyes.

It got like, “What, huh, oh! This is not going down right.” Or, “Huh, oh, I just crashed my craft. I'm just looking for the nearest help or assistance.”

So it's embarrassing to say, but I jumped up out of the sleeping bag, and I chased . . . because I see him walking . . . going [showing running with small legs] . . . and I'm chasing him, and he goes into this thicket.

And I'm not, you know, like chasing him to kill him. I'm just like, “Come back! Come back!”

David: Ha, ha, ha.

Emery: I'm chasing this thing, and he goes right through this thicket. It was so thick there's no way I could . . . I tried to go in there and got all cut up by the vines.

David: Oh!

Emery: And then I hear, “Ur-ree, ur-ree.” And I look next . . . the fence is right next to me. And it gets really tight. Like he's over there jumping the fence again, heading back . . .

David: Oh!

Emery: . . . to that area. So I was full of adrenaline. And, of course, it was really late at night anyway. But I did, I took a little hike in that area to that direction, but I couldn't see anything else.

So there was nothing exchanged on that. It was just a . . . I think we both startled each other. And that's what happened.

David: How human-like would the face appear for a regular person? Would it look like a regular person from Earth with blue skin? Or was there something different about the face?

Emery: Yeah, the face was fuller and more oval, like a bubble.

David: Okay.

Emery: Like if you have a bubble and you just barely . . . If you get one of those plastic balls and you go like this [squeeze the ball with open hands].

But it had features. It had holes in its sides [of the head], not ear lobes but holes. And it was aware, more than 100% aware, and very agile.

David: Were the eyes larger than a regular human on Earth?

Emery: Yes, absolutely.

David: Like how much?

Emery: By at least three times.

David: Wow!

Emery: Yes, it was more eye . . . Like the eye and the top of the cranium, it was larger.

David: But you said the eyes were blue.

Emery: Blue. Blue eyes.

David: So it didn't have the black like you see with a Grey?

Emery: No. When I say blue, you didn't have white. It was blue eyes. I didn't see any pupils. But it could have been it's protective layers. They have these lenses, a lot of the extraterrestrials, they wear over their eyes.

David: It was a solid-color blue?

Emery: Yes.

David: Really?

Emery: Yes.

David: And did it have a nose, or just . . .

Emery: Yes, it had a nose – very small.

David: Very small. And a small mouth?

Emery: Very small mouth. Yeah.

David: Okay.

Emery: And it was very, like, cartoonical. Like, “No way!” It was very comical in a way.

David: And how old were you at the time?

Emery: I was probably . . . ah, '98, I was 28.

David: All right. Well, let's go back to the first one, because this could be very relevant as we get into your military history.

Emery: Sure.

David: What happened in the first event? Let's go through that step by step.

Emery: Okay. I had other multiple events after that, but I didn't understand what it was. I would always do a lot of sleepwalking when I was younger. And I was always outside in a hypnagogic state, but I was very aware, because I would always come back and mom and dad would see my feet were dirty every morning . . .

David: Right.

Emery: . . . and I'd have no idea . . . Many times they caught me just heading out or heading in.

David: Right.

Emery: And I never injured myself or anything like that.

On this particular evening, and it was not very late, I just was told to go outside telepathically.

David: How old were you?

Emery: I was in second grade, so it was probably around '79.

David: Okay. So you got the impulse to go outside.

Emery: Yeah . . .

David: But this had been happening to you before then?

Emery: No, this was the first.

David: Oh, this was the first time.

Emery: This was the first time that anything like that happened.

David: Okay.

Emery: And then after that, it started happening all the time, I mean just going out, but not knowing why “I'm out here,” and seeing lights and stuff.

And so I said, “Okay.” So I went outside in the driveway. We had a lake, and I went up to the dock, and I just looked up, and there was this beautiful blue craft. And it was just silent.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Technologies of the Secret Base
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