
Sunday, January 07, 2018

Dr Steven Greer: We did go to the Moon but the Footage was Fake (video)

By Arjun Walia

Dr Steven Greer: We did go to the Moon
but the Footage was Fake

There is no shortage of conspiracy theory lore when it comes to the moon and contemplating what really happened on the moon. As we’ve witnessed within the past few years alone, not all that we are told is actually true. Whether it’s information that a select few deem too mind-altering for the human race to handle, or information that threatens big corporate and/or the financial interests of the powerful “1 percent”, it’s no secret that our world is currently drenched, and has been drenched in tremendous amounts of secrecy. This fact became even more known when NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden released official documentation of clandestine black budget operations.

Black budget programs haven’t been investigated much, but those who have investigated it have uncovered some startling facts. Former Canadian defence minister, Paul Hellyer, said it best:
“It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects with both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about.”
We really should have listened to president Eisenhower when he warned us about the military industrial complex, and the potential for a rise of “misplaced power” and how it exists and will persist. Right after him, President Kennedy warned humanity “that an announced need for an increase in security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment.” Stating that this is something he does “not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.”

Who is in control of this shadowy world? Perhaps it’s, as president Rosevelt referred to, the “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

Senator Daniel K. Inouye once referred to it as the “shadowy government” that has “its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

Today, all of this secrecy is locked up in “Black Budget Special Access Programs” as well as “unacknowledged black budget special access programs.” We previously published an article going in depth into these programs. It’s a heavily sourced article that provides a good overview into our world of secrecy, linked below:

These programs, admittedly from a 1997 senate report linked below, have absolutely no oversight from congress.

The Black Budget: This is What The Secret Government Doesn’t Want You To Know

The point is, not all that goes on behind the scenes is told to the public, and this is becoming way more evident, and will continue to do so as we move through 2018 and beyond. Secrecy is a problem, but truth always comes out. Paradigm shifts are big moments in human history, and we still have plenty of “the Earth is not flat” moments on the way.

Related CE Article:

Invention Secrecy At An All Time High – Thousands of Patent Applications Placed Under Secrecy Orders

The Moon

“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” – Retired Army Veteran Robert Dean (source)

A big part of government secrecy deals with space, and what’s happening in outer space. This became even more evident at the end of 2017, when the Pentagon, for the first time ever, released an official video of Navy pilots tracking a UFO (articles linked below). Keep in mind, military encounters with UFOs is nothing new, as over the past few years millions of pages of documents have been released by multiple governments and intelligence agencies detailing encounters with technologically advanced objects that can perform maneuvers no known air-craft can, as well as defy the laws of physics.

Whatever they are, it’s clearly something we shouldn’t be ignoring.

Related CE Article:

Shoot First & Ask Questions Later – What Happens When A UFO Is Tracked On Military Radar

This is exactly what the Pentagon UFO did, you can watch the video and read more about it in the articles linked below:

US Navy Pilot Who Flew Close To UFO Discloses A Technology That’s “Not From This World.”

US Department of Defense Releases Video of a UFO Rotating In Mid-Air For The Very First Time

High Ranking US Government Official Blows Whistle on UFOs a Week After Leaving The Pentagon

The UFO topic is actually filled with an overwhelming amount of evidence. We know something is going on, but nobody can really say for certain what exactly is going on. To read our archived articles about the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, you can refer to the exopolitics section of our website here, where we’ve documented some of that evidence.

When it comes to the moon, there is no shortage of interesting information available, just as there was for the topic of UFOs before their official disclosure.

Related CE Article:

It’s Official We Know That UFOs or UAP are Real, So Are They Extraterrestrial or Not?

What I mean by that is, before we had the documents and evidence of video footage as well as radar tracking, we had witness testimony. Not just any witness testimony, but testimony from some of the highest ranking military personnel in the world, of all ranks. This also included similar people within the realms of politics, aerospace, academia and more. From a scientific standpoint, this was not really considered credible, but that’s ridiculous given the fact that there are hundreds, furthermore, we’re talking about extremely credible people who have been in the position to “know,” from Generals, to defence ministers, to astronauts, to directors of corporations like Lockheed Martin and Bigelow Aerospace, and more.

In 2011, Dr. Jacques Valle, codeveloped the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA among others things, gave quite the speech at the Global Competitiveness Forum regarding the physical evidence that’s been made available to scientists. You can watch that here.

Related CE Articles:

Founder of Aerospace Giant, The Bigelow Corporation, Confirms That Extraterrestrials Are Visiting Earth

Another Director For Lockheed Skunkworks Mentions A Craft That Can Warp Both Space & Time

2nd Director of Lockheed Skunkworks Shocking Comments About UFO Technology

The point is, we have the same with regards to the Moon.

Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the The Disclosure Project, and the main brain behind the hit documentary, “Unacknowledged.” He is the man who created the platform for these whistleblowers, with verified credentials, to speak up. They came forward years ago, at the National Press Club.

It’s interesting how the US government recently gravitated towards Tom Delonge and To The Stars to let people know that UFOs are real, and some of them are probably extraterrestrial, instead of someone like Dr. Greer, who has been doing this type of work for a long time.

The main point of the recent US governments disclosure of UFOs seems to be emphasizing the “threat” that they propose. Perhaps this is why they didn’t want to go with Greer, because he’s been creating awareness about how the US government wants to use the UFO subject as they do with others, like terrorism, to create a “false flag” event.

He’s even had high level meetings within the Pentagon, which was confirmed by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, in Greer’s documentary “Unacknowledged.”

We covered the topic of a false flag alien invasion in a previous article, for more details you can refer to it below:

Is A False Flag Alien Invasion In The Works? Wernher Von-Braun's Colleague Seems To Think So

So, What Happened On The Moon?

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell (source) (source) (source)

Who are the people who have made some strange comments about what really happened up there? There are a few Apollo astronauts, and a number of Ex-NASA personnel, reputable scientists who’ve worked within the industry, and more.

We’ve covered the moon in detail, and instead of re-typing what we’ve already provided, you can refer to the below articles for more detail. One of the articles goes into specifically what Dr. Greer mentions below. All articles provide sources to let the reader make up their own mind.

Faking The Moon Landing Isn’t The Conspiracy – It’s What Really Happened When We Got There

New Study – Unusual Structures On Far Side of the Moon Could Have Been Made By Extraterrestrials

The United States Tried To Detonate A Nuclear Weapon On The Moon – Somebody Responded When We Did

“They’re Parked On The Side of the Crater, They’re Watching Us.” – When Neil Armstrong Landed On The Moon

Classified Photos From NASA of Big Extraterrestrial Vehicles Taken By Multiple Astronauts & Robotic Probes

Thanks to: Collective-Evolution

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