
Friday, January 12, 2018

Has Extraterrestrial Manipulation Ended Making Possible 1000 Years of Human Freedom?

By Dr. Michael Salla

Has Extraterrestrial Manipulation Ended
Making Possible 1000 Years of Human Freedom?

A consortium of extraterrestrial races conducting long term genetic engineering of humanity has been told to end its historic interference according to Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode. As a result of this, and related “galactic diplomacy” developments, he says that humanity is about to embark on a thousand years of uninterrupted peaceful development as a fully autonomous member of the galactic community.

Goode has just released an extensive update with his latest experiences involving extraterrestrials, Inner Earth entities and secret space programs in a joint article written with New York Times best selling author David Wilcock. While Goode’s update may read like a science fiction space opera, his Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV interview series with Wilcock has generated hundreds of thousands of views, and a devoted following convinced of the veracity of his claims.

In my own research of Goode’s claims since March 2015, I have not found any evidence of fraud or deception. Instead there has been much circumstantial evidence supporting his claims which have been detailed in a number of articles, and more extensively in a 2015 book comprehensively examining his claims in light of such evidence along with corroborating witness testimony.

The most recent examples of circumstantial evidence concern Goode’s revelations of extensive underground facilities in the Moon where large bases had been secretly built. In 2017, scientists confirmed the existence of massive lava tubes in the Moon which could support large cities. The size of the Moon’s caverns were large enough to fit a large metropolitan city, as illustrated in the following diagram showing how Philadelphia could easily fit inside one of them.

The city of Philadelphia is shown inside a theoretical lunar lava tube. A Purdue University team of researchers explored whether lava tubes more than 1 kilometer wide could remain structurally stable on the moon. (Purdue University/courtesy of David Blair)
For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important images and links
Click Here

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