
Monday, January 01, 2018

New Year's Eve Message from James Gilliland

New Year's Eve Edition

Every new year most party late into the night, get
intoxicated by various methods, make resolutions
only to break them within the week.

We have to ask ourselves:

How is this working for us?

by James Gilliland

December 31, 2017

Are we a blessing to life?

Or are we empty - seeking outside of ourselves for
love, joy, bliss, abundance etc.

Many relationships are splitting during these times for various reasons, some couples just can’t do another year of dysfunction and the exponential increase in energies just won’t allow it.

In the macrocosm our dysfunctional relationship with society and the planet also is coming up for healing.

The uncovering, chaos, changes on every level are the symptoms of a planetary awakening.

The manifestation time between cause and effect is happening much quicker going into the days of instant karma. What took years is happening in days, what took days is happening in hours.

We have talked about Universal Law, The Quickening, and the 9th wave. This is all having a major impact on humanity and the Earth, how we flow with these energies is up to us and the choices and actions we take. Some will try to continue business as usual, live in denial, project and blame refusing to be accountable or heal their own victim patterns. They will not fare well in the days to come because the manifestation time between cause and effect is happening much quicker going into the days of instant karma. What took years is happening in days, what took days is happening in hours. Where ever you go there you are and though it might require some space to process the processing and releasing of the past cannot be avoided.

This new year I would strongly suggest finding the quite time to ask yourself, am I creating heaven on earth?

This new year I would strongly suggest finding the quite time to ask yourself, am I creating heaven on earth? Am I operating under Universal Law which in its simplest form is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. They say there are the haves and the have nots. The haves need to ask themselves how can I help the have nots and the have nots need to ask themselves what am I doing to better myself.

The Republic and the Constitution are based primarily on Universal Laws.

The separation game between the democrats and republicans is still separation. Both parties need to adapt Universal Law as first and foremost in their agendas. The Republic and the Constitution are based primarily on these Universal Laws.

The last year has shown us undeniably how far our leadership has strayed from these Universal Laws. Get behind those who want to reestablish the Republic and the Constitution as Law. The United States Inc. is not a Republic, know your history. Our country is not meant to be a corporate dictatorial democracy, it is a Republic

Are YOU one with "the force"?

I wish to use the Star Wars analogy which has a lot of truth hidden within the story. There is the Jedi with a code liken to the White Hats. There is the Galactic Federation. There is the Evil Empire with its dark lords. Both sides are infiltrated and now the line is being drawn. In the days to come you are going to see who is who and you will be shocked when the truth in made known. Almost everything is opposite.

The Deep State is aligned with CNN and other main stream medias.

The Deep State is aligned with CNN and other main stream medias. They own them and have been programming an agenda for years into the minds of the American People. Fox News and other alternative media are aligned with the White hats. One wants to continue business as usual with the extreme corruption, gross uneven dispersal of wealth, lies and deceptions claiming one thing and doing the opposite, the other is more aligned with Universal law here to free America from the death grip of the Cabal.

With one though they promise the opposite - they will take America on the downward spiral as they have in the past into social, economic and environmental collapse ending in WW3. The other will move in the opposite direction yet again remember both are infiltrated.

There will be a lot of double speak within the ranks of both sides - listen to your heart.

There will be a lot of double speak within the ranks of both sides listen to your heart. How do these people feel to you and don’t fall for the fake tears? When you realize what transpired in the past many of your icons will fall. Political Icons, Movie and Music Icons, Business Icons all will be exposed and held accountable for injustices and actions against the people. This includes sexual predators, pedophiles, even Satanic worship and child sacrifice. The truth is not for the faint of heart. We have to make truth, justice and Universal Law the American way. Side with truth and be very discerning as to who is delivering that truth.

In the new year we are all going to have to reevaluate our be-LIE-fs, where they came from and if we need to let some of them go in the light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

In the coming new year take some quite time in Nature to evaluate last year, gain the wisdom from any mistakes, forgive yourself, others and move forward.

Release the past, heal the old wounds and traumas from past experiences. Become self-aware in every moment of what you are thinking, feeling and your actions.

Ask yourself:

Am I creating Heaven on Earth?
Am I loving, compassionate, honest, in service to humanity and the Earth?
* How attached am I to being right? So, attached I cannot listen to another opinion?

In the new year we are all going to have to reevaluate our be-LIE-fs, where they came from and if we need to let some of them go in the light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

There will always be those who practice cognitive dissonance as a religion, those who cannot break the false programming, and those who due to vested interest cannot and will not change their ways. They will learn the hard way because that is what they have chosen but I can assure you it will not go their way.

The awakening and Healing of Humanity and Earth will not support or tolerate the continuation of that which is out of alignment with Universal Law.

Pass this on far and wide.

Be Well, and Happy New Year
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

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