
Saturday, January 27, 2018

UFO Hunters: Massive Alien Fleets seen by NASA Satellites Orbiting the Sun (videos)

UFO Hunters: Massive Alien Fleets seen by NASA Satellites Orbiting the Sun

According to UFO hunters, and based on numerous satellite images, massive alien fleets are flying in ‘tactical’ formation near Earth and through the inner solar system towards the sun. Some researchers have even come forward claiming that our sun may act as some sort of massive Stargate, used by super advanced alien civilizations to travel across the cosmos.

The ‘alarming’ discovery has been made by UFO hunter Streetcap1, who analysed images of the sun captured by NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Satellite.

The SOHO satellite is in fact a joint project between the European Space Agency and NASA. The observational satellite is located in halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 gravitational point an keeps an eye on our solar system’s star nonstop.

According to Streeetcap1, the alleged image captured by cameras on board SOHO show a MASSIVE alien fleet of UFO’s flying past Earth, heading towards the sun.

“I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality,” wrote the UFO hunter.

According to Streetcap1, the intimidating armada of alien spaceships appear to be travelling in a regular and highly ordered group of formations, which are indicative of a highly organized military fleet.

“They are flying in small group formation which might suggest military craft,” Streetcap1 explains. “I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality.

UFO Hunter Scot Warring from UFO sightings daily commented on the images:

“This UFO fleet was caught by Streetcap1 of YouTube. It is an awesome find,” he writes in the latest update to his blog UFO Sightings Daily.

“I have seen thousands of SOHO sun photos, but never one like this,” he continues. “Here we see fleets of ships in groups of two, three and even four. This is a fleet, which is not a good sign.” “For a fleet this size to be passing Earth, something big is about to happen,” Waring writes. “Yes, you can bet money that they know we are here, but they are so technologically advanced that we are not threat to them. Thus, they ignore us. We see 60-80 ships here that the SOHO image caught. Many more it didn’t catch.”

The debate continued on YouTube among hundreds of users who left their comments on the video.

“It’s like a space battle..”

“Incredible; but why…?


“But they are huge how do you explain [this].”

In the distant past, numerous weird objects have been spotted near the sun, visible on SOHO satellite images.

While UFO hunters are convinced these are interstellar starships from elsewhere in the universe, skeptics argue that we are looking at malfunctions in the images. Processing errors and dead pixels present ni some of the images.

UFO hunters, however, do not agree.

In the past, researchers have wondered about the numerous anomalies present near the sun and have ventured out to ask whether it is possible that our sun is a massive Stargate.

This video below by Nassim Haramein supports the idea that the sun acts as a massive portal or Stargate.

Thanks to: Ancient Code

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